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Last Posted December 30, 2018 at 7:44 PM
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#7 Bounding Boxes and Map Geometry Breakdown in Videos

I updated the image galleries so they should work again

posted about 6 years ago
#4 Bounding Boxes and Map Geometry Breakdown in Videos

This thread has fulfilled it's purpose, I will use it to post cool little spots I have found or even just spots I had been misunderstanding up until now. Here are some process tidbits, I didn't know the slope on last or near second choke were complete and always jumped up to try and move forward. And also on red side is a little "door" you can stand on outside of sewers while blu doesn't have this. It is really interesting

Feel free to post anything cool you find or hide it until LAN

posted about 6 years ago
#3 Bounding Boxes and Map Geometry Breakdown in Videos

That is great to hear, I learned a lot too. I really hope I can find out the missing command to see true geometry on props but I already use this process to practice soldier and it really is nice to keep in mind while playing

posted about 6 years ago
#1 Bounding Boxes and Map Geometry Breakdown in Videos

I could not find, at least in one place, an explanation of how movement works or how to obtain deeper map knowledge so I created a video compiling all of the information I have found in one place.

If you have any suggestions I could easily add more information or fix any inaccuracies as I still have the work files so please tell me what you think

posted about 6 years ago
#185 cp_prolands in Map Discussion

I have discovered a couple of errors around the map, screenshots can be found in this gallery.

One beam near dropdown on red side is solid while on blu is not. And also on red side of mid is a perch bigger than blu side giving roamers on blu a slight advantage if they take advantage of it. Both tiny just worth mentioning. Also in the gallery is a screenshot of the platform above the flank on last, why was this added? Soldiers already have an easy enough time controlling this area without having an ambush above a choke and this could make it even harder to push out, if taken advantage of

posted about 6 years ago
#3 No Unusual Effects Mod in Customization

I appreciate the response, I never considered that nohats mod might remove unusual effects. I suppose that is it then? I don't know of any sv_pure 0 servers and I have tried preloading the mod which didn't work either (so must not work on sv_pure 1 either). I don't see a reason to continue this mod if it wont work in most cases, it really is a pain to remove weapon unusuals which wouldn't be worth it (unless there is some sort of demand in which case I wouldn't mind finishing it), but the OP is rather comprehensive itself so worth keeping in the mod folder just in case you happen to end on an sv_pure 0 server.

posted about 7 years ago
#1 No Unusual Effects Mod in Customization

I want to make an updated version of the noeffects mod but my modification does not seem to work online.

First I removed the file item_fx.pcf from tf2_misc_dir.vpk with GCFScape, next opened TF2 with the -tools launch option, opened TF2, changed tool to particle editor, opened item_fx.pcf, then finally went line to line highlighting everything from renderers to constraints deleting the variables with the delete key. This appears to be what the original mod did (no mirrors I can find for some reason, here is a link to it), and after I compiled the file to .vpk format (maintaining directory structure ./root/particles/item_fx.pcf) I tested several effects in itemtest and cannot see the effects at all. As of right now I have also did this same process to the isotope unusual and plan to do the others if I can get this to work correctly. Here is a link to the current file, note this is probably only useful for debugging as again doesn't really work

However when I join a game in casual I see several unusual effects, and my friend says the effects are also visible in community servers with sv_pure 2 (i dont know if the mod works in any other circumstance either so this is the limit of my knowledge thus far). So this new modification isn't blocking anything at all outside of lan servers for some reason (i thought casual and lan by default use sv_pure 1? I have no idea what it could be). The old noeffects mod works just fine in every server I have tried it on (as far as I know?) but is very outdated and doesn't try to block things such as isotope weapon effect along with the newer effects and so on which I would want to remove. What could be going wrong? Ideally when it works I would edit this post and make it the main thread for this

posted about 7 years ago