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Signed Up February 26, 2017
Last Posted December 5, 2017 at 9:59 AM
Posts 11 (0 per day)
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#9 Strange mouse delay in fullscreen? in Q/A Help
mlnsI'm on windows 10, I've tried reinstalling drivers, didn't work. I tried m_limitedcapture_workaround 1, just made things worse. I turned on net_graph and noticed that my fps caps at 60 in fullscreen mode when fps_max 121 (it's fine in windowed). Vsync is disabled, but I think the problem should lie there?

Disable W10 Game mode. It reduces input lag. If you are on Fall Creators Update, try to disable it through windows registry:
Step 1. Open the Windows registry
Step 2. Navigate to the following path: HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\GameBar
Step 3. Locate the key called “AllowAutoGameMode”
Note: If there’s no this key, create one.
Step 4. Right-click inside the right panel, select New>DWORD (32-bit) Value and rename the new value “AllowAutoGameMode”.
Step 5. To enable Game Mode, set the value to 1. To disable Game Mode in Windows 10 Creators Update, change the value to 0.
Step 6: Reboot your system

posted about 7 years ago
#1 Pyro melee crouch animation isn't working properly in TF2 General Discussion

posted about 7 years ago
#1 How to fix this shit in main menu? in Q/A Help

Can't even close it, and open console. (I mean help messages, that confusing old players)


posted about 7 years ago
#655 faceit TF2 in TF2 General Discussion
AnAkkkMouldWithin reason right? Surely we don't have enough players in europe to play only with/against people of the same level
Hopefully the new system should bring back some players that were disappointed with the current system. We will also be able to try captain pick.

Can you explain, why do you have rate 128000 on TF2 servers? Other commands locked at 66 but it seems, that client and server still transfering packets twice as much usually and it does not make any sense. And yes, do you plan to add servers around the Europe, not only in the Netherlands?

posted about 7 years ago
#643 faceit TF2 in TF2 General Discussion

Faceit should do default tickrate on the server. Because it automaticly locking at 128 000 and you can't change "rate". 60 000 or 80 000 is enough for TF2.

posted about 7 years ago
#16 Reworked standard crosshairs pack in Customization
newDiGiTIt seems like the config for all rocket launchers including the default, direct hit, airstrike does not work though?
Edit: also pipes and sticky of demoman

Should be working all of them.

posted about 8 years ago
#14 Reworked standard crosshairs pack in Customization

you have typo in every bracketdot preset resulting in missing texture in game

Oh my fault. Apologies for this. Thanks for report. Download link updated

posted about 8 years ago
#12 Reworked standard crosshairs pack in Customization
AlfiePreset folders Medcross and Ring have their folder names swapped
Show Content
AlfieHow hard would this be to implement with broesel's crosshair switcher?The point of VTF crosshairs is not having to use a crosshair switcher because every weapon has its own assigned crosshair. However I'm not stopping you

Using cl_crosshair_file "" in scripts needs a workaround because it can't be used alongside other commands in a single line unless you use an exec command
alias vtf "exec vtf_crosshair"Put this in your crosshair switcher script alongside the other aliases
Now make a vtf_crosshair.cfg in the same location as your class.cfg files
In the vtf_crosshair.cfg putcl_crosshair_file ""
in broesel's cfg/crosshairswitcher/settings.cfg find all the ones you want the VTF crosshairs for
<class>_<slot> "size; color; type; viewmodel FOV or viewmodel off"
Replace the "type" with the "vtf" command
The vtf alias you previously made will exec the vtf_crosshair.cfg so instead of getting for example crosshair3 you get the cl_crosshair_file ""
Don't worry about it execing a cfg file every time. It doesn't cause any delays whatsoever. I used to use a similar script but it didn't use broesel's crosshair switcher. However there's no reason why this wouldn't work with broesel's switcher
I did this and it worked, but I noticed if I have the xhair too big, pixels appear at the edge of the texture. So I'll stay with vanilla xhairs

Thank you, folders will be fixed in next archive, updated download link.
Optimal cl_crosshair_scale value is 31 or below(For 1920x1080 resolution)

posted about 8 years ago
#7 Reworked standard crosshairs pack in Customization

UPDATE: Some textures has been fixed. You can use crosshairs on EVERY texture detail level(Low, High, Medium, doesn't matter anymore.)
Download link has been updated.

posted about 8 years ago
#3 Reworked standard crosshairs pack in Customization
pureverminRobotDoesnt work correctly on mat_picmip 1 or below. You should set Texture Detail on High
high texture detail is mat_picmip 0 i believe

Yeah, it's right.

posted about 8 years ago
#1 Reworked standard crosshairs pack in Customization

Hello, there is VTF crosshair textures pack that includes default crosshairs.
Recommended scale for crosshairs NOT ABOVE 31.

Crosshairs how do they look:

Doesnt work correctly on mat_picmip 1 or below. You should set Texture Detail on High
UPD: Some textures has been fixed. You can use crosshairs on EVERY texture detail level(Low, High, Medium, doesn't matter anymore)

You have to set cl_crosshair_file "" for it to work. (type cl_crosshair_file "" in console)
As example: cl_crosshair_file "crosshair3" - script is will not work
cl_crosshair_file "" - script is will work


Download the
Drag the hqcrosshairs into your tf/custom folder

Archive also does have full presets for each crosshair.
If you want to install them, just open "Presets/there is some crosshair name" folder and install content to tf/custom/hqcrosshairs folder. Default crosshair is Ring, you can change it by install content from Presets folder.
Presets are for quickly install your favorite crosshair.

Crosshair change:
Go to the scripts folder at tf/custom/hqcrosshairs/scripts
find the tf_weapon file for the weapon you want to change
scroll down to the crosshair section:

"file" "vgui/replay/thumbnails/dot"
"x" "0"
"y" "0"
"width" "64"
"height" "64"

change the part highlighted in bold with the crosshair you want, for example, change dot to ring.

Thanks for help to this topic:

posted about 8 years ago