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SteamID64 76561198060042521
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Country United States
Signed Up September 11, 2012
Last Posted January 27, 2013 at 5:23 PM
Posts 63 (0 per day)
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#9 help me modify $400-500 PC budget build pleaseee in Hardware

Do what copperside suggested w/mobo/cpu- 30$
Ditch the evo junk - 35$

get this ram instead

650ti is weak

still saved 65$

posted about 12 years ago
#31 community assistance required in TF2 General Discussion

guppy fishes

posted about 12 years ago
#240 help with team name :( in TF2 General Discussion

Oh. Uh. Burnt Potatoes i have no idea

posted about 12 years ago
#23 Getting horrible frames with a decent gpu in Hardware

I've used the same gtx 560 on several cpu's. To give idea of fps in tf2
Athlon dual core - 50-70fps (similar to your problem)
I7 3770k 4.0ghz - fps = as high as the game allows
Running that i3 and 560ti, is like merging a 2 lane country road (i3) onto a 4-lane highway (560ti). Your low fps = not enough traffic allowed on your highway.

666mhz ram is normal, it's 1333mhz speed dual chan.

posted about 12 years ago
#79 UGC Highlander Rant in TF2 General Discussion

omit me from the original post.
round1 pre-season match -

/forever steel

posted about 12 years ago

posted about 12 years ago
#209 Pre-season highlander gossip in TF2 General Discussion

who more OP gg or ts?

posted about 12 years ago
#17 How to Support Competitive TF2 Monetarily in TF2 General Discussion Start a CEVO team.

posted about 12 years ago
#8 Nvidia driver update causing tf2 issues in Hardware

you can still run it in dx9 with chris's maxframes config, just change it in the launch options. player models will look shiney but in a weird way because the quality will still be low, but you should be able to keep high fps and not have flickering

posted about 12 years ago
#10 120 Hz issue in Hardware

can u even get more than 60fps on tf2 with a 9500gt?

posted about 12 years ago
#113 All-girl, transatlantic TF2 HL showdown! in TF2 General Discussion

tf2 is neat

posted about 12 years ago
#20 S10 HL Maps? in TF2 General Discussion

would love to see snakewater and freight and process

posted about 12 years ago
#28 OpenPlugin in TF2 General Discussion
alfunksopot, stop smoking it

You're not my mother.

posted about 12 years ago
#21 OpenPlugin in TF2 General Discussion
alfunksoSay that you can afford this monitor
And you can tweak the fov to make it look in such a way that things on this monitor doesn't look squeezed like they would look in a regular monitor with a high fov. See where the advantage is now?

Valve set the fov limits to 75 and 90 for a reason.

blahblahblah TF2 is a capitalist game, made by a capitalist country. Weaklings need not apply, that's what kawadooty is for.

posted about 12 years ago
#20 OpenPlugin in TF2 General Discussion
OdissiushookyYou will probably get VAC-banned. Especially if someone finds a way to hack the plugin to allow any FOV.

It's for sure banned in ESEA though, and if it isn't already, it will be.

Well, I've been using it since June and haven't been banned yet by VAC.

I literally cannot play TF2 without this plugin though. 90 FOV gives me terrible headaches and makes me feel claustrophobic. 90 FOV in this game is just too zoomed in...

Are you sure that ESEA client will disallow you from connecting with the extra .dll files in your folder?

I'm working on writing up a petition for ESEA to implement custom-FOV changing server-side up to 105 or 110. If people get behind 'color-blind' petitions and making changes for those users than they should get behind this cause as well, so that people affected by low FOV can enjoy playing TF2 as well. If you think I'm bullshitting, just do a google search for 'low FOV headache/nausea/eye-strain' and you'll see a shit-ton of results. Adding an extra 15-20 FOV to the limit doesn't change gameplay at all, so I don't see why ESEA won't do this.

I'd like to see a 91-115 fov allowed as well, make sure to post the petition here when ur done.

posted about 12 years ago
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