MIndAtleast in EU, FaceIt games get good after reaching 2500+ elo. Nobody plays CEVO, but when it was still altpug the averagi skill was around DMG-LE (that was before LE turned to SEM after the banwaves tho). ESEA is kinda shit on average but every once in a while you get a good game with some decent players. MM is the most consistent with challenge but there's a new sub 100h "smurf" in everygame at high ranks (supreme/global)
Edit: Also, faceit has some of the worst AC ever, with anything over 40 ping people just pop out behind corners due to the "not in LOS, won't draw model" anti-WH.
Also faceit soloqueue is true definition of elo hell, even if you get team of mouthbreathers and get 60 frags while solocarrying 14 rounds but fail to win the match you're losing truckload of elo, and this atleast used to happen quite often, no idea if they've updated the matchmaking or elo system lately. imo faceit is only worth it if you're playing with full 5man.