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Last Posted December 24, 2022 at 7:18 AM
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#331 TF2Stadium.com in Projects
shinsoWould still be cool if people actually tried TF2Stadium over tf2c even though a new owner was found for tf2c. Given how much effort was put into it and how much more modern the design is, it would be a shame for people not to even try it

We’re going to update the site anyway, so even if TF2C continues on for years to come, TF2S will at least be functional and ready to go should anything happen.

posted about 2 years ago
#59 Announcing TF2Stadium's Winter Brawl! in TF2 General Discussion

Alright. It brings me no real joy in having to bring this news. Due to the issues with missing the official date and with upcoming tournaments on other services happening we've decided that continuing now could just cause problems for others. I'm really thankful for the support I got from people after missing the original start date and I'm really really grateful for the hard work of our devs, admins and graphic guys who worked behind the scenes to get this going and especially Tragic for providing us with a prize pool and being ready and willing to continue despite my personal stuff getting in the way, but we're all agreed that continuing just wouldn't be in the best interests of the community.

Thanks for the interest in the tournament guys, I'm sorry that it couldn't get going and I hope that the TF2 community has many many successful tournaments in its future.

posted about 8 years ago
#56 Announcing TF2Stadium's Winter Brawl! in TF2 General Discussion

Hey guys,

I'm really sorry. I think I should start with that because, to be frank, it's all my fault. Everyone else in the project was ready to go and I had something come up for me IRL and that caused the whole organisation to go to pot. There's no excuses here for me, but I'd like to make it clear that everything that went wrong is down both to my unfortunate luck and my lack of experience in hosting this sort of event.

In the last few weeks since Kevin decided to take a step back from TF2 it's been a very very difficult task of taking up his role in the organisation. All the things that he made look quite easy have turned out to be really difficult for me and I've made a lot of mistakes. The list of teams and their groups should have been up days ago and everything should have been set in place so that even if something did come up for me the tourney would still have been able to function. Part of the reason the team/group lists and the organisational stuff wasn't in place was because of our low signup rate. When we reached our original deadline of Wednesday we had 3 signups which was simply not enough which is why we took the decision to extend it. Extending it has worked quite well, we have 10 signups now which we can make work, but by deviating from our timeline a lot of things fell through and then of course I myself let the whole thing go to pot.

Right now I can tell you that the tournament will not happen this week, but it is scheduled to occur next week. We'll be sorting all of our group lists and organisational stuff tonight and tomorrow and we will have a complete list available including match times and such available by Monday at the latest should no other terrible things occur.

Again, I'm really sorry that I've wasted the time of many of you who were totally ready to play today and I understand completely if you can no longer play. This is entirely on me and not on the great people behind the scenes who were ready and willing to give their time to the tournament this weekend.

posted about 8 years ago
#37 Announcing TF2Stadium's Winter Brawl! in TF2 General Discussion
SpaceCadetRandWe've had less signups than we would have liked, and honestly we're not sure that we'll be able to continue on with the current numbers we've attained. We'll leave the signups open right the way through until Friday instead of closing them today like we originally planned.

If worst comes to worst we may have to consider rescheduling the tournament for another time perhaps in the new year or cancelling it altogether. Thank you for those of you who signed up, we'll keep you up to date with the status of the tournament as we go forward.

I have a team ready to signup but can you let us know what time on Saturday and Sunday matches will be held?

I have a few members who cannot commit unless they know the match times. We tried to find it but it doesn't seem to be posted anywhere unless I am missing it.

Day 1 group stage matches should run from 15:00 EST until 19:00 EST and are pretty much confirmed and solid right now. Day 2 matches aren't 100% confirmed but the knock-out stage should run from around 14:00 until 16:00 with the semi-finals running from 16:30 to 18:30 and the finals from 19:00 until 21:00. Hope this helps.

posted about 8 years ago
#33 Announcing TF2Stadium's Winter Brawl! in TF2 General Discussion

We've had less signups than we would have liked, and honestly we're not sure that we'll be able to continue on with the current numbers we've attained. We'll leave the signups open right the way through until Friday instead of closing them today like we originally planned.

If worst comes to worst we may have to consider rescheduling the tournament for another time perhaps in the new year or cancelling it altogether. Thank you for those of you who signed up, we'll keep you up to date with the status of the tournament as we go forward.

posted about 8 years ago
#19 Announcing TF2Stadium's Winter Brawl! in TF2 General Discussion
RhettroIf it is manageable it seems like a good idea to give the invite teams their own group in the tournament, especially when the games are single elim

Hey! Sorry, the announcement post was a little outdated, we've changed last minute to a round robin group stage in which the top 2 teams in a group advance into the bracket finals which is then single elimination all the way through.

posted about 8 years ago
#1 Announcing TF2Stadium's Winter Brawl! in TF2 General Discussion


We over at TF2Stadium have been working hard to get something together for the community and, in partnership with TragicServers, we’re pleased to announce our upcoming Winter Brawl!

The Winter Brawl will be an NA-based 6v6 slugfest hosted through our lobby system in which teams of all skill levels will duke it out in a group stage round robin with the top 2 teams in each group going through to a series of single elimination bracket matches culminating in a final battle for a grand prize of at least $300.

But the fun doesn’t stop there, through a generous offer from our sponsor over at TragicServers 15% of all proceeds generated through use of the TragicServers promotional code: BRAWL between now and the tournament will be added to the prize pool! The code also provides a 35% discount on all services over on the TragicServers site.

The group stages are set to run through December 3rd with the winning teams duking it out on December 4th.

Signups are open right now over on the Winter Brawl site.

We’ll have a range of day 2 matches, including the semi-finals and finals, casted and streamed live on Ferocity Gaming accompanied by a host of raffles and giveaways throughout the day.

Any questions or concerns don’t hesitate to post below or contact me on Steam.

Hope to see you there!

posted about 8 years ago
#314 TF2Stadium.com in Projects

Hey guys,

It's been about 6 months since we released the site into open beta. We’re going to be frank here, things didn’t go exactly as we expected. With the site getting a lot less traction than we had hoped and things going on in our own lives, work on the project started to fizzle out and since then we’ve been keeping the site going and performing some under-the-hood improvements, but not really expanding the features we have available.

However, in the last few weeks we’ve seen a bit more support for the site and a lot of us have realised that we started something back in July 2015 and it would be a shame if we gave it all up. It’s been a genuine pleasure working on the project and bringing something new to the TF2 community and we’d like to continue doing that by making TF2Stadium the best it can be. One way we could improve that instantly jumped out at us was facilitating better communication between ourselves and you guys. We’ve gotten a lot of use out of the Steam group and our TFTV thread, both of which we check regularly, but we wanted to take things a step further; this is why we’ve taken the decision to set up a Discord server allowing you guys to not only communicate with each other, but communicate with us a lot easier than before. Alongside this, we’ve setup a bot that announces new or nearly filled lobbies so you can get straight into a game without having to check the site! You can find more information over in the Discord, check it out: https://discord.gg/zp6fJqY

On a somewhat related note we have some work going on behind the scenes on upcoming stuff and we’re looking for more help in both our front and backend development teams. If you have any experience using Javascript,Golang, Docker, Python or Sourcepawn please do get in touch with either GC or myself .

Stay tuned for more upcoming cool stuff in the near future ;)

posted about 8 years ago