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Signed Up June 22, 2017
Last Posted March 13, 2025 at 6:25 PM
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#6 Ovi or Crosby in Off Topic
eatshitcrosby so much better and well rounded ovi gets fed goals which is fine but crosby actually does more shit other than standing on the hash marks


even with ovi likely breaking the scoring record this year, crosby still has more points than ovi in 140 less games and a better career +/- (which is seriously impressive with how rough this season has been for the penguins), sid plays 2 way game better than ovi. not trying to diminish ovis upcoming accomplishment but im taking sid 100%.

posted 1 week ago
#201 sin karma? in TF2 General Discussion

bro that is not lag.

posted 3 months ago
#157 shadowplay clipdumps in Videos

posted 3 months ago
#254 RGL PUGs Public Alpha in Projects

is there an ETA on when the dedicated pug servers will be back up?
edit: saw theyre fixed now, thank you!

posted 3 months ago
#217 RGL PUGs Public Alpha in Projects
Prime-SanityCan we stop allowing players that have never played a single RGL season or any season in any comp league from playing pugs? Its extremely frustrating.

Open pugs are just fine. Asking new players to sign up for a full season of 6s or hl before they can play pugs just adds massive barrier of entry. NA Tf2's pug system is probably in it's best shape since pug champ era, and having an open pug system where new players can simply add up and play 6s/hl for the first time without having to commit to a full season is a good step for RGL. (not to mention it avoids the biannual "wheres this months pug discord at?" tftv/reddit thread).

Prime-SanityI get its open pugs but come on bro you are asking for people to sign up on alt and just use cheats.

If this is your primary concern, rather than being annoyed at noobs on your team, then this post makes more sense. If someone decides to make an alt and cheat, that sucks for but its a worthwhile trade off if it means more new players have access to pugs.

Prime-SanityBefore you say just add up captain pugs, it is nigh impossible to get those going because for someone reason everyone think its reserved for the highest level players.

Be The Change.

posted 6 months ago
#9716 Frag Clips Thread in Videos

posted 7 months ago
#20 HARD SCREENSHOTS in TF2 General Discussion

posted 9 months ago
#110 new dm servers in Projects

are all the skyboxes default? i swear sometimes ill get bombed and the sun flashbangs me. also can panic attack be banned?

DivineAThaving some spawn protection would be nice, so you dont just insta die when you get bad spawn rng and 4 people just shoot you, or when someone is just camping the spawn. It would have to wear out the moment you shoot or after a couple seconds me thinks.

i know this is late but this would be abused, the chances of you getting a bad spawn are lower than the amount of times you would lose a fight to an invincible person off spawn.

posted 10 months ago
#51 ban the lochnload next szn in TF2 General Discussion
bearodactylnot sure if it needs to be banned tho it doesn't seem to affect the game that much

if ur on the fence about if ball should be banned ask yourself why the cow mangler was banned in the first place... charge shots having potential to insta win any fight. a crit ball can do the exact same thing ALL WHILE not using any primary scattergun ammo, recharging faster, doesnt stall ur movement, and instantly shoots.

bearodactylmaybe if everyone started to run it and abuse it tho (hard to judge when it hasn't widely been used)

ngl i feel like pretty much every flank scout in invite uses it, and if ur not then ur missing out on free damage for no risk

Walrexwait, so we want loch banned because its hard to react to and can do a lot of damage over really long distances, and we want mg banned because it can 1-shot most classes and offers little counterplay?

i swear i've seen this before...
Show Content

i know this is a joke but sniper being annoying is more of a map design problem, not exactly comparable to weapon bans.

Wicked02 whats the counterplay to this?

to be honest, skeez just needed to press any other movement key than s and also not route his movement up a surfable ramp. highfive as well was probably looking at chat or his players in house, which is why is reaction to this was as slow as it was. if he was more prepared for a fast counter sack, he probably could've positioned himself in from of skeez and denied me.

brodyDuel_Clipa bit of a derailment of the thread but why do people see an issue with the mg?it breaks the ammo management decision making that forms the total foundation of skill at the class, and it adds a powerful play that is almost completely impossible for the opponent to interact with

as much as i love using mg, the first quarter of the take is actually a pretty good one. although everything after is just wrong. its VERY possible for the opponent to interact and deny a soldier of a crit mg with good positioning, movement, and simply just anticipating a soldier with mg.

posted 11 months ago
#43 ban the lochnload next szn in TF2 General Discussion
buud i dont see how tftv thread will solve anything, surely you guys have a way of talking to the admin team or something, its not like this is the NBA or something.

this stuff actually does get talked about with the admins, usually a meeting with the admins and invite players occur at the end of each season. the problem stems from players being reluctant to show up to those meetings. threads like aren't bad, in fact id say its good because it brings discussion. (PSA if youre an invite player, attend the meetings!)

wrap assassin is another item i think needs to be banned, crit balling is so broken and theirs no risk involved, obviously similar things and can be about LNL. in my opinion, thats what separates weapons like LNL and wrap assassin from the spoon.

posted 11 months ago
#14 I Miss The News : ( in TF2 General Discussion

good content surrounding invite/prem would bring more eyes and hype to the scene for sure. sad to see how little coverage there is these days, especially given how competitive these past 2-3 years have been.

Wandumif anyone is reading this thread and thinking about doing some writing please dont hesitate to give it a shot something the comp tf2 community has taught me time and time again is that the only thing stopping you from creating content of any kind (be it articles, interviews, casts, etc) is you
tf2 is not a big esport so the barrier to entry is literally just messaging jmax here or on discord (na and eu)

this is a very good point, the barrier of entry is not bad at all.

another thing, i think it'd be a good idea for RGL try making better youtube content. maybe trying to do team documentaries or player profiles/interviews.

also last thing, kinda unrelated but why doesnt RGL mirror all the big announcements and news threads from the rgl forums with this forum? usually some random person has to copy and paste it and make their own thread here for it to actually be seen by anyone.

posted 11 months ago
#15 Map design in TF2 General Discussion
arcadiaI think koth we can do better, like is bagel really the best we could come up with in 10 years?

i feel like this discredits the map a lot, bagel is one of the most balanced and well designed maps in the pool once you understand the flow.

indecencyabolish koth
its shit

how come?

posted about a year ago
#116 RGL PUGs Public Alpha in Projects

you can sub people on the other team literally why

posted about a year ago
#9 the best tf2 airshot of all time in Projects

posted about a year ago
#96 RGL PUGs Public Alpha in Projects

the website doesnt make noises unless ur tabbed into it, ive missed multiple pugs because of this (maybe this is an issue on my end?). also the ready up noise itself is pretty bad (the pug champ hl2 beep sound effect was perfect)

EDIT: also would be nice to see exactly how much elo we gain/lose in each pug

posted about a year ago
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