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Signed Up November 30, 2012
Last Posted March 15, 2015 at 11:25 AM
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#95 BlackHUD in Customization

Update ver 1.6:

-smaller killfeed
-hp cross wide version now works
-added optional small hp cross beside hp value
-added change style button in loadout panel
-removed not working options
-added scoreboard option for 4:3

Still working on the mvm stuff for the hud. Will still take a while since I have to edit it in an actual mvm game with real players instead of just spawning bots. Plus my connection also hasnt been stable lately. Sorry for the lack of mvm support,guys :(

posted about 11 years ago
#94 BlackHUD in Customization
TimoMy ubercharge percentage thing is broken i guess


Can you try to reinstall the hud? I uploaded the right res file for the hudmediccharge.res

posted about 11 years ago
#1067 Show your HUD modifications! in Customization
Ericpointless teaser for bad hud


Looks really good. Can't wait to try it out.

What does the K and 2 represent tho.

posted about 11 years ago
#92 BlackHUD in Customization
DanishThis HUD looks awesome, but I ran into problems with the install.
I dragged the resource and scripts folder like normal, and replace the hudplayerhealth with the cross and the hudmediccharge with the 2nd charge by the crosshair.
Note that this is at a 1280x720 fullscreen resolution.


I added the resource and scripts folder twice with same results, no HUD files were present before both installs.

try setting cl_hud_minmode to 0

posted about 11 years ago
#90 BlackHUD in Customization
MelonReally really liking the look of this hud. However I have a question. I like the idea of having a better visual for health, but I'm not a big fan of how the cross included is large and in the center. Would it be possible to have a smaller health indicator by the numbers similar to KBNHud?
Also, would the killstreak number interfere with ammo?

That's a really good suggestion. I'll implement an option for that in the next update.

The killstreak number shouldn't interfere with ammo.

posted about 11 years ago
#88 BlackHUD in Customization
rowCan I have a link to the asiafortress link not working for me?

sorry about that. I have to get the file at asiafortress to get approved first for the 1st link to work. Please use the mediafire link in the mean time. There's no difference other than the website. (:

posted about 11 years ago
#86 BlackHUD in Customization
Pride_EdgeOkay, thank you.

Uh, i don't want to be a jerk but these are the errors i've found.

(Left upper button, above the "Sniper" title)


(I think this happens because my screen is to small compared to 1080p)

(The killfeed looks a little too big)

Ah that looks really terrible. I'm sorry that my hud isn't optimized for your 5:4 aspect ratio ): I'll find a way to replicate the 5:4 in order to optimise my hud for said ratio. So in the mean time, do use another hud!! (:

Dr_HeinzHey Rawr

How can I get this background?

It's in the materials folder. all you had to do was to drag the whole file (after unzipping) into your customs folder in order to get it. If you have some existing stuff in your materials folder that you dont want to get rid off, then just merge the two materials folder when prompted.

posted about 11 years ago
#83 BlackHUD in Customization
Pride_EdgeMy screen is 1280x1024.

Does the hud can work properly?

(Sorry if my english is bad)

Nah it's okay.

Hmm i never tested the hud in the 5:4 aspect ratio. You could try the hud out but i can't guarantee that everything will work. If there's something wrong while you're testing the hud, do tell me so that I can fix for you.

posted about 11 years ago
#81 BlackHUD in Customization

New update:

-hp cross wide version fixed
-got rid of killstreak counter in target id's cos its not important at all
-unusual slider should work

posted about 11 years ago
#80 BlackHUD in Customization
ArcarcsSome things that clip when playing medic
Damage numbers
When healing target then looking at another it clips into the charge

I have fixed this today but there are alot more files to edit due to the tf2 updates. Will upload the updated hud files by tonight

posted about 11 years ago
#78 BlackHUD in Customization
qoskloving the hud. seems like the loose cannon meter and shield charge meter clip, though, at least on 16:9 (1280x720). if you could look into it that would be great. thanks!

Ah okay. I'll get a loose cannon asap to fix this. I didnte realise it has its own meter.

ArcarcsFonts for closecaptions broken? -stuff-

I've been trying to create my own closecaptions but the compiler doesn't work for me even after following alot of different steps. I'll implement the closecaptions of another hud into BlackHUD. I'll cite the source of the closecaptions of course.

b33fmight just be me but a smaller scoreboard for 6v6 would be sick

I've made a smaller scoreboard for 6v6. All I need to do now is to implement it.

posted about 11 years ago
#74 BlackHUD in Customization
LtSteveI noticed an Issue in MvM where the refund credits button never shows up. Also the mvm win screen where you see the item drops doesn't display any items, and often crashed the game, although the crash may be the game and not your HUD.

I'll look into this as soon as Im free cos currently on a three-day break at friend's house

posted about 11 years ago
#72 BlackHUD in Customization

New update:

-Added a hp cross wide layout. If you're going to use the hp cross, i suggest using this instead of the previous one as the previous one is not fixed yet (Inspired by Broesel HUD)
-Repositioned the heads counter under the charge meter (Thanks Arcarcs for telling me)
-Slightly lowered down the target ids (The healing or healed by target id clipped with the repositioned heads counter)
-Added an option for a second ubercharge count underneath the crosshair (Suggestion by wilson1044)

If there are any bugs or you guys got any suggestions, do post here.

posted about 11 years ago
#27 dystHUD in Customization


posted about 11 years ago
#69 BlackHUD in Customization
PringlesWhenever I go medic and I heal someone, I can't seem to see there health because I chose the cross health like broesel hud. Is there a fix for this?

Im working on a fix for that. I have to rearrange the layout differently for the hp cross. I apologise for not checking for overlaps properly

posted about 11 years ago
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