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Signed Up January 13, 2013
Last Posted May 16, 2016 at 7:30 PM
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#18 Keyboards questions in Hardware

+1 for the Quickfire TK if you want to keep the numpad and reduce space (also known as 90% keyboards).

I use one at home, and with AutoHotKey have it setup so that I don't switch between the numpad on/off modes. Instead I hold control as a modifier for arrow keys and other functions. Works pretty well, but do note that the bottom row is not standard layout. Specifically the spacebar is almost impossible to find decent replacement keycaps for. I've just got a new keyset in and have had to leave the original black spacebar in.

Other notable keyboards in this area are the Cherry 1800, Plum 96 and then it's going into the customs market.

posted about 8 years ago
#4 Weird Cut off problem on small resolutions in Site Discussion

Same situation as phaz, with Chrome (Version 48.0.2552.0 dev-m (64-bit)) not working, but Firefox is. Also tried launching chrome with all plugins disabled and same thing happens. If I keep refreshing, a different length of page will load, so the cut-off point isn't constant for me

posted about 9 years ago
#56 TF2 Grandma in Off Topic

hildreth: oh lord you play competitive? let me guess, UGC HL?

Not too surprising that she interpreted that as being somewhat critical

posted about 9 years ago
#148 MAJOR TF2 update for 10/28/15 (Scream Fortress 7) in TF2 General Discussion
aierais anyone crashing when they try to join sd_doomsday_event servers?
I have tried validating, and deleting the map and validating.

Try change your mat_picmip to -1 if it's anything above 0. That was causing a crash for me on that map

posted about 9 years ago
#4 Carnival of Carnage crashes game in Q/A Help

On closer inspection it looks like its mat_picmip causing the issue for me. At -1 I get no crashes, but anything above 0 causes game to crash on loading sd_doomsday_event. Running dx 81

posted about 9 years ago
#2 Carnival of Carnage crashes game in Q/A Help

Was having same issue, even with no custom hud on. Ended up renaming my autoexec (based on comanglia) and I can now load the map. Execing it in console makes me crash again so seems like there's definitely something there it's not happy with.

Hope that works for you as well

posted about 9 years ago
#2 Removing inactive/active contract hud element in Customization

tf_contract_progress_show 0

For future reference, use find in console to search for stuff, e.g. 'find contract' will show commands with contract in them

posted about 9 years ago
#23 Unlearning Movement in Q/A Help

FWIW I use almost the same setup, with index finger on C for crouch instead, and have no issues jumping. This setup is a bit weird but does allow crouching and hitting strafe keys without moving fingers, something that could be limiting you in jump maps. Might be worth giving it this a go if you are determined to change but can't deal with a 'normal' setup

posted about 9 years ago
#10 different cap points for different classes? in Customization

Hopefully this will help, just made it so let me know if there are any issues:!Bh8DTICB!KExOhL8HamohrBIqPhPEAtbTuW7TEEjdHZnJJA2GPSQ

Compiled smx and source are included. Convars are:
ctfpoints_enabled - turn it on/off

ctfpoints_scout - # of points for capping intel
etc. for all 9 classes. Or type 'find ctfpoints' in your server console to see all the commands


posted about 9 years ago
#2 config question in Customization

As far as I know the best way to do stuff like that is using developer mode like this:

But it's a messy solution that I wish there was an alternative for.

posted about 10 years ago
#2 Removing hud in Q/A Help

If you're wanting them removed just for surfing, one easy way is to hold down tab (or whatever you have scoreboard bound to) and to hud_reloadscheme (bind this to something). Your hud won't be visible when you release your scoreboard key, and will only come back when you view your scoreboard again.

That's easiest way I know if you're just wanting it gone temporarily

posted about 10 years ago
#20 demo jumping petition in TF2 General Discussion
ShooshValve can never win with us, whatever they do we seem to want it reverted. I think a better option would be to add a command so that you can change the blast radius ramp up or whatever? I dunno just seems kind of harsh to bug valve after everything they do.

People have found the following commands that exist:


These commands make it possible to replicate the old sticky mechanics, however, they require sourcemod to be installed (so for most people running a dedicated server) to be changed via sm_cvar. While I'm glad it shows that they potentially had jumpers in mind with this change, it's difficult for the average player to make the change, and would further divide online and offline jumping.

posted about 10 years ago
#15 demo jumping petition in TF2 General Discussion
Red_Well why don't you learn to do it another way? Adapt? but that really sucks for the map makers

I don't believe this is a situation where demo jumpers can just learn/adapt to airpogo a different way. Airpogo's are on of those techniques (like ctaps) that we are (were?) lucky to have in the game, as a chance outcome of the game engine. This small margin of error means that updates like can results in techniques being completely lost..

I don't think it's outrageous to speak out and inform valve about these changes, when its very likely that they weren't aware of the wider impact of these changes.

posted about 10 years ago
#5 demo jumping petition in TF2 General Discussion

It's worth noting that jumpers aren't looking for a full revert of the changes to demo, rather for the TF team to consider the following options:

1. Change the self blast radius of stickies, hopefully not impacting the blast radius unto other players (similar to the way direct hit has diff explosion radius for yourself, and others)
2. Buff the sticky jumper to allow 4 active stickies, rather than 2. Many maps requires this many active stickies out for certain high-level techniques, not just place 4x stickies and kaboom.

These changes have been suggested as a way of not impacting the experimentation that valve is trying to do with demos in 'normal' tf2 play, but still support the reasonably strong and passionate jump community

posted about 10 years ago
#5 Jump Servers in Requests

Yep, both AsiaFortress servers are in Singapore

posted about 10 years ago
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