1. Indecency
Account Details | |
SteamID64 | 76561198071785065 |
SteamID3 | [U:1:111519337] |
SteamID32 | STEAM_0:1:55759668 |
Country | Italy |
Signed Up | November 15, 2015 |
Last Posted | February 13, 2025 at 9:15 PM |
Posts | 2113 (0.6 per day) |
Game Settings | |
In-game Sensitivity | 6.91 |
Windows Sensitivity | 6/11 |
Raw Input | 1 |
400 |
Resolution |
1920x1080 |
Refresh Rate |
240hz |
Hardware Peripherals | |
Mouse | Logitech G Pro |
Keyboard | Logitech G Pro Keyboard |
Mousepad | Steelseries QCK + |
Headphones | Apple earbuds |
Monitor | Alienware 240hz |
ReeroReally cool guy. Incredible game sense/maincalling. Deserves a spot on a highopenIM team.
toadsDatDrummerGuyu care way 2 much about r/tf2 d00d
I mean r/tf2 is the biggest community for casual players so them showing support for a competitive LAN is healthy for our community.
This is amazing and I'm really hyped for it but I thought it said esea LAN at first :/
adyskyleviathanLike, don't people ever realize it's not going to help them in the long run and they're going to eventually get banned?
I dont think you are aware of an average cheaters mentality http://m.imgur.com/a/ZzSGi
how awful do u have to be to cheat in fucking overwatch the game has built in wallhacks and aimbot
Good dm seems like a nice dude
do you like the half life games
sandblast16: Eels and Escalators: I herd they stopped trying and are just losing now I think they cut RoL I may be wrong but yeah they are going to drop out next week if they keep being weebs.
Stronger Players: who ever tries
Weaker Players: who ever does not wanna play.
We cut RoL and Blaine is now on scout. Because of these roster shake ups we got fucked on our last 2 matches (ffl/5v6) and I'm not sure myself where the team stands on whether or not we're trying :/. We haven't scrimmed in like a week.
PajamaSam_brianHad ReclaimingTheHolyLands not tried to sneak a ffw after telling us they would give us time to get our 6th we wouldn't have tried to draw it out. They were telling us they wouldn't let our 6th join and to just ready up and get it over with as we were getting our 6th in the server. I was talking to people on the other team and was told only their leader who had tried to sneak a ffw on us was upset and that he was yelling at his own team.
If any of the players on ReclaimingTheHolyLands (besides the one that tried to ffw us after saying he wouldn't) feels personally insulted by what we did then I am sorry. We were just trying to have some fun after being pretty upset with the situation in the first half. GL with the rest of your season.
First off, as the team representative for RtHL, many of these statements are unfair. Our team leader was told by frenzy himself that the match would start at 10:45, mokeyjedi was the only person in the server at that time, so we as a team thought it would be appropriate to call the ffw. Our team had been waiting for a solid 30 minutes until your team, yumpman, had joined the server. Then after we started at 10:47, you preceded to pause the match for another 10 minutes, at the half you continued to make us wait for ANOTHER 15 minutes, and continued to pause for another 5 after the second half had started. At this point, our team just wanted the match to be over. We waited for a total of 1 hour for you to actually play a 6v6 match. Then you continued to spawn camp and say rude things in chat for the last 20 minutes of the match, If you deny any of this, the demo is here > http://play.esea.net/index.php?s=stats&d=match&id=7947991
One of our teammates left the team and quit TF2 completely because he was so disgusted by your actions and the actions of ESEA. TF2 will never become a proper Esport if the competitive community continues to look like this. We're sorry if it looked like we tried to sneak a ffw on you. Many of our players were tired and had work to do. As a team, we keep people to their word. If you say a match is going to start at 10:45, it best start at 10:45. We may be a newer team in open, but we deserve the respect and gratitude that any other open team should get.
No one enjoys being involved in drama, even though it is fun to watch. We appreciate that you are willing to discuss this situation with us, and we hope you have a good rest of the season.
frenzyxBut it's fun
Please don't let frenzy make your teammates quit tf2 Jesus Christ he's so retarded
lmao how can he say that coming from a game like csgo where the devs systematically shun skillful movement to make the game easier for newer players?
gg to squad fam :D