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Signed Up April 22, 2020
Last Posted March 21, 2025 at 8:36 PM
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#2 any geoguessr players? in Off Topic

I would like to get into it.

posted 3 days ago
#11 RGL S17 Main Happenings/Discussion in TF2 General Discussion
hobophobiccityplannermain happenings so uneventful you almost wish someone were cheating

yall don't got enough hate in yall hearts.

posted 4 weeks ago
#11 can we ban this guy in TF2 General Discussion

bro folded immediately

do not trust his ass with any secrets

posted 1 month ago
#5 Luka Doncic to Lakers trade in Off Topic

Bro this is the Knicks Minnesota Trade

posted 1 month ago
#80 TL Harbors Pedophiles in TF2 General Discussion
RendoasWhatever the fuck that text was

Do better.

posted 1 month ago
#11 Yen Situation in TF2 General Discussion
yen6Hello everyone,
My goal in making this thread is to welcome any analysis of these demos by other players in the community.

I am asking the community to approach this situation with an open mind and a commitment to fairness. Please take the time to review the demos I’ve provided before passing judgment.

Thank you for taking the time to read this post. I am open to questions and will do my best to address any concerns in the comments below.


ay bro, it's so obvious, you go from tatermctot to prime clockwork in a second.

posted 1 month ago
#1 Unc Sanity in TF2 General Discussion

Hello all, Sanity here or otherwise known as Young Sanity/Young Man but I just go by Sanity nowadays. This is the cliche TFTV user writes about him quitting the game however this is my I want to say fifth time? However the passage of time has quickly caught up to me and it has claimed another victim.I can not believe I have been playing for 6-7 years now jesus christ .I'm off to college I’m going to Iowa State to become a veterinarian! This is a goal I have been wanting to do for a long time and I got accepted into the college and they gave me like a shit load of money to go there. However I am getting off track oh yeah TF2. While I am not happy with my last season being a failed advanced season I am happy with what I have done with this game. I am basically the result of “if TFTV raised a kid”(quote by donnie danko). I hope I did show the way for some younger players that wanted to get into the game what not to do.The thing I loved about this game was I found where I belonged I found something I was decent at.I grew a small fanbase and I was happy and I still am .I am happy with the friends I met and the conversations I have had with a lot of people. I regret a lot of things. I regret burning bridges that did not need to be burned down. I regret when I was a lot younger calling people retarded when all they were trying to do was guide me down the right path. While my RGL history is extremely scuffed I leave behind the legacy of being the only player to somehow place top 3 in main without placing top 3 in main. I plan to stream at least 3 times every month. I am very fond of trying 100% games as I find that to be extremely enjoyable and fun. There are some certain people I want to thank who have always been there for me whenever I was a complete dumbass. I want to thank a lot of people who have helped me turn into the person I am like Wicked who told a random medic player to give me a shot when I was a horrible person and had a terrible reputation. I want to thank Donnie Danko who was that medic who always gave me advice on life and tf2 and always just wanted the best for me. I want to thank Risemara for always keeping me grounded and telling me I’m shit. I want to thank the 22nd best invite player Ash for always being that mentor/old wise guy that whenever I went to him he would always have a perfect answer. Shoutout to Marauder who uploaded the massive clip to his stream highlight channel that made it blow up.Shoutout to slugmundo and sager those guys helped me get through the rough years always looking out for me when I was extremely dumb. Shoutout to my followers for tuning in throughout the years I love yall so much. Shoutout to Norphel08 who gave me my first chance at a main roster spot and we finished fifth in open s3 with Kegaman running perma heavy. Shoutout to loote/alceus for always being a bro since day one. Shoutout to waterboys, Lunacy, Thomas Trading Group, Prime Era, Nug Hub, and Young Man BLACK, to dealing with my loud and obnoxious antics I love all of those guys. I will not be the one who continues the classic TFTV user writes about quitting and comes back later. I will lurk here and there and pug once every two months but my time as a competitive player is over unfortunately. To anyone reading this that is young whatever you do and I repeat DO NOT MAKE A TFTV ACCOUNT.

posted 2 months ago
#16 darty LFT in Recruitment (looking for team)

farty lft

posted 2 months ago
#46 Fireside announces Physgun Fireside Denver 2025 in News

fireside is just too goated with the sauce.

posted 2 months ago
#16 Starka lft in Recruitment (looking for team)

Loved playing with him was an absolute goat with that fucking vita saw

posted 3 months ago
#69 RGL S16 Main Happenings/Discussion in TF2 General Discussion
KIHBAEHamiI don’t think in this case it would have made a difference as ccp looked a lot better and fluff is good, but I do think this is a good time to bring up a discussion on ringer vs sub culture.

IMO, the current rules give way to much leeway to teams who literally are showing up to an official, scheduled match without 6 players on their roster. Why should the team who show up with a full roster ready to play have to be inconvenienced by having the enemy team literally get their choice of possible ringers who fulfill some vague criteria about being “close to the skill level” of the player they’re replacing.

Subs exist for a reason. You SHOULD be getting subs on your roster to sub in. Ofc, you can always claim that your subs can’t play, they’re away etc (even if it isn’t true), but in that case, the enemy team is really doing you a courtesy to allow you to play the match without a full team. Allowing that team to then pick whoever they want is a little crazy to me. In many cases (again, maybe not in grands this szn, just in general), the team needing a ringer can just pick someone better than their actual player who still qualifies as a default ringer, and now the team who are showing up without 6 are at an advantage?? How does that make sense? The team that has their full team should have MUCH more leverage about allowing players to ring.

Will it suck when you need a ringer for real, and the enemy force you to take a weaker player? Sure, but it’s really not their problem that you don’t have a useful sub and they shouldn’t be forced to just accept a good player. In a big game like this grands, just reschedule if possible, and if it isn’t possible, then again, not sure why the team who have showed up with a full roster are forced to just let the other team get the best possible option.

@ tristen

Why are you @ing the worst fucking admin to ever touch RGL sixes? Need I remind you of the last three seasons? Don't get me started on taz. After reading the entire thread all I have left to say is how the fuck is tristen still admin?

posted 3 months ago
#26 the best of stream highlights in Videos

posted 3 months ago
#13365 stream highlights in Videos

posted 3 months ago
#17 The UGC Medals in TF2 General Discussion
ArchaeologyTF2 competitive history: Brock makes a thread which causes UGC to shutdown

Brock how did you make it so archeology would get upfragged.

posted 3 months ago
#3 shoeshocker LFT in Recruitment (looking for team)

shock his shoes

posted 3 months ago
1 2 3 4 ⋅⋅ 80