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Signed Up April 4, 2015
Last Posted November 29, 2015 at 11:47 AM
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#773 Cheater/Hacker thread in TF2 General Discussion
MaxillawsYou're telling me every single team DAT plays against is incredibly unorganized and don't know how to focus fire?

I mean it's possible but the chances of that being the case is extremely unlikely.

About your point saying maybe if he's just good.

If he is that good he wouldn't be playing in steel or silver

I don't think I'm sandbagging, since this is the first actual season I've played in silver (I've only ever played in steel except for Space Jammers which only played one week before disbanding), and I've tried out for multiple gold teams but didn't make the cut for any, including PVP and bonus, although that was about two season ago or so.

I don't know what happened with the other team during that match, but I have my own POV with comms on youtube if you'd like to find out what happened during the game. Podgy also has his POV with the exact same comms if you'd like even more perspective.

posted about 9 years ago
#771 Cheater/Hacker thread in TF2 General Discussion
barycenterFrom watching Rondego's POV of the final round of the match, I didn't find anything suspicious at all. The DH twitch video, though, I can't really tell.MaxillawsEven if you are taking 40+% of heals as Heavy, getting 30+ kills and dying less than 10 times a lot of the time isn't normal.Still, I can see why going from 13-11 to 46-5 in 20 minutes could be considered suspicious.

I've got my POV of that match up too. Like Podgy said, our team got its shit together and .exe just fell apart, which is usually when I play my best, since I can capitalize on their players overextending and just generally being disorganized.

posted about 9 years ago
#768 Cheater/Hacker thread in TF2 General Discussion
dollarlayerJetzrondego made this
after going from this to this in ~20min
The airshot on BL mid: he had no view of the jumping soldier then suddenly twitches up airshots, then moves his fov back to ground level view.

Hacks or pure luck and using much higher sense than 2.5" per 360.

Yes, that BL mid shot at the end was mostly luck, and through the power of editing, I was able to take out the other 90% of shots that I completely missed. It's a really fun way to practice flickshots and I decided to make a video out of it because I thought it was entertaining and really shows the power of my a high sensitivity, no mouse acceleration, and practice, among other ingredients like a 144hz monitor which allows you to see more when flicking than an average 60hz monitor could display.

kounterpartsThat shotgun shot gave it away. On top if the fact hes using the direct hit. Which is the easiest to use with projectile prediction.

Yes. What other weapon would I use or 180-degree flickshots? A minigun wouldn't be as flashy and an ambassador or sniper are extremely difficult because they take a lot more precision than a one-shot DH to a scout's entire hitbox. The shotgun shot was the same thing, just with the shotgun instead of the DH. Take a look at that shot again at 1/4 speed. It was a flickshot. And hell if that doesn't convince you, I'll use my phone to record my mouse and monitor and do the same thing.

dollarlayerSo overall his reaction time in spinning around is about 10x of whats normal. 2.5" 360.... I used to play with that... You can NOT spin around that fast.

You can, actually. 2.5"/360 means you can turn 360 in 2.5". Therefore a 180 takes less than an inch an a half. Thanks to no mouse accel, I can flick that distance as fast as I want and it'll turn roughly 180 every time.

I made that video for fun because, like I said, I wanted to share how powerful those settings combined can be. Obviously it's not viable in an actual match (my team and I were hanging around and having some fun after a scrim when I recorded the footage for that video), although it does help as a heavy when you need to turn around quickly to deal with spies or track scouts.

posted about 9 years ago
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