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Last Posted January 18, 2020 at 7:36 PM
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#1966 mastercomfig - fps/customization config in Customization

I figured out the issue by going through the whole cfg bit by bit setting every cvar to its opposite value, turns out the "texture" of the target-things are considered a overlayfragment or decal-based thing by the game.

So setting r_renderoverlayfragment from 0 to 1, fixed the issue and now those "textures" are rendering again.

posted about 5 years ago
#1965 mastercomfig - fps/customization config in Customization
WizardI believe the fix was to put in mat_antialias 1 or mat_trilinear 1 or both. I was having those issues before to until I fooled around with some settings

Thanks for the suggestion. I had mat_trilinear on 1 already and putting mat_antialias on 1 also didn't solve the issue. Honestly, it's very strange.

Would setting -default as a launch option allow me to temporarily double-check that it's indeed one of the cfgs that's causing the issue without effecting any of my already set game settings or cfg files?

Edit: After testing using the -default launch option, it appears that the "shoot targets" things that look black was not a "black texture" problem, the base object itself is black, so the problem is actually that the surface texture or image or whatever it is of those targets don't load for some reason when I have the gfxc.cfg cvars set.

posted about 5 years ago
#1961 mastercomfig - fps/customization config in Customization

I'm getting a black texture or lightning problem on the unofficial map "trade_plaza_2" and all other "trade_plaza" based maps that use that same object or texture of a target. I'm using the latest gfxc.cfg of Comanglia with very few changes.

Here is a screenshot of what I'm talking about:


I would really appreciate it if anyone can check on a community server that's using this map and see if they also get a black texture there.

I have no clue what cvar could be causing this, actually I tried changing a hand-full already without success including mat_mipmaptextures 0 and mat_phong 1 which seemed like it was the issue for some other people seeing black textures or whatever this is. All my weapons appear to be normal so I don't think I'm having the same issue as the other people I've found.

I'm sure it's gfxc.cfg because before installing Comanglia, the textures were present on the maps. It would just take forever for me to go through every single cvar to figure out which one is causing it though. I'd really appreciate some help if anyone has a clue.

Edit: After testing using the -default launch option, it appears that the "shoot targets" things that look black was not a "black texture" problem, the base object itself is black, so the problem is actually that the surface texture or image or whatever it is of those targets don't load for some reason when I have the gfxc.cfg cvars set.

posted about 5 years ago