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Signed Up April 5, 2019
Last Posted October 17, 2020 at 2:10 PM
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#65 cp_villa (5CP) in Map Discussion

While I was jumping around the map I found this clip and figured out how to do it consistently. there are other clipping spot around the second point, but I didn't take the time to figure out how do them consistently.

posted about 3 years ago
#61 cp_villa (5CP) in Map Discussion

Keep up the good work with the map Kevin the changes have make it look alot better then it was in the past. though my one concern is the team with point advantage holding the game hostage on lobby room between second and last as all the entrance to last can be watched by one sentry gun. While other 5cp making it hard to watch all the entire to and from last to second. take my words with a grain of salt as im not a pro at this game, but yea keep up the great work man.

posted about 3 years ago
#3 Only Flamethrowers apply the reduced healing rate in TF2 General Discussion

this guy made a chart showing how the healing debuff affect healing (Note that the cart is a level 1 dispenser)

while flamethrower after burn does slow down healing it also get cleansed quicker by the medibeam heal source(mediguns, dispenser, and payload carts). How much quicker? For every sec you heal the target you take a sec off the debuff(the only debuff that I think that is not affect is marked for death).

as for the other two non-pyro weapon that cause afterburn the Cow Mangler after burn does not reduce healing, but the Huo-Long Heater's afterburn does

posted about 3 years ago
#22 What keeps you coming back to comp tf2? in TF2 General Discussion

For me its just fun to play with a team that is trying to work together and try to bet better people then me and learn to improve myself. lots of people take comp as im here to win, for me im here to learn. as a medic their is some much weight put on where you put yourself, how you move, when to use your ubers, and many more because I have always been better with projectile then hit scan and I like make decisions that could win the game that why I play medic. to reiterate I can be useful to people that are way better at aiming then me.

posted about 5 years ago
#27 RGL Presents the Modern Maps popup league! in TF2 General Discussion

Yea I was looking forward to it too. I hope you try again in the future as I had fun playing on the maps with friends and I had a blast make callouts for week 1 map line up. I hope cp_Domain and cp_Mist see play in the future as both maps are very special and play like no other standard map I have played. And thank you RGL team from try to make a competitive Renaissance era for tf2. I found No Restrictions Sixes to be fun to watch.

posted about 5 years ago