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Signed Up July 15, 2013
Last Posted July 12, 2016 at 3:50 PM
Posts 190 (0 per day)
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#269 I've updated some huds in Customization
HypnotizeUploaded a possible fixed version (not sure since I am not getting these problems) try it out and let me know if it works

Yup it's good now, ty :D

posted about 8 years ago
#266 I've updated some huds in Customization

thank you so much for updating!

i just installed OMP hud but noticed some weird bugs -- http://imgur.com/a/NOgTC

  • people's names are cut off
  • no score, no ping
  • no domination icons
  • strange gray bar in intro menu

I didn't see some of these issues in your screenshots so I'm not sure why I've got these glitches... would greatly appreciate any suggestions/fixes!

posted about 8 years ago
#1 Quindali lft IM medic in Recruitment (looking for team)

it's true what they say, no one ever leaves this game. things have settled down (IRL) and I'd love to play or back up med for an IM team in ESEA or CEVO. I'm not really interested in leading anymore but I still love comp 6s and am looking for a chill and dedicated team.

I can but prefer not to main call, and I'm open to whatever playstyle a team likes. I've been gone quite a while so I'm probably somewhat rusty but I wouldn't half ass anything and will definitely practice to be on the same page with my team. My availability is pretty open throughout the week in the evening, so I don't anticipate any scheduling conflicts.

Not gonna list my "strengths" but I know my weaknesses include surfing and movement. I also have pretty shit DM in general but luckily meds don't really need that. try me out and decide what my strengths are for yourself.

Competitive experience:
-UGC Season 11 Platinum: 2nd place
-UGC Season 12 Platinum: 1st place
-ESEA Open Season 15: playoffs (1-2)

add and pm for tryouts, thanks!

posted about 10 years ago
#153 i49 Fragumentary in News

This was amazing. I honestly got goosebumps at multiple points while watching. It captured the spirit of tf2 so well-- the passion of the community, the competitive edge and drive to make it to lan, the support and dynamicism of teams from all over the world. Great frags, great music, great editing.

It's so incredible to know, as small as we might be compared to league or dota, the small scene we have of competitive tf2 has heart and soul that no other game can touch.

I really miss all of it.

posted about 10 years ago
#40 ESEA S16 LAN Frag Movie in Videos

awesome video 3:27 dat snap crackle drop

posted about 10 years ago
#189 TF2 Legacy videos in Videos

someone linked me this and i just binge-watched all of them. so awesome, great idea. first time i've missed tf2 in 4 months

posted about 10 years ago
#66 Chicago Meetup - July 26th in TF2 General Discussion

I'm working in springfield this summer but if I'm home that weekend I'll definitely come by. still have a lot of credit i need to spend at ignite anyways. thanks for organizing lange, good lookin out

posted about 10 years ago
#1 Selling New PC $1100 (including shipping) in Hardware

***UPDATE: pc has been sold! thanks for everyone's interest :)

I got a new PC for Christmas but I quit playing video games a few months ago, so I don't need it. It is essentially brand new, it was used for less than two months and has been sitting in its styrofoam casing since then. I paid $1500 for this comp but am selling it for $1100, including shipping to lower 48 states.

For those wondering, when I played tf2 on it I got 400+ fps while streaming at highest quality. I used it for some video editing as well and it rendered/processed incredibly quickly. It's a great pc I just don't need it and would love to see someone else put it to good use.

If you're interested please comment on this thread and add me on Steam so I know to accept your request. I'm never online otherwise, so I need a comment here for any interested buyers. Thanks for reading.

CASE: Cooler Master HAF XB w/ USB 3.0, HDD Hot Swap & X-Dock, Removable Motherboard Tray
CD: 24X Double Layer Dual Format DVD+-R/+-RW + CD-R/RW Drive (BLACK COLOR)
CPU: Intel(R) Core™ i5-4670K 3.40 GHz 6MB Intel Smart Cache LGA1150 (All Venom OC Certified)
FAN: Intel Certified CPU Fan & Heatsink
HDD: 256GB ADATA SP900 SATA-III 6.0Gb/s - 555 MB/s Read & 530 MB/s Write (Single Drive)
MEMORY: 16GB (8GBx2) DDR3/1866MHz Dual Channel Memory (ADATA XPG V2)
MOTHERBOARD: GIGABYTE Z87N-WIFI mITX w/ 802.11n WiFi+Bluetooth, Display Port, Dual GbLAN, 1 Gen3 PCIe x16
NETWORK: Onboard Gigabit LAN Network
OS: Microsoft(R) Windows 7 Home Premium (64-bit Edition)
OVERCLOCK: No Overclocking
POWERSUPPLY: 750 Watts - Thermaltake SMART Series SP-750PCBUS 80 PLUS BRONZE Certified Active PFC
VIDEO: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 770 2GB GDDR5 16X PCIe 3.0 Video Card (* EVGA Superclocked ACX Cooling)

note: the comp is literally sitting in its box at home and I'm currently at school so I can't include pictures right now, sorry. =/

edit: since this is such a good deal and because I'd like to think I'm known as an honest and reliable member of this community, the buyer will be "going first". Paypal is the preferred method, and I will confirm shipment only after receiving payment. I'm sorry if you think this is unfair, but this is how it will be done. If you're not comfortable with it then I wish you the best of luck finding another deal as good as this one but know this-- I have no desire to rip anyone off. In my decision to sell this pc, I posted here first and so far only here because I would like for it to benefit someone from the tf2 community. In my history with this game I have committed hundreds of dollars and thousands of hours. I hope my dedication has earned me some trust.

