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Last Posted February 8, 2024 at 5:56 PM
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#75 Banned from RGL for being an "Alternate Account" in TF2 General Discussion
shelz0rYour counterarguments for the benefit of your roommate are irrelevant to your case that you are a separate person from your roommate.

I understand that, but RGL doesn't see it that way. My official ban reason is that I am an alt account, they do not see me and my roommate as 2 separate individuals, they are convinced that I am her. My ban is a consequence of her ban, not the other way around. I'm just pointing out the flaws in their logic when I argue for my roommate.

I have done all that I could possibly physically do to prove that I am a separate person, but they refuse to acknowledge it/state that it's not enough evidence.

But just to say one more time in the most concise fashion I can, I personally, PupsiMax, have nothing to do with the accounts Natista or Dergoo, as they are not me, and they are not accused of being me, they are accused of being my roommate. Natista is my roommate's old account that she played on before moving to the Olivia account, and Dergoo is just a friend of a friend of ours that has seemingly disappeared off the face of the map for nearly 2 years now, with no one being able to contact them.

As my roommate said, though, this is all irrelevant because those accounts are being accused of being my roommate's account, not mine. We've done our best to prove that we are not the same person, and RGL just simply doesn't believe it.

We obviously can't post the evidence we used in the ban appeal since it contains so much sensitive information, maybe if I censored out everything that could get us doxxed? But then I could be accused of withholding evidence or information or something. Maybe it would be enough to prove it would be to pug together? But even then, people could just say that she found someone to play on my account or vice versa. Maybe I could make a YouTube video documenting everything from start to finish and proofread by others? Sure, but it would take so long to make with both of our schedules that it would just be seen as starting up drama, and arcadia said to me directly that doing something like that wouldn't help my case at all. So, whatever.

posted 11 months ago
#73 Banned from RGL for being an "Alternate Account" in TF2 General Discussion
capnnofapnI would like to know why you think they suspect dergoo is your alt.

I literally couldn't tell you, neither of us knew them that well. Literal friend of a friend situation. Going to start to reach out to their old teammates at this point.

posted 11 months ago
#72 Banned from RGL for being an "Alternate Account" in TF2 General Discussion
shelz0rWhy did it take you almost a whole day to clarify that the additional alt accounts in RGL's final response are not yours? It took that long to come up with a believable story?

No I was pugging. Before anyone said anything about me taking a long time replying to this, arcadia already made their final decision, so I thought thread was just going to die so I stopped checking.

shelz0rIf you were truly innocent of alting, and they said here are two previous alt accounts you used, your first and most important reaction would have been "those aren't mine, I don't know whose accounts those are". Instead in your post you focus on how old and inactive they are and comparing them to your roommate's account, which is irrelevant, and only when someone pointed out the holes in your story you come up with some clarification about how they're associated with your roommate. Which is still irrelevant information if you're arguing about your own alting ban, not hers.

I'm not banned for alting, I'm banned for being an alt account, my roommate is the one that's banned for alting. I assumed that the email that was sent to me regarding the ban was written as if it assumed it was addressing my roommate, and not me, which is why I framed my counterarguments like that.

Either way, both me and my roommate are reachable on discord if either you or NoNoeWay want to talk to us yourselves. I asked her to join this morning.

posted 11 months ago
#67 Banned from RGL for being an "Alternate Account" in TF2 General Discussion
NoNoeWayI would be more sympathetic but some parts are not adding up. You didn't actually say whether these alts are yours (or your roommates) or not, so are they? Why this many accounts?

I wasn't 100% on everything at the time, I found out late at night, and I didn't know how much I wanted to share yet. I can fill in the gaps the best I can with the information I've been told now, but my roommate isn't home right now and some things may be inaccurate.

