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SteamID64 76561198170980343
SteamID3 [U:1:210714615]
SteamID32 STEAM_0:1:105357307
Country Germany
Signed Up January 21, 2019
Last Posted June 30, 2024 at 4:37 PM
Posts 16 (0 per day)
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1 2
#29 young man buddha mode in a pug in TF2 General Discussion
Prime-SanityI was jumping before the pug to get consistent on my fast rollouts and was getting tired of cratering. I thought if I had switched classes it would had turned off my fault.

Last time I checked you couldn't rocket jump on 1hp with buddha.

posted 7 months ago
#8 Something Is Off in Off Topic
glasswas absolutely positive this was a fridge thread before i clicked on it

can you really rule that out for sure?

posted about 2 years ago
#9 See your medic's uber% on hud in Customization

By the way, this is toggleable without lag, so you can just use

tf_use_match_hud 0
alias +teampanel "showpanel specgui"
alias -teampanel "hidepanel specgui"

to not have to use match hud if you leave in your other players.

posted about 2 years ago
#16 How do I *actually* pencil jump? in TF2 General Discussion

The most consistent strat i found after like one or two hours of testing was standing still, then c-tapping while walking (to the left) and turning to the left. It seems to depend on the state the legs of the soldier are in while taking off/uncrouching in the air and (maybe?) also the momentum you have. I think uncrouching early after a non c-tap jump with this movement also worked fairly well.

posted about 3 years ago
#16 something up with b4nny? in TF2 General Discussion

You are in b4nny's fridge now.

posted about 3 years ago
#6 How the hell do fingertip aimers aim in TF2 General Discussion

Basically any movement involving more than 1 joint creates this situation and you should handle it like you handle it all the time when moving around. Maybe it helps to think about how you want to move your mouse and not just where you want to aim.

posted about 3 years ago
#42 What are the little things that make you happy in World Events

this thread reminding me of them

posted about 3 years ago
#22 rahThread: EU vs NA girls-only teams in The Dumpster

someone should use gpt-3 to generate rahThreads

posted about 3 years ago
#9 Libinput(linux) sensitivity randomizer in Customization
ZestyIf there was a non system wide version I might add it to The Config. I think if you did it though rcon you could have changing sens as a twitch chat command.

I used something like this a while ago:

Show Content
alias sens_content1 "sensitivity 7.92845934808808"
alias sens0 "alias randomsens_apply sens_content1;alias randomsens sens1"
alias sens_content2 "sensitivity 12.786109388717"
alias sens1 "alias randomsens_apply sens_content2;alias randomsens sens2"
alias sens_content3 "sensitivity 1.95900961260913"
alias sens2 "alias randomsens_apply sens_content3;alias randomsens sens3"
alias sens_content4 "sensitivity 1.50882433286576"
alias sens3 "alias randomsens_apply sens_content4;alias randomsens sens4"
alias sens_content5 "sensitivity 1.93862411001482"
alias sens4 "alias randomsens_apply sens_content5;alias randomsens sens5"
alias sens_content6 "sensitivity 2.51103749728102"
alias sens5 "alias randomsens_apply sens_content6;alias randomsens sens6"
alias sens_content7 "sensitivity 10.55635700442"
alias sens6 "alias randomsens_apply sens_content7;alias randomsens sens7"
alias sens_content8 "sensitivity 6.89415670243616"
alias sens7 "alias randomsens_apply sens_content8;alias randomsens sens8"
alias sens_content9 "sensitivity 3.41966731585731"
alias sens8 "alias randomsens_apply sens_content9;alias randomsens sens9"
alias sens_content10 "sensitivity 6.48040290526163"
alias sens9 "alias randomsens_apply sens_content10;alias randomsens sens10"
alias sens_content11 "sensitivity 2.28365502038433"
alias sens10 "alias randomsens_apply sens_content11;alias randomsens sens11"
alias sens_content12 "sensitivity 1.61710276283784"
alias sens11 "alias randomsens_apply sens_content12;alias randomsens sens12"
alias sens_content13 "sensitivity 1.27484537277059"
alias sens12 "alias randomsens_apply sens_content13;alias randomsens sens13"
alias sens_content14 "sensitivity 14.4872175362188"
alias sens13 "alias randomsens_apply sens_content14;alias randomsens sens14"
alias sens_content15 "sensitivity 6.96532101901362"
alias sens14 "alias randomsens_apply sens_content15;alias randomsens sens15"
alias sens_content16 "sensitivity 2.10498230274851"
alias sens15 "alias randomsens_apply sens_content16;alias randomsens sens16"
alias sens_content17 "sensitivity 10.7433779250799"
alias sens16 "alias randomsens_apply sens_content17;alias randomsens sens17"
alias sens_content18 "sensitivity 1.88303236301377"
alias sens17 "alias randomsens_apply sens_content18;alias randomsens sens18"
alias sens_content19 "sensitivity 4.17696221952783"
alias sens18 "alias randomsens_apply sens_content19;alias randomsens sens19"
alias sens_content0 "sensitivity 1.32731583097159"
alias sens19 "alias randomsens_apply sens_content0;alias randomsens sens0"

