Account Details
SteamID64 76561198068855056
SteamID3 [U:1:108589328]
SteamID32 STEAM_0:0:54294664
Country Poland
Signed Up May 5, 2017
Last Posted October 1, 2018 at 9:05 AM
Posts 12 (0 per day)
Game Settings
In-game Sensitivity 9.6
Windows Sensitivity 6/11
Raw Input 1
Refresh Rate
Hardware Peripherals
Mouse G400s
Keyboard G413
Mousepad QCK+
#500 TF2 benchmarks in TF2 General Discussion

2639 frames 11.770 seconds 224.22 fps ( 4.46 ms/f) 19.529 fps variability

Ryzen 5 2600 @ 4ghz
Windows 10 Home
16gb DDR4 3000Mhz

Comangalia fps config(OLD- without mastercoms tweaks)
no launch options

posted about 6 years ago
#7 why does every sens feel soo slooow? in TF2 General Discussion

Maybe because you are getting used to it?
I had that same feeling when I was going from 35.7cm/360 to 0.63cm/360 by steps so 25cm/360 20cm/360 etc..

posted about 6 years ago
#219 Item giveaway in TF2 General Discussion

frii ajtems

posted about 6 years ago
#35 ETF2L Admin Inconsistency: Episode Two in TF2 General Discussion

https://imgur.com/vzRD7Sc So I guess LEGO and Wpierdolland need to replay grand finals? 5v6 ? Am I right?
OR this rule doesn't apply because it is called "Final" but not "Grand Final"?

posted about 6 years ago
#17 Massive Fps Problems in Customization

I have AMD Phenom II 4x 955(Quad core 3.2GHz) No OC and i still get 90+fps in 6v6 teamfights. In highlander product(the worst map) 64fps was the worse thing (before inferno update). Check temps. Power options. FX is still better than phenom because it has newer instructions, litopgrahy and so on. I use comagalia dx 81. If you only get 60fps maybe your fps is caped in your gpu drivers.

posted about 6 years ago
#2 do dpi's with the same in/360 change anything? in Q/A Help

sensitivity 12.0 with 800DPI and 6.0 1600DPI you will see a diffrence.

Your cursor will move 1600 pixels on screen when you move your mouse by 1 inch. So more DPI doesn't mean better acc.

Maybe it can help you when you use 30.0 in-game sens and 800DPI.

posted about 7 years ago
#9 My sens just feels... off. in TF2 General Discussion

Test your cm/360. https://www.mouse-sensitivity.com/

26.4 cm/360 for 3.5 in-game and 450DPI

You can take mouse cable as center of mouse. If it would be 0-2cm off ignore it. Maybe it feels high for but nothing has changed. I had sometimes this feel too. :) m_yaw 0.022?

posted about 7 years ago
#7 My sens just feels... off. in TF2 General Discussion

Check DPI maybe you turn off raw input in game. If the settings you have are okay maybe you just retarded and you should ingore this. XD

Edit: Why - frag me :( For that retard

posted about 7 years ago
#20 Let's talk Faceit in TF2 General Discussion


sagewould it be possible to improve the classlimit system so people cant do tricks to have 2 demos or 3 scouts ?
also dont enforce cl_cmdrate 66, people with bad connections might want something lower

You can have 5 scout and med or 6 scouts. :) Already sent a ticket to a support how to do this. They respond me they wil will look on this bug.

For those guys who want sub system they should think first how it is going to work. You don't see this in CS:GO or Overwatch because it would be retarded. EDIT. (I mean in comp)

They should change ladder system imo. + ELO System is funny
Maybe they should do separate ladder for 1-3 ELO LEVEL(I mean 500 1st 300 2nd 200 3rd and 100 for 4-10 and 50 for 10-20) and 4-10 ELO LEVEL.+ You can't play with friends who didn't play 5 matches and they are in different ladder (1-3 and 4-10ELO Level). + Ping limit to 100-140.

This is example. It can be different requirements or other things.

posted about 7 years ago
#11 Sensitivity Frustration in TF2 General Discussion

Don't use higher than 8-9cm/360.(I mean use something like 9cm/360 or lower) :) My advice. + don't use mouse acceleration

I use 5.8cm/360 but I will lower it. I used 35cm/360 but i started to increase it slowly (0.2cm/360 the highest i used and it was overkill XD).

Btw give yourself some time to adapt to new sens... Go deathmatch or something with fast spawn. You can track with your mouse some objects/teammates in normal or setup time if you don't see any enemy. I had the same issues when i was starting increasing my sens.

Sens is personal preference. Good range is 9-40cm/360.(You can use higher/lower your choice)If you want to be more consistent on all clases don't use higher than 9cm/360. You can play even on high sens and still be good scout/sniper/soldier

posted about 7 years ago
#16 Raw Input in Q/A Help
JarateKingThe g300 isn't a consistent mouse. Offcenter sensor position, known jitter on many surfaces, potential positive or negative acceleration, and a 1.5 m/s malfunction speed.

I don't know enough about raw_input itself, other than that I've heard fps, fps inconsistency, and mouse hz can all have effects on its smoothness and input lag. But a better mouse will make a much bigger difference than raw_input would.
Shpeeismebarefoot_banditmake sure you are using 800dpi and like 1.5-3 in game somewhere in thereI use 1200 dpi, is there actually a reason to use 800 over 1200 or were you just saying 800 bc you know the in-game sens range for that?If a mouse sensor's native DPI is 800(hardware dpi), you should use 800 dpi. If it's 1200 dpi, you should use 1200 dpi. This depends a lot on the mouse sensor in question, and nowadays a lot of sensors have a range for their native dpi (notably modern Pixart sensors) so it's more something you have to research.

Recommending it with a sens and not saying what mice makes it sound like the latter though.

G300 has positive acceleration + It won't jitter on native dpi(hardware). If it jitters on native dpi(hardware) sensor or software is broken.
Actually A3050 sensor is picky about the surface.

Still PMW3360/66 best dpi is 800(hardware). The only think is you can swipe your mouse 7m/s and it will registry your move.

DPI≠ more precise
@Sheepisme how the sens is being calculated try 12.0 in-game and you will see how many pixels it will skip. You won't notice that if you use bellow 7.0

To thread: How many hours did you spend with raw input on? Maybe you still didn't used to it? If you have raw input on then you don't need to care about windows acceleration. The 6/11 and Enchance pointer precision is for old games without raw input option.

You can use mouse acceleration. It is your preference but it is like adding luck element.

posted about 7 years ago
#619 faceit TF2 in TF2 General Discussion

This elo system is dumb for amount of players are playing for csgo is working but for tf2 definitely not. +The 1 level potatoes or even fresh 3 level (sometimes) are just garbage or they don't listen calls like "Use uber now" or "Use" or even "Regroup" or "Don't leave med or even demo+med alone" and you even say them to not heal you all the time because uber is building slowly or the guy with 2 second reaction time. And most of time i need do scout job to cap beacuse my both scouts won't do that even when there is wipe or 1 guy alive. Or the scouts who like to take 1v4 1v3 fights beacuse they can't regroup and they die...

+ I've got 16-48 loss (fluctuating from 16-48 and it's all the time i play on server) on net_graph even when the same server was working properly few games before(ip and port).

That 's my faceit experience.

How the hell you can be elo level 1 in TF2 and World of Tanks at the same time XD or even TF2 +DOTA2(level 1) or TF2 level 1 LOL level 6 and CSGO level 1. What the hell that guy got boosted in LOL or what XD

posted about 7 years ago