Nitsta was the original steam account of my roommate, which is why all the competitions on the account are older than the main account. She at one point decided to switch the steam accounts she was using in rgl. She played multiple seasons of prolander and highlander on this new account, and nothing was ever brought up. The Dergoo account is actually neither of us, it's a mutual acquaintance that I met in a discord server my roommate was running at the time, I think it was before 2020? My memory is a little hazy. I'm trying to find if I have any way of contacting them still, but nevertheless they're a completely separate person from me and Krow. I don't know what I can do to prove that it's a different person until I contact them, but I can 100% promise that it's a different person entirely.

posted 11 months ago
#63 Banned from RGL for being an "Alternate Account" in TF2 General Discussion

Final update everyone <3

posted 11 months ago
#50 Just a note that these people are still playing in TF2 General Discussion
Brimstonecrazy that these people can play but rgl is using what little resource they have to make sure those roommates are banned forever


posted 11 months ago
#62 Banned from RGL for being an "Alternate Account" in TF2 General Discussion
plum Or ask RGL what would be enough (if they care to even answer)? This may seem over the top but honestly, you don't have many options at all.

WE HAVE BEEN TRYING TO SINCE DECEMBER SINCE THIS ALL STARTED. Me and my roommate have both said multiple times that we are willing to talk with anyone directly and get this sorted out, but we kept getting told over and oiver and over again that the inly way to appeal was to submit an appeal form, yet the only way I was even allowed to submit an appeal was because of this very thread. Now they’re saying that 2 other accounts, that weren’t banned initially with me, who have both haven’t entered anything in rgl in at least 3 years, one not being used since 2018, are also her alt accounts.

So like fucking whatever man. Even if these new accounts they’re using as proof were her 2 smurfs, i feel like willingly leaking private docs and showing gameplay of us together is more than enough to prove that me and my account specifically are not her alts, yet still banned.

Edit: It's worth mentioning that me and the 2 new accounts that were banned yesterday are permabanned from rgl and are unable to access the discord or website, while my roommate, the one accused of being an alt, is only banned until June and is still inside the RGL discord. Even if I specifically wanted to approach an RGL staff member directly, I literally do not have the ability to.

I kinda want to be in a group call with my roommate and the AC staff and halfway through walk over to her setup and start talking from there and see if they notice.

posted 11 months ago
#57 Banned from RGL for being an "Alternate Account" in TF2 General Discussion

Hi everyone! I have a fun update. Just got word back from RGL: the ban won't be lifted. Here's the email I received today.

Here's the accounts listed in the email:

Account 1
Account 2

According to the email, there is a "history of using alternate accounts." So, humor me for a moment, if there's a history of alternate accounts, with these alternate accounts as an example, why are they both inactive, and why do they both only have 1 ban, both of which from today?

Edit: Also of note, if you look back at my roommates account, her only ban listed is the one from christmas day, and the other accounts were banned just today. If she has a history of using these accounts to alt, why were they just banned today, why was she never banned or warned about it before, and why were they banned so much later?

Seems to me like RGL staff were upset that they were wrong and that my appeal was so detailed (it included our lease agreement, my change of address form, our drivers licenses, a picture of us together, gameplay of me and her playing together, and proof that the gameplay took place after the date listed in my change of address form, as well as mail addressed to both of us at the same address.)

Like I'm just so frustrated with this. I've offered to communicate directly with rgl staff the entire time, my account is permanently banned but my roommate's isn't, even if these other 2 accounts that were just banned were her smurfs and she was sandbagging, we've proven that I am a different person anyway, both things can be true, especially since they weren't banned at first. I'm seriously at a loss here. What more can I possibly even do?

Edit 2: Just double checked one of the accounts they sent in the email, Nitsta, every season/cup they played in was before anything on the Krow account. Why is it being brought up now? How could it have been used for sandbagging if it was never used at the same time as the Krow account?

posted 11 months ago
#52 Banned from RGL for being an "Alternate Account" in TF2 General Discussion
MothershipI did ask AC however, if you can submit another appeal; and I was able to confirm with them that you can submit a final appeal. They however stressed that you need to include everything you have as evidence on Google Drive and include it in the appeal.

ETA on when I'm getting a response to this? It's been about two weeks now.

posted 11 months ago
#35 Banned from RGL for being an "Alternate Account" in TF2 General Discussion
Soalalootdumb point, people do it all the time to sandbag low divs, just flip through the rgl ban historyIt wouldn't be out of this world if they allowed Olivia to play IM or even AM if they asked given they haven't played since 2020, hence why there would be literally no need to alt.

The AM team we were both rostered on, Victoria's Secret, was created AFTER she got 2nd in Highlander IM, though it was a prolander team..

posted about a year ago
#31 Banned from RGL for being an "Alternate Account" in TF2 General Discussion
SoalaThat alone doesn't make sense, especially given the player "alting" in question is mid-Main Highlander.

