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Signed Up September 11, 2012
Last Posted January 27, 2013 at 5:23 PM
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#40 A good read while at work... in Off Topic
toothI just did a quick google search to make sure the payroll tax cap was what I thought it was. I thought I knew it but then I said to myself, there's no way people could be that stupid! Sure enough, for every dollar of income over $106,800 you don't pay any social security tax. Who the hell thought that would be a good idea???

Does social security funding draw it's money solely from social security tax, or do those who pay a higher percentage and get exempt from the ss tax also contribute becuz the gov just funds it with available money anyway?

posted about 12 years ago
#10 A side-by-side comparison of Obama's 2008 and 2012 in Off Topic
_workswe're posting redundant videos that mean nothing here, right?

The future of America and the TF2 free market system is meaningless and redundant? Sorry, but i do not want to be forced to spread my tf2 hat wealth to the F2P'ers.

posted about 12 years ago
#77 TF2 Competitive Pet Peeves Thread in TF2 General Discussion

- europeans

posted about 12 years ago
#36 A good read while at work... in Off Topic

Should let things fail without bailing them out. Should stop regulating small business. Should drill our own natural resources (force chinese kids to do it for a loaf of bread, like mr. slin). Should lower taxes on small business, Should shoot all the pesky red people with feathers in their hair swinging hatchets and shooting bows and arrows and smoking their pot. Hold the rest of the world hostage by threatening to blow up the moon with trident missiles. Demand 5.47$ worth of tribute from every human being on the planet every day, for 1 year, and we will cure our 14 trillion dollar debt.

plan for america

posted about 12 years ago
#42 Low FPS in Q/A Help
THIS, but this game is totally about CPU power, and if u get low fpss in some maps like swiftwater or viaduct is normal because this game is a joke (poorly optimized).

he's getting an i5 3570k, so he's good to go cpu - wise.

posted about 12 years ago
#61 The 120Hz Monitor Thread in Hardware

The acer is not good? Explain please.

posted about 12 years ago
#40 Low FPS in Q/A Help

7950 = 300$
670 = 400$

posted about 12 years ago
#39 Low FPS in Q/A Help

Dont get the gtx 670. Get the AMD 7950. It's 30% faster and 100$ less money.
Memory bandwidth 7950 = 240000 MB/sec
670 = 192000 MB/sec
7950 = 384 bit card.
670 = 256 bit card.

7950 = 1792 stream processors.
670 = 1344 stream processors.

670 is basically a beefy 660ti. Mid range in the new generation cards, the 7950 is high end. Between a 670 and 680.

posted about 12 years ago
#56 problem in Off Topic
m4risaWhat do you think?

How would you feel if you were dating a pre-op trans without knowing and then she suddenly tells you after eight months?

I'd feel like drinking hard liquor and watching

posted about 12 years ago
#14 Cool Video Card? in Hardware

screw the 7870/7850. a 7950 is the same price as the 660, u can findem both for 300 bucks. But the 7950 is far better.

posted about 12 years ago
#55 Being Different in TF2 General Discussion

i dont give enough of a fuck about ''rollouts'' to try and copy what the ''pros'' do. Kthnx i will whip my sandvich tosser and healerman to mid. Throw some collateral discipline on the pyros and spies and engies, try and get the first slap on the scout's ass so he's that much gayer than the opponent's scout.

posted about 12 years ago
#39 Suggestion to the UGC HL league in TF2 General Discussion

egh i flubbed that up it wouldnt work. Fornaught (i think) if he's still around is the guy that did STA league, he had a real efficient way of filtering teams to the right ladder, is he an admin at UGC?

posted about 12 years ago
#29 Soldiers using the Black Box - fill me in? in TF2 General Discussion

i remember a pug where vhalin was on the other team doin this. bbox pretty much turned him into a really effective ''harassment'' class. but unlike scout, sentries were not a problem. If I'm not mistaken he was using gunboats as well.

posted about 12 years ago
#36 Suggestion to the UGC HL league in TF2 General Discussion

maybe add a "gold" division in there between silver and platinum, so the bottom half of plat and the top half of silver can go into "gold". Make the requirements for going into gold be in the top 10 teams in silver for your application to gold to be considered, and to get to platinum only the teams that went to gold playoffs are eligible to join plat in the next season.

posted about 12 years ago
#15 x - a team fortress classic movie. in TF2 General Discussion

Remember how the level 2 sentry didnt shoot rockets, but it would lock on to targets faster than the level 3 :|

posted about 12 years ago
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