posted about 10 years ago
#734 ESEA's possible demise? in TF2 General Discussion
blinKQuindaliblinKI'm not against CEVO at all I just think that letting ESEA disappear is going to be an extremely bad move for the community and create a big fallout of top level players.
You say this as if it's within one person's power to change the outcome. ESEA disappearance's proximate cause is the lack of open teams registering this season. But what are the ultimate causes? It's a combination of factors that have been a long time in the works and the most accurate place of blame if you're looking for it is ESEA themselves. If they gave open teams a reason to register, then the open teams would've registered. ESEA let itself die by its inaction and lack of initiative in improving its league or accomodating its players. No one "let" anything happen.

I like you Quin, you know I do. So i'll just lay it all out right here in one single ginormous question that everyone would love to know and please don't spare any details.

Do you really think in just a few days you will be able to offer a league that's an equal to ESEA AS IT IS RIGHT NOW, or do you think that will take a good amount of time? 4 competitive divisions, website functioning, servers, lans, etc.

My own personal question:
If the answer is no, which it has to be, then why have you guys been campaigning for months when you knew it would come to this? Not saying it's bad, if CEVO was 100% ready to provide something equal to what ESEA provides I wouldn't even be posting this right now. But clearly there's much to be done. So my own personal question is, since the malware is gone in ESEA, why do YOU think we need to change?

ESEA has been around for 16 seasons they shouldn't have to campaign for newer players like you guys did. They could always improve their system but they don't need an entire overhaul like CEVO does. Never before have I ever really seen ESEA on the forums campaigning for new members because everyone already knew that was our "premier" league. Obviously you guys joining forces with CEVO and making a big run for it publically when this has never happened before would split the community. So if this was your intention then I really hope you, Lange, and everyone else all of whom I respect really know what you're doing. Otherwise you're going to put a big hurt on competitive TF2 for absolutely no reason at all besides shifting websites and putting out a lesser quality league initially. In a game that's 7 years old and already questionably in decline competitively it's a real fragile situation.

Do you really think if CEVO hadn't come about, that ESEA would be having these problems filling up their open division? I don't think so. If it's not broke don't fix it. That's my opinion. And I don't really like ESEA as a company I just enjoy the best competition. I don't like to work either. I have to go there though to make money unfortunately if I want to have nice things in life.

I stopped paying attention to this thread but someone else showed me this so here we go:

"Do you really think in just a few days you will be able to offer a league that's an equal to ESEA AS IT IS RIGHT NOW, or do you think that will take a good amount of time?"

  • No one has ever advocated CEVO as an equal to ESEA in terms of current competition, establishment, legacy, or service. When I talk to everyone about CEVO, the main point I stress is that if we build a better foundation now, the league will only grow faster and develop even more. If you start strong, there's less to fix in the future and you can continue building up from there. I said this in another post, if you really want me to find, I will because I can.

"Obviously you guys joining forces with CEVO and making a big run for it publically when this has never happened before would split the community. So if this was your intention then I really hope you, Lange, and everyone else all of whom I respect really know what you're doing."

  • AGAIN - I WANTED TO PLAY IN ESEA. My team was the first one to start paying in IM because that's how weird and on top of my shit I am. My new players joined roster the day they unlocked and I immediately paid for 3 people. I created a CEVO roster and described it "jk not actually doing this" (see previous pastebin that someone kept for some reason). The only reason I am volunteer staff for CEVO now is because I knew two weeks ago that ESEA was going to die. If you'll recall blink, who was the one who messaged you first about all this which turned into you starting this thread? Who messaged 50+ other leaders and players telling them of this possibility? And you know what I did from there? I added cevo captains. I talked to cevo captains. And that's how I knew that no, we wouldn't get enough teams in ESEA, so yes-- CEVO is probably our only chance to play competitive this season. So you can direct your "why'd you have to split the community" question somewhere else, because my only intent was to foster the growth and improvement of CEVO as much as possible only after I knew ESEA was going to die.

"ESEA has been around for 16 seasons they shouldn't have to campaign for newer players like you guys did."

  • Establishment and seniority don't mean automatic domination of a consumer group. Just because esea's been around for a while doesn't mean it WILL BE around forever. When it comes down to it, a competitive league is providing a service. Teams/players consume that service. And as I and many others have said before-- after last season's horrible track record (delayed registration by a month, rosters took forever to unlock, client was broken week 1, people had to play over thanksgiving, etc etc etc LIST GOES ON FOREVER) on top of the continuing complaints of server lag, history of client problems + bitcoin rep, and clear lack of response to requests for things like soap dm, better stats, EVERYTHING. Yes. ESEA DOES have to campaign for new players. Because if there's an alternative out there like CEVO then they should be competing to keep their customers.

