What has this world come to...
(Credits to blaze for showing me this)
2:22 PM - yolt: http://steamcommunity.com/id/rrtheman/
2:23 PM - yolt: LOL
2:23 PM - rr- iT: what
2:23 PM - yolt: fuckin weird people man
2:25 PM - rr- iT: how
2:25 PM - rr- iT: did you even find this
2:24 PM - yolt: dude
2:25 PM - yolt: is on my friends list
2:25 PM - rr- iT: wtf
2:25 PM - rr- iT: LOL
2:25 PM - yolt: past aliases
2:25 PM - yolt: are just a bucnh of invite players
This user has also played as:
"Cocktwerk iT"