Google has been fruitless to me thus far and I am searching for anywhere that might have some insight into what's going on here because I am relatively new to server hosting.
I have a TF2 community server through Dathost and ever since day one the server seems to just ignore whatever the next map is supposed to be and seemingly picks one at random.
I have doublechecked my mapcycle.txt, I have doublechecked that all the maps are on my server and can be accessed manually. Manually entering "changelevel" command works, but the vote does not.
Direct from the console after I called a successful vote for ctf_minetest:
Jul 22 01:20:04: CHANGE LEVEL: ctf_minetest
Jul 22 01:20:04: L 07/22/2023 - 01:20:04: [SM] Changed map to "koth_farmed_v2"