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Last Posted December 7, 2016 at 10:45 PM
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#3 Hitbox and General game issues on my end. in Q/A Help
Mecha_CopValidate your game cache and if that doesn't fix it I have no idea.

Literally the first thing I did. It doesn't work.
I appreciate the help however.

posted about 8 years ago
#1 Hitbox and General game issues on my end. in Q/A Help

Not sure if this is the right place to make this thread, but my game is having some serious issues.

For a long while now, my hitboxes on enemies and myself are completely broken. I tend to get hit from melee behind people or even feet away, me hitting enemies from far left or right of them, frame problems (my computer is more than enough to play tf2 without issues). I dont even have any ping issues. Its usually around 40-50 any game I play, which isnt terrible for just community servers and matchmaking servers.

Also with the whole melee hitboxes things, Its almost impossible to hit other players, and the enemy basically has 360 hitbox whenever they use theirs, it makes no sense. I wish I got footage of it, because its quite ridiculous how many times this happens, it makes spy literally unplayable. If anyone wants, I can get footage. I just really havent tried to.
Is there some kind of fix for these problems? I dont have any mods either.
Any suggestions on some fixes?

posted about 8 years ago