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Signed Up November 7, 2019
Last Posted November 7, 2019 at 7:24 PM
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#125 describe your tf2 career in 3 words or less. in TF2 General Discussion

fair and balanced

posted about 5 years ago
#1 EuroLander Season 2 in Projects

Hello dear reader! Thank you for already being interested so far.

Have you finally reached that point, where Casual is just, well, too easy? You know, when it has become rare being not on top of the scoreboard on payload and king of the hill maps.
Do you have a very good understanding of the game and actually want to step it up?
Are you able to take this game seriously, and be dedicated?
Does becoming the best there can possibly be interest you?

My fellow player, if you've answered positively to all of these questions, and live in (or close to) Europe, you should consider playing our competitive tournament!
No, not the in game competitive, but the real competitive, which is third-party competitive aka community competitive.

EuroLander is a European Highlander tournament.
What is Highlander? Highlander is an organized 9vs9 match, with one of each class per team, and voice communication. In this case, it is played on payload and king of the hill maps.
Check out the website, where you can find all the information about the tournament:
Check out the Discord server, where you can look for or lead a team:

To find a team, head to the "looking for team" channel.
Our community welcomes you to the scene and is willing to help! Don't hesitate asking questions.

Yes, you need a working and at least decent microphone, and the will to communicate.

Additionally, we're planning to reward team leaders in a special way if they successfully lead a team, that is, if we manage to get sponsored.

posted about 5 years ago