//Number: 20
//Base Sensitivity: 4
//Deviation: 4

alias +fo "+forward;randomsens"
alias -fo -forward
alias +ba "+back;randomsens;randomsens;randomsens"
alias -ba -back
alias +ri "+moveright;randomsens;randomsens"
alias -ri -moveright
alias +le "+moveleft;randomsens;randomsens;randomsens;randomsens"
alias -le -moveleft
alias randomsens_use "randomsens;randomsens_apply"
bind w +fo;bind a +le;bind s +ba;bind d +ri
//bind [Key] randomsens_use

Here's the (pearl) script that generates it:

Show Content
print "File?\n";
my $fn=<>;
print "Number?\n";
my $n=<>;
print "Base Sensitivity?\n";
my $s=<>;
print "Deviation? (>1)\n";
my $rd=<>;
$rd=2 if($rd<=1);
chomp $fn;
chomp $n;
chomp $s;
chomp $rd;

open(my $f, ">", $fn);
my $a=0;
my $b;
my $d;
print $f "alias sens_content$d \"sensitivity $b\"\nalias sens$a \"alias randomsens_apply sens_content$d;alias randomsens sens$d\"\n";
print $f <<eeeee;

//Number: ${n}
//Base Sensitivity: ${s}
//Deviation: ${rd}

alias +fo "+forward;randomsens"
alias -fo -forward
alias +ba "+back;randomsens;randomsens;randomsens"
alias -ba -back
alias +ri "+moveright;randomsens;randomsens"
alias -ri -moveright
alias +le "+moveleft;randomsens;randomsens;randomsens;randomsens"
alias -le -moveleft
alias randomsens_use "randomsens;randomsens_apply"
bind w +fo;bind a +le;bind s +ba;bind d +ri
//bind [Key] randomsens_use
posted about 3 years ago
#6687 HUD editing: short questions, quick answers in Customization

i want to see the match hud on the scoreboard, is it possible to edit that? i didn't find any events regarding opening tab or making the match hud invisible when pressing tab in the hudanimations file, which was my only idea on how to prevent it from doing this (i mean the hud element toggled by tf_use_match_hud)

posted about 3 years ago
#8 How many Medics have been sawed while surfing? in TF2 General Discussion
close enough?

close enough

posted about 4 years ago
#3 How many Medics have been sawed while surfing? in TF2 General Discussion

Basically that, but with the other med surfing and being sawed midair, kind of like some of the midair market gardens and stuff like that.

posted about 4 years ago
#1 How many Medics have been sawed while surfing? in TF2 General Discussion

Had a discussion with someone who thought that it at max happened once (in 6s), that got me interested.
What do you think? If you know a clip, please send it.

posted about 4 years ago
#1 Is there an extine yaaao compilation? in Videos

Asking for a friend.

posted about 4 years ago
#10 Right click stopping m1 in Q/A Help

This fucks up some random stuff you might be doing, but maybe it helps:

Show Content
alias +m2action "+attack2;+reload"
alias -m2action "-attack2;-reload"

alias +m2 "alias checkm2 +m2action;checkm1"
alias -m2 "alias checkm2;-m2action"

alias +m1 "alias checkm1;-m2action;+attack"
alias -m1 "alias checkm1 +m2action;checkm2;-attack"

alias checkm1
alias checkm2

bind mouse1 +m1
bind mouse2 +m2
posted about 4 years ago
1 2