where is Toast
Account Details | |
SteamID64 | 76561198127380768 |
SteamID3 | [U:1:167115040] |
SteamID32 | STEAM_0:0:83557520 |
Country | Ireland |
Signed Up | August 4, 2021 |
Last Posted | March 25, 2025 at 6:46 PM |
Posts | 39 (0 per day) |
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Monitor |
b4nny does not get enough slack for this sort of shite it's utterly fucking shameless
this would be a tragic legacy to leave
Game needs an actual ranked system like faceit with a playable but laxed ruleset where you can just press role queue and be put in an elo based match. As it stands you still need 500 hours to play even the most accessible games on tf2center.
RGL class restrictions with only say wrangler, vacc, milk, jarate and short circuit banned, normal map pool, you can add in some extra bans at a certain elo threshold
New players can experiment with offclasses and whatever their heart desires, higher elo games will naturally conform to league play meta.
Let people play sixes and earn a shiny rank when they have like 50 hours instead of cursing them to play pubs until they either get bored and quit or become big comp pilled
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use cookies wtf
If you like tf2 but only if you can play perma pyro, maybe you don't actually like tf2 at all and just like pyro
me personally I am more of a hurtme -99999999 guy myself
what is the obsession with unbanning random weapons that add nothing and just make the game slightly worse?
EnzoDBwho would maincall
trolldier would maincall because he has an excellent aerial vantage point from which to conduct strategic operations for the team
It took me way too long to realize this isn't just a wholesome appreciation post
not trying to flex, but I made a pot of tea, it is rapidly going cold and I'm trying to keep up
tftv casts need an eval bar