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Signed Up August 26, 2014
Last Posted December 28, 2024 at 7:54 PM
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#25 Fireside announces Physgun Fireside Denver 2025 in News


posted 2 months ago
#5 Miggy's Highlander Charity Cup viewers' guide in News

Also as a Zack myself, between me Zag and Zak this is the most Zacks in one place I've ever had the pleasure of representing. this cast brought to you by the end of the alphabet gang

posted 10 months ago
#4 Miggy's Highlander Charity Cup viewers' guide in News

I'm SO hyped for this event. I love the draft format, the production and staff are knocking it out of the park, and this goes to such a good cause. So excited to see you all there. Roast me in the chat, I'll see it

posted 10 months ago
#36 Fireside Casts Updates in Projects

Love the merch! Great material, and I love the orange on the blue. The orange threads are shinier irl

posted about a year ago
#58 TF2 LAN at Localhost Philly (June 25-26, 2022) in LAN Discussion

This is Highlander med Rogue. cu@.

posted about 2 years ago
#5 Degnan LFT Advanced Medic in Recruitment (looking for team)

I really enjoyed having Degnan as a teammate. So motivated, hardworking, smart, and agreeable. He's more than ironed out his mechanics, so I expect him to flourish by going above and beyond this season in advanced. Expect to lose if you don't pick him up

posted about 4 years ago
#1 Big data mining of TF2 logs in Projects

I’m working on a master’s in data science, and I have a course project on distributed data mining. We have the full history of logs from to use for our analysis. What questions does the TF2 community have that big data mining could solve?

Here are some ideas we have so far:
-Finding cheaters with outlier analysis
-Heatmap of deaths on maps
-Metastatistics (how likely you are to win the round if you win the midfight, how likely you are to hold last with uber disad, etc)
-Tracking player improvement over time
-Future match prediction

These are our quick ideas, but we’re very interested in other ideas. Let us know what else you think of! And of course we wouldn't be doing all of this, we would likely focus on one or two areas. Give us new ideas!

Here’s some more technical stuff about the assignment if you’re interested-
Essentially we’re looking to take big data and gain insights from it using really powerful machines (a TB of RAM, 128 threads, 20 GPUs, etc). We’re not allowed to use neural networks (we’re taking that class at the same time), but all other forms of machine learning and data mining are allowed. If you have any ideas for machine learning or data mining methods that you think would be good for this data, hit us with those too!

And of course, huge shoutout to Zoob from and his incredible work on that site

posted about 6 years ago
#5 LFT Medic/Scout in Recruitment (looking for team)

Awesome med and even more awesome dude. His attitude is always positive, and he's done a lot of great work for this community. Fantastic pickup.

posted about 8 years ago
#57 b4nny LAN? in TF2 General Discussion

Miggy's post is the tl;dr of his wisdom, so he has a LOT More to say. He has done such an outstanding job with all of his LANs, and now that he has the massive BYOC LAN under his belt he's coming in hot to next year. Ask this guy questions, learn from him, give him suggestions. Make these LANs as amazing as we all want them to be.

posted about 8 years ago
#2 Mid Open Med LFT in Recruitment (looking for team)

John is awesome. He's very smart, decisive, and level-headed. He says mid open here, but I could see him breaching high open in no time. Very strong pickup.

posted about 8 years ago
#2 p0ss3ss3d LFT Low Open Med in Recruitment (looking for team)

I've been working with Possessed, and he's a great upcoming med. He's very driven to succeed, and always comes to me for demo reviews and questions. He has good fundamentals and he's willing to work together with the team. 10/10 pickup for a new open team.

posted about 9 years ago
#2 lft s21 in Recruitment (looking for team)

Gargle is an awesome player. His DM is strong, and his positioning is great as well. He gives clear and concise comms, and he works very well with teammates.

posted about 9 years ago
#3 Marty lft low-mid open roamer/scout in Recruitment (looking for team)

Marty is a monster. His DM is amazing, and his gamesense is like no other. He knows his positioning, focus fire, timing, everything you could ever ask for on both roamer and scout. He's really cool and chill too, making him a great teammate. You couldn't ask for a better late pickup.

posted about 9 years ago
#4 FrankenBerry lf mid Open roamer-medic in Recruitment (looking for team)

Frankenberry has great comms and great gamesense. He's a great team player and adapts well to whatever is thrown at him. Great last-minute pickup!

posted about 9 years ago
#1 ROGUE LFT Open Medic in Recruitment (looking for team)

Hello! Rogue here, and I'm looking to play Med in Open. I have huge amounts of experience as Medic, leader, and maincaller across a ton of formats and divisions. I can work with someone else calling, but I am a very strong maincaller myself.
The entirety of my exp in HL and stuff is on my profile, here's some of it. I've been ringing and subbing for Blue Elephants on and off for the past year almost too, but here's my roster experience:

Gold S18- Medic, sub (Disney Jam Thursday)
ESEA-O S19- Medic, sub (Blue Elephants)
Plus 5 older seasons of messing around in Iron/Steel leading Rogue Runners (still on Med and maincaller)

Here's my UGC profile since that's where all my EXP is:
Hit me up!

posted about 9 years ago
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