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Signed Up August 19, 2012
Last Posted December 3, 2022 at 3:20 AM
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#86 tenaciousg looking again open scout in Recruitment (looking for team)

if you guys want to get to know me im a perfectly normal human being i am incredibly nice, if i get angry at tf2 its because i take it seriously but i know that its all in good fun because its something i very much enjoy, i just want to have a job i enjoy in life, i dont really have a social life sorry, not entirely my fault.. but i hope i can stream and maybe you guys would actually enjoy me playing video games. i used to skateboard from when i was 9 years old but video gaming has become my passion since pretty much 13 or so, i completely stopped skateboarding by 16. if you want to see me stream encourage me to stream by following me here: http://www.twitch.tv/qliq007#

posted about 12 years ago
#75 tenaciousg looking again open scout in Recruitment (looking for team)

i dont understand what you guys have against me im not angry if im loud than im loud sorry i apologize but you know i feel people can do better sometimes its like they arent thinking to their fullest and god dammit you know this world could be better when tenaciousg's head gets rammed into a wall and shoved into the ground excluding the part when i get tazered when im laying on the ground and for what for saying no and pulling my arm back.. they have no right man its a traumatic experience and ive never gone through something like that in my entire life.

i Hope nobody ever has to go through something like that because death as it is, IS BAD ENOUGH health problems ARE BAD ENOUGH AS IT IS my loved one, my mom has smoked for 20+ years and god damn man you know what it makes me angry because i know its unhealthy.

posted about 12 years ago
#72 tenaciousg looking again open scout in Recruitment (looking for team)

TheRamboKnight: hello
serv0 4rent: hi
TheRamboKnight: my neck kind of hurts
serv0 4rent: I have two questions, please do not get mad when I ask this because I am simply wondering. Are you trollng on TF.TV, or are you serious? Its hard for me to believe that you are serious, and my second question is, if you are serious, why do you care so much?
TheRamboKnight: care so much about what
serv0 4rent: About what people say
TheRamboKnight: whats serious
TheRamboKnight: those cops ramming my head into a wall is pretty serious
TheRamboKnight: tazing me twice
TheRamboKnight: is pretty serious
TheRamboKnight: the second time while my hands were behind my back
serv0 4rent: LMFAO, okay now I know you are trolling or insane, thx.
TheRamboKnight: ok
TheRamboKnight: it was a terrible fucking experience
TheRamboKnight: i hope nobody has to experience it
serv0 4rent: Dont talk to me about it
TheRamboKnight: but i know people will
serv0 4rent: Talk to a therapist
serv0 4rent: :L
serv0 4rent is now Offline.

and life continues

posted about 12 years ago
#66 tenaciousg looking again open scout in Recruitment (looking for team)

fuck LAWS

posted about 12 years ago
#64 tenaciousg looking again open scout in Recruitment (looking for team)

i could have been fucking killed that night, fuck you people. fuck everyone. i dont give a fuck anymore i will behave how i want and that comes with respect as long as you show me respect. MY RULES. if you dont fucking give me respect than i will not talk to you and i will not pay attention to you simple as that, thats how i handle shit.

posted about 12 years ago
#59 tenaciousg looking again open scout in Recruitment (looking for team)

well that says it all than thread closed i am no longer looking for a team

posted about 12 years ago
#58 tenaciousg looking again open scout in Recruitment (looking for team)

THEY HURT ME and you guys dont fucking care...

posted about 12 years ago
#54 tenaciousg looking again open scout in Recruitment (looking for team)

i am not afraid of the cops, i am not afraid of anybody, my best friend died and i could have been injured or worse killed by the cops because a woman lied about me in her fucking report. i am done being afraid.

posted about 12 years ago
#50 tenaciousg looking again open scout in Recruitment (looking for team)

im showing the people their true nature, so that maybe, just fucking maybe GOOD change can come.

posted about 12 years ago
#44 tenaciousg looking again open scout in Recruitment (looking for team)


posted about 12 years ago
#43 tenaciousg looking again open scout in Recruitment (looking for team)

does anybody fucking care what happened to me?

posted about 12 years ago
#42 tenaciousg looking again open scout in Recruitment (looking for team)

do you know what happened to me?

posted about 12 years ago
#38 tenaciousg looking again open scout in Recruitment (looking for team)

you come up to me and talk to me like this, im going to punch you in the face.

posted about 12 years ago
#37 tenaciousg looking again open scout in Recruitment (looking for team)

waefwaef: hey man
waefwaef: i'm just talking to you like
waefwaef: on a sincere level
waefwaef: but you really got to get a grip k?
TheRamboKnight: what?
waefwaef: like if you want people to stop -fragging you
waefwaef: you have to show them
waefwaef: that you've matured
TheRamboKnight: mother fuckers i got mad respect everywhere ive gone in life
waefwaef: i can tell you this much
TheRamboKnight: and ive given respect in return
TheRamboKnight: but
waefwaef: the way you portray yourself online
TheRamboKnight: when you disrespect me
waefwaef: doesn't engender respect
TheRamboKnight: you will get a reaction
waefwaef: ok?
waefwaef: flip the page
waefwaef: and start over
TheRamboKnight: goodbye i dont know what you're talking about
TheRamboKnight: deleted
TheRamboKnight: and i dont know you
waefwaef: ...
waefwaef: lol
waefwaef: was trying to help you
TheRamboKnight: dont need your help dont need help
TheRamboKnight: never asked for help
TheRamboKnight: take your petty shit elsewhere
waefwaef is now Offline.

posted about 12 years ago
#34 tenaciousg looking again open scout in Recruitment (looking for team)

oh you -frag me huh, well maybe its because my reaction is about as cool as your trolling.. i was born in 89 you little 90's kids, you need to learn that i am your fucking commander and the older nation has completely fucked us over. we need to take our nation back and fucking make it better, stop being such dicks to eachother and stop creating such violence. i could have been told to lay on the ground or something, instead they go and force a reaction from me and than without saying throw me into a fucking wall. that might happen to you some day, or worse. i feel sorry if you are treated worse off than i was because everyone is going to die but we don't have to live like this. its so fucking cruel.

posted about 12 years ago
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