Here's my most recent log before I got banned where I go 100 dpm in newbie mixes on demo. I'm for sure a main player though <3

posted about a year ago
#24 Banned from RGL for being an "Alternate Account" in TF2 General Discussion
Mothership In regards to the topic of being banned for being an alt account, I have talked with AC and they have confirmed that they have evidence of you being an alt. AC has stated to me that they go over roommate related cases regularly. While they typically do not meet the criteria for alting related bans, this is one of the few that has met criteria completely separate from a typical roommate case.

Hilarious to me bc the only criteria I could imagine being met other than our ips matching is both of our accounts being inactive and being on the same roster 4 years ago lmfao, not to mention Arie checking the serveme history and finding nothing to corroborate this. Whatever I'll get my documents and make the appeal, this could've been sorted way faster if you guys were willing to communicate with either of us directly, ESPECIALLY when my roommate reached out to you and other staff directly. Was hoping to be able to play in s14 but oh well!!

Any doubters in the thread, here's both our RGL accounts, decide for yourselves



posted about a year ago
#6 Banned from RGL for being an "Alternate Account" in TF2 General Discussion
TholeI think banning people for cheating should be a higher priority than banning players for smurfing tbh

Innocent until proven guilty except for just me I guess.

posted about a year ago
#1 Banned from RGL for being an "Alternate Account" in TF2 General Discussion

Tl;dr, I moved into a friend's place that also has an rgl account over the summer and I'm accused of being her alt with all my appeals being rejected.

In 2019, I played as a sub in 2 different rgl teams, one highlander and one prolander. Both due to some poor experience and being in a pretty bad living situation for competition at the time, I stopped. My friend was an active highlander player and is much better than me, but she's since moved on. Over the summer, I moved into her apartment.

After moving into her apartment I was having some discussions with friends and decided I wanted to get back into competitive tf2. I went to my rgl profile and tried to change my username, but learned that the only way to do that was to make a support ticket in the discord, so I join the discord and open a ticket and wait.

Everything seemed normal at first, asking for my rgl profile, steam account, asking for why I wanted to change my username, etc., but after a while I was asked a question along the lines of "Can you send us EVERY steam account you've had?" (paraphrasing because I was banned from the discord and I cannot view the messages anymore.) Weird question but I complied, sending them my steam account I made when I was like, 13 and lost the password to. There was a long period of silence, before I was told something along the lines of "Sorry, there seems to be something off with our system. Are you sure you've sent to us every steam account you've had?" Which I confirmed, and even offered that if anything seemed weird to mention it to me and I can help clear it up.

Fast forward several weeks with minimal communication, and on the night of Christmas day I get a dm from Dyno saying I was banned from the RGL discord, and upon trying to log into my rgl account, I get a notification saying I'm banned. When viewing my rgl page without logging in, it says that the account has been banned permanently for being an alt account. Not too long later I learn that my roommate was banned for 8 months at the same time for "using an alt account." I put in an appeal, offering to literally evidence needed to prove that I'm not bullshitting, only to be met with this:

"Registering an alternate account in our system is against the rules and will lead to a permanent ban on the account. Your account was verified and confirmed to be an alternate account in RGL by our Anti-Cheat team. Head admin(s) have also reviewed the evidence. This will serve as a denied appeal and no further appeals will be entertained."

Here's my problem with this: I haven't played in anything related to rgl since 2019, including scrims, pugs, or matches. My pugs have been exclusively in newbie mixes or TF2CC, and I'm dogshit. So the only, only information that they have to verify is the ip location I was logging into the website from. They could have reviewed the demos or logs that I have generated in the past few months and seen that I am not the same person, if I were smurfing I would've been banned from newbie mixes long before rgl.

At this point, my roommate decided to get involved, she herself hasn't played a season or been on a team in 3 years so she doesn't really care for her ban (it's only for 8 months anyway), so she approached multiple staff members directly to ask about it, and got met with "They need to submit an appeal." (Please see 2 paragraphs above to see the issue with that.)

Literally what the fuck am I supposed to do. I have offered several times to provide evidence to the team that I am a real person and not an alt account but I have been permanently blocked from any and all communication with anyone. I don't know what I can do.

posted about a year ago