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Signed Up January 26, 2021
Last Posted August 26, 2023 at 9:45 PM
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#62 RGL S9 Advanced Happenings/Discussion in TF2 General Discussion
gungonRyot This is why your google doc of strats made us mald If you practiced the shit in this document over a season I guarantee you would get at least playoffs.

Such a strong claim from someone who never saw us play, looked at one log, heard any comm. But I disagree and I'm on the team...

posted about 2 years ago
#59 RGL S9 Advanced Happenings/Discussion in TF2 General Discussion
sandblastRyotgungonRyot This is why your google doc of strats made us mald This is actually so much incredibly good information literally wasted on ur team lol. If you practiced the shit in this document over a season I guarantee you would get at least playoffs. If you and the rest of your team just don't care about winning or getting better in any capacity except aiming better that's great, glad Jw is gone from there because ofc a team needs similar goals.
To me, it's just frustrating that players will complain there is no information or people willing to help them improve, when almost every invite player I can think of has or is willing to mentor FOR FREE. The main problem with mentoring is that most people just don't want to take criticism or reciprocate effort into actually taking advice, so as a teacher you don't feel respected and your work feels pointless. I'm not saying you guys have to make TF2 ur life just to boost the ego of some dude teaching you the game, but memeing saying the strats are bad and just not even trying them seems disrespectful to your teammate and his mentor.

We tried these strats and failed at executing in almost every time we tried against good teams in scrims. Even jw himself did not execute these, you can watch our process match demo if you want.

Having good information and theorys doesn't mean anything if you can't execute them yourself or with your team. We felt we were being forced in a box with his play style and we didn't like it.

strats are a game plan going into the game. more than half the time TF2 is wayyyy too chaotic to get them to work 100% of the time. that doc is an amazing way to play the game at a foundational level. thats why a maincaller exists so the team has a plan through out every point in the game. shocking you guys removed Jw that guy seems super dedicated, hopefully he lands on a solid team

He is super dedicated and put a lot of effort into the team, I hope he finds a great team.

posted about 2 years ago
#57 RGL S9 Advanced Happenings/Discussion in TF2 General Discussion
gungonRyot This is why your google doc of strats made us mald This is actually so much incredibly good information literally wasted on ur team lol. If you practiced the shit in this document over a season I guarantee you would get at least playoffs. If you and the rest of your team just don't care about winning or getting better in any capacity except aiming better that's great, glad Jw is gone from there because ofc a team needs similar goals.
To me, it's just frustrating that players will complain there is no information or people willing to help them improve, when almost every invite player I can think of has or is willing to mentor FOR FREE. The main problem with mentoring is that most people just don't want to take criticism or reciprocate effort into actually taking advice, so as a teacher you don't feel respected and your work feels pointless. I'm not saying you guys have to make TF2 ur life just to boost the ego of some dude teaching you the game, but memeing saying the strats are bad and just not even trying them seems disrespectful to your teammate and his mentor.

We tried these strats and failed at executing in almost every time we tried against good teams in scrims. Even jw himself did not execute these, you can watch our process match demo if you want. All 5 of us disagree with too many of his calls, (and we all have more experience) this did not have to be a public affair. When we practice the Google doc strats and fail to execute them correctly in scrims you do not call for them in matches. I don't want my game to be a fucking card game of laid out strats that's boring and unadaptive. He yelled at vin for criticizing him and left vc as soon as we lost on process. Yet complains about us leaving on granary.

Having good information and theorys doesn't mean anything if you can't execute them yourself or with your team. We felt we were being forced in a box with his play style and we didn't like it.

posted about 2 years ago
#50 RGL S9 Advanced Happenings/Discussion in TF2 General Discussion

I kinda thought the zam conspiracy was a meme on the team, I appreciated the time he gave me and our team. I even recorded the whole session I had with him and you and re-listened to make sure I didn't miss anything.

I will say that no one on our team was really questioning the central mids, we have all seen higher level games where it is the main mid strat. We just thought it did not work for us, we tried to tell you but you kept calling for it.

One thing I know you told vin was that our flank needed to stay on the flank in almost every situation. Zam said that we were death balling together too much and leaving the flanks open. I think u synthesized that poorly and tried to explain in a catch-all, lacking nuance.

In the end, this came down to us not liking the calls and certain plays you were making. We all thought you were too cookie-cutter and lacked the ability to adapt to new information. This is why your google doc of strats made us mald (to be fair we haven't used it in a about a week or 2) a lot of it is probably good too, I just didn't like the nature of it. When tf2 becomes a college lecture it sucks alot of fun out of the game.

However, it shows that you are very committed to improving and put a lot of work into our team. I have no doubt that if you continue grinding like this you will be a great player. It just wasn't for us...

posted about 2 years ago
#49 RGL S9 Advanced Happenings/Discussion in TF2 General Discussion

y drama

posted about 2 years ago
#493 RGL S8 Main Happenings/Discussion in TF2 General Discussion


posted about 2 years ago
#308 RGL S8 Main Happenings/Discussion in TF2 General Discussion
Young_Sanitylennevery match besides 1 we've rolled lost a round. only 1 match has been a rollname a team that has gotten over 3 rounds on you in a match.

my team didn't drop 3 rounds the whole season we were all main, and last season was a roll too, stop coping

if u fear a team with 2 low adv players u are all main bound forever

posted about 2 years ago
#283 RGL S8 Main Happenings/Discussion in TF2 General Discussion

if a team with 2 low adv players is curb-stomping main ur just coping, ur all actual mid im players

that or u don't understand how the divs actually work, if u think that the best main team shouldn't be able to play low-mid adv ur just retarded

U just want Im 2 instead of a gateway to adv

posted about 2 years ago
#275 RGL S8 Main Happenings/Discussion in TF2 General Discussion

they were a shit adv team and got rolled stop crying, if u guys were actually high main u could beat 2 low adv players and some main players

posted about 2 years ago
#275 2nd Place B4nny in TF2 General Discussion

When I'm Froyotech 2?

posted about 3 years ago
#78 RGL S6 Main Happenings/Discussion in TF2 General Discussion

did anyone notice that rgltf2's scout were nothing and never got anything before this season, and now they're winning main?!

posted about 3 years ago
#71 RGL S6 Main Happenings/Discussion in TF2 General Discussion


posted about 3 years ago
#92 RGL announces upcoming Summer seasons and preseason events in News

rgl is as bad as villa

posted about 3 years ago
#10 Andruu LFT s6 in Recruitment (looking for team)

This is honestly one of the best demos I've seen in the lower divisions. I believe he could easily play mid to high main. His dm and demo game sense are way above Im. His strive to improve is also pretty high, he has gotten many demos reviewed by his mentor and applies the concepts well.

Pick him up

posted about 3 years ago
#23 astre oh no. in TF2 General Discussion

its just stv hud glitch spec lag

posted about 3 years ago
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