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Signed Up January 7, 2016
Last Posted September 29, 2016 at 3:06 PM
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#73 Brightly and his friends getting banned in The Dumpster

just for good measure

posted about 8 years ago
#39 Brightly and his friends getting banned in The Dumpster
catfaceRechowcatface an argument

the only people defending brightly in this thread are friends with him

Haven't played a lobby with him in ages.
Also still not an argument.
Edit: I'm flattered that you took the time to check my profile <3

posted about 8 years ago
#32 Brightly and his friends getting banned in The Dumpster

Not an argument

posted about 8 years ago
#7 TF2C Advanced lobbies trailer? in TF2 General Discussion

Now the real question is: Will I still be able to run weapons that are legal in the typical 6v6 whitelists?

posted about 8 years ago
#14 Complete meme of a tf2 league in TF2 General Discussion

I think it sounds interesting and might be worth trying out. Who knows? Maybe you'll have:

Show Content
posted about 8 years ago
#29 Any players EU to NA? Vice versa? in TF2 General Discussion

I'm from NA but I moved to Europe. I still try to play a bit of NA along with EU.

posted about 8 years ago
#68 TF2Center DDosed in TF2 General Discussion

I've never seen PR worse than this in all my life. Everyone is making a fool of themselves too, not just the admins. Can't we all just calm down? What does any of this accomplishot other than "hurr ur site is down gud" or "hurr im better than you I at tf2". This has turned into mud slinging and a dick measuring contest. Everyone wants to see who can make the most smug or edgy comment. This accomplishes nothing of value.

posted about 8 years ago
#44 EU Ultiduo Tournaments - 64+ Key Prize Pool in TF2 General Discussion

Lower Tier

Oven Dodgers

Rechow -

Thief -

posted about 8 years ago
#5 Vaccinator Bug in TF2 General Discussion
MouldEPIC callout, tell him the news

Yeah, what he changed it to was a lot better than the epic shitpost he started off with, but w/e ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

posted about 8 years ago
#3 Vaccinator Bug in TF2 General Discussion
arcadiacan you make a video or something showcasing it? you aren't a well known member of the community so it would probably be good for us to have something other than your word

Are you done editing your post five times? It's 3:00am here. I can't be bothered to at the moment. I'll try to make a quick demonstration video tomorrow.

posted about 8 years ago
#1 Vaccinator Bug in TF2 General Discussion

One of the Vaccinator changes from Tough Break was "Added slight ÜberCharge build on proper resist". Currently, the Vaccinator does not gain extra Ubercharge on resist. I tested this with a couple of friends on an empty server. The normal charge time for 100% Uber is 24 seconds if your patient is constantly below 100% health. We first tried spamming demo pills at a target being healed with passive blast resistance while still keeping the target's health under 100%. The charge time was the same: 24 seconds to build 4 charges. Next, we tried spamming pills at a target being healed while continuously popping blast resistance and keeping the target under 100% health. The results were still the same: 24 seconds to build 4 charges.

tl;dr the vaccinator currently does NOT give Ubercharge on proper resist.

posted about 8 years ago
#25 Thoughts on the Vaccinator? in TF2 General Discussion
AdmirableAnyone tested how much vacc charge you get from a max heal crossbow?

As far as I know, the crossbow give you the same amount of charge, regardless of the medigun that you're using. I'm positive that it's the same for the amputator as well.

AdmirableAn oversimplification would be that 1v1 a standard full buff is essentially a 50% resistance. Vaccinator is giving you 2-4-6-8 seconds of 75% resistance (if you pick the right target/fight).

By the way, the charges last for 2.5 seconds, not just 2 seconds. It may not sound like much, but that's an extra two seconds two seconds of total charge in comparison to other mediguns if you add up all four of the charges.

posted about 8 years ago
#12 Thoughts on the Vaccinator? in TF2 General Discussion
Screwball...that would break the uber meta.

I'm curious. Is this a bad thing? If so, how come?

posted about 8 years ago
#8 Thoughts on the Vaccinator? in TF2 General Discussion

Hey OP! I've mained Medic Vaccinator for about three years. I always thought that the Vaccinator had potential, especially now! People who know me know that I could go on for days with stratagies based around the Vaccinator and that I could explain why its great, but for this post I'm going to talk about the some of the issues it has. I might post some reasons why its great later. One of the issues it has pertains to the stats, obviously. Another issue doesn't necessarily have to do with the weapon itself, but with the way people play.

The Vaccinator's overheal rate (-66% overheal rate) is extremely slow. Overhealing and buffs are extremely critical in rollouts and mid fights. With the way that 6s is currently played, poor buffs on rollout can be detrimental and can guarantee a lost midfight. This can be worked around. This leads me to the next issue!

A good portion of the community does not want to take the time to learn something new and outside of the current "meta". The Vaccinator does not work well with the way that people currently play tf2. Everyone is so concerned about getting to mid first and will usually leave the medic behind. When you leave a Vaccinator medic behind, not only are you without heals, but you're also leaving behind the potential charges you could be getting from your medic. The charges themselves aren't bad. They're actually pretty great (at least agains the current class lineup in the meta). The main issue with the charges is that people don't utilize the them to their fullest. Countless times have I popped on a scout, told them to go pick someone, and then the scout does nothing and just looks at me funny. People underestimate how much 75% resistance is. Very few people have gone out of their way to actually give the Vaccinator a chance, in addition to many other weapons and ways of playing. People like Thief come to mind here. The Vaccinator has great potential, but only if people stray away from the way the game is normally played.

Unfortunally, there isn't much room for messing around and finding new ways to play when we have whitelists that ban so many weapons. Maybe going to mid with the Vaccinator, a Heavy with the Dalokohs Bar, and a Crit-a-Cola scout would be amazing! Maybe it would be awful! I don't know. Not only are very few people willing to test stuff like this, we aren't able to test it outside of very small test groups.

The main question isn't if the Vaccinator is viable, the main question is when will the community start to be open to new ideas and new ways of playing. Once matchmaking hits, 6s will be a much different format. It will be unrecognizable.

I'll go into detail as to why the Vaccinator is great in a later post. For now, members of the community need to ask themselves, are they ready for the change that tf2 will inevitably undergo?

posted about 8 years ago
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