TL;DR ESEA killed itself. I'm only trying to make sure CEVO's the best it can be now so it'll flourish faster and get to a level that will hopefully be better than ESEA ever was.

Never going on forums again I can't believe this is 25 pages.

goddamnit edit:
"Do you really think if CEVO hadn't come about, that ESEA would be having these problems filling up their open division?"

    1) ESEA's higher divisions have never looked stronger than right now. Open is empty.
    2) CEVO's initially registered teams and a majority of the currently 91 rosters are new players.
    Of course not. If there were no competition, then ESEA would continue to have a monopoly.
posted about 11 years ago
#590 ESEA's possible demise? in TF2 General Discussion

For people still wondering about CEVO reg--

LangeTo clarify, we will accept new rosters until March 6th. We will accept new players until Week 7. A roster can "ready" at any point until Week 7 and be put into scheduling. CEVO will try to schedule make-up matches for any teams that "ready" late, but we can't always get every match made up.

Missed matches are not counted towards CPI, and make it difficult for a team to qualify for playoffs. It is not a viable strategy to attempt to register late to get an easy season and make playoffs.
posted about 11 years ago
#587 ESEA's possible demise? in TF2 General Discussion
blinKI'm not against CEVO at all I just think that letting ESEA disappear is going to be an extremely bad move for the community and create a big fallout of top level players.

You say this as if it's within one person's power to change the outcome. ESEA disappearance's proximate cause is the lack of open teams registering this season. But what are the ultimate causes? It's a combination of factors that have been a long time in the works and the most accurate place of blame if you're looking for it is ESEA themselves. If they gave open teams a reason to register, then the open teams would've registered. ESEA let itself die by its inaction and lack of initiative in improving its league or accomodating its players. No one "let" anything happen.

posted about 11 years ago
#579 ESEA's possible demise? in TF2 General Discussion
miloif matches are not played with the vanilla 2 scout/soldier demo medic lineup you would consider that bad sportsmanship and disrespect? you believe that putting someone out of their comfort zone is a troll strat?QuindaliWhile it's true that the invite level players in cevo-m probably don't see much to strive for, I personally would hope that they (as seasoned veterans of the game) would at least have enough respect and sportsmanship to play their matches with dignity.

Don't overexaggerate claims. There are definitely attitudes and playstyles that can be clearly felt in game (or heard on stream afterwards) that show a team playing disrespectfully. Offclassing is of course a valid strategy and is part of the dynamicism that makes 6s so great. I was giving examples to extremes such as 24/7 heavy which generally denote a lack of respect for a match.

posted about 11 years ago
#572 ESEA's possible demise? in TF2 General Discussion
MangachuTeams have ran 24/7 heavy on gullywash before, a euro team (sorry don't remember the name) played against mig and lost 4-3 yesterday and they would of lost 5-0 if not for how they played. I was taking that game seriously and you shutting down the server is not only disrespectful but also unsportsmanlike.

I personally am fine with those strategies, but I'm speaking for many players and teams who are not. While they are legitimate opportunities to be exploited in a match, it's not the standard 6s meta in NA and many people find it to be disrespectful. As for shutting down the server, that was mostly to cater to my teammates, not to myself and since it was a scrim at 11 o'clock on a sunday I don't think it's really the equivalent to a match. Pretty sure this is even on my stream, don't remember when my internet crapped out last night but pretty much quote, "some teams will actually play like this we might as well just finish the scrim". At the same time, I'm also not a dick leader and won't force my tired hungry and annoyed teammates to finish that if they don't want to.

posted about 11 years ago
#566 ESEA's possible demise? in TF2 General Discussion
marmadukeGRYLLSi hope cevo's the shit now that it's all we've got but can we stop pretending that doing any of that list is even remotely impressive for a league that wants to be taken seriously?

agree that those are basic criteria for a comp league but at the same time, you expect new open players to take esea seriously when they've had 16 seasons to add shit like healing stats or stats that can be listed by min/max value or soap dm in pregame.......and....? oh yeah we still don't have that.

compared to cevo who accomplished all this in about a month.

edit: "all this" being what you listed [*] A prize pool.
[*] Post-game stats.
[*] STV Download.
[*] CEVO provided servers.

posted about 11 years ago
#552 ESEA's possible demise? in TF2 General Discussion
PlatinumWhy would you expect players who have nothing to strive toward to try-hard for the benefit of the lesser skilled teams? Is cevo now some sort of training league because theres nothing to win?

It's not about try hard, I'm not expecting teams to give it their all. Off-classing is fine, playing silly is fine. But at the same time have fun without disrespecting the other teams in the league. I didn't say "main class and try hard" I said "don't run huntsman sniper to mid and have 24/7 heavy".

there's a difference between being silly and having fun and being downright disrespectful when you play.

posted about 11 years ago
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