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Last Posted September 2, 2019 at 2:06 PM
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#71 i65 Thank You Thread in TF2 General Discussion

I spent like, 2-3 days trying to write this but honestly if I'm trying to cover everything it ain't ever gonna get written because words just can't do justice to the experience. It's gonna get tl;dr-ish so apologies.

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It was amazing to see what Essentials could pