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Signed Up January 8, 2015
Last Posted January 24, 2015 at 9:14 PM
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#59 Transparent Viewmodels in any HUD in Customization
OliverI downloaded it and followed a tutorial by woolen sleevelet on youtube, when i joined a server my screen was white except for my ammo, health and crosshair.
What i might have done wrong is when copy pasting the text into my chris's fps config i read i had to replace a few commands with the text above so that console commands dont disable my viewmodels i just copy and pasted the text right into the bottom of my chris's fps config... Any help would be extremely appreciated!!!!!

Are you sure you're running the game as dx9? As it's been said many times before, dx8 does not work with this.

posted about 10 years ago
#43 Transparent Viewmodels in any HUD in Customization
tsunami_Sentient me senpai

Oh god please don't turn this into an exploit. It's so useful that it would be a shame if Valve took it away from us.

posted about 10 years ago