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Signed Up November 21, 2012
Last Posted July 7, 2013 at 10:26 PM
Posts 13 (0 per day)
#14 When did you realize you were better than average? in TF2 General Discussion

I beat b4nny and Ruwin and Platinum and TLR a combined 80-1 in mge. That's when I was like. Holy shit I can play UGC Iron as demo.

:3 :3 :3 :3 :3 :3 :3 :3 :3 :3

posted about 11 years ago
#77 When is it time to quit? in Q/A Help

God bless

posted about 11 years ago
#75 When is it time to quit? in Q/A Help

THis whole damn thread should've been private. Who the fuck cares at this point. This jackass made this thread with good intent. It didn't work. This is mostly just an overstated problem solve it yourself omg Red wants to win games wow what a dick thread. Then parts of this is awesome. The whales. THe Oh Snaps. That part was awesome. I think I might make a thread of that for tftv

posted about 11 years ago
#73 When is it time to quit? in Q/A Help

After all of these paragraphs...Did you ever think that 2 others on the team (That makes 3) had the same mindset as I do? To try and win, get better, and scrim a lot? Maybe thats the problem. The people you are calling dickwads have a different mindset than you. We want to scrim a lot and get better to win some games and improve more rather than just getting our shit pushed in. On top of that. Look at this huge overstated drama thread you made. Look at how overstated this is. It's fucking insane how much you blew this fucking thing up making me look like shit when I haven't done much to get a full fucking thread made about me for being a "Dickwad" Here's the thing though. When we were going to breakup in the first place you said no then we lose everything we've worked for WHEN WE HAVEN'T WORKED AT ALL THIS SEASON. We never scrimmed or dedicated to getting better as a team. I'm just gonna cut myself. Except our Roamer might leave if I do and our medic IS leaving if I do because he wanted to be on this team because I was. If you want me to leave I have 2 very willing teams to take me and I would be glad to be on a team with the same mindset as me. Then drama won't happy like this stupid thread. FITE ME IRL d00d

posted about 11 years ago
#58 When is it time to quit? in Q/A Help
sildeezyMan, yall niggas are on some crack.

Here is how the team dynamic works. You keep it real, or you're a fake ass hoe.

If every player on a team keeps it real, the team will succeed, as a team. I'm not saying you'll win every game - or even any game - but your friendship will carry on into the next universe.

If one member of the team is being a fake ass hoe, you encounter some issues. Let's examine the following scenario. The following team names and player names are made up.

The Xtreme Gamerz play a scrim and lose. Their scout, CalvinInDaZone (aka calzone) either rages, sucks, or causes problems throughout the scrim and after. Calzone is being a fake ass hoe. Calzone leaves mumble, and the other 5 players talk about Calzone's episode, but don't don't attempt to confront him at all about it.


Let's look at what just happened. The team had zero fake ass hoes before their scrim. During and after their scrim, they had one fake ass hoe. After the scrim, they have 6 fake ass hoes.

What should have happened is this: The players should have confronted CalvinInDaZone about his raging/sucking/problem causing.

Outcome A: big Calzone stops raging/sucking/causing problems. You all live happily ever after.

Outcome B: Calzone is still a fake ass hoe. That sucks, but it's better to have one fake ass hoe than 6. Now all you have to do as a team is decide why you're playing. Is calzone a shitlord, but your carry player? Is winning important to you? It's your call. Is Calzone not a fake ass hoe at all, because calvin is a cool dude, and his only sin is not being as good at tf2 as you guys? Is playing with your friend more important to you than winning video gamez? It's your call.

But whatever your call, it needs to be well known, and it can't come out of left field. You need to keep it real. Even one fake ass hoe will disrupt the integrity of the team. 5 or 6 will destroy you.

Keep that shit real and you'll be golden, little nigga.

Edit: and yes, making this thread was the opposite of keeping shit real, but you're forgiven. We all make mistakes, playa.

This thread is almost as dumb as that reply....GG

posted about 11 years ago
#26 When is it time to quit? in Q/A Help

On top of all that. You promised us we wouldn't have to pay for our premium and what did we get? A guy that never paid them. That was the original motive for this team and it didn't happen.

posted about 11 years ago
#19 When is it time to quit? in Q/A Help
ZillyhooRed we are paying to play
aren't you all getting paid for by someone else

No we aren't. We were supposed to by Revolt's friend which was the original motive to play. He never came through and paid for us. So we ended up paying for ourselves or a few of us paying for the other players. (R3volt, Sentient, trngl)

posted about 11 years ago
#17 When is it time to quit? in Q/A Help

So before you devote the time to making open team where you all are paying and committing to showing up to your team. Think if you have the time to do it. I don't think you ever thought about that.

posted about 11 years ago
#15 When is it time to quit? in Q/A Help

Before calling me a dick and a team destroying one. You might want to consider what caused all this. It might be the scheduling when we don't have 6 or maybe scheduling on the 4th of July. Some other stuff. Leaving early during matches. Not rescheduling stuff when we need it to be. Leaving early from matches really hurts us all when we are paying to play and win games and have fun. It makes it so we don't have enough players and we get low morale because we lose games to not having 5. As a player and part of the team it really sucks. On top of that. Scrimming is a fun thing to do. We aren't able to improve as a team and as players if we can never scrim because someone doesn't have the time to play and if he does he leaves early. All these problems led to this. Think about this. We paid for this and we wanted to have fun and win some games. So before you start making this hate thread on me. Think what you did to bring this to yourself.

posted about 11 years ago
#1 Looking for HL Soldier mentor (Silver-higher) in TF2 General Discussion

I am a backup soldier for a steel team and am looking for maybe a silver or plat, even ESEA soldier if they know HL to mentor me. I will be free most days and would love to go over demos and stuff with you. I will do my best to be cooperative and listen. Thanks for anyone that applies. Here is my steam account
I look forward to anyone who wants to mentor!

posted about 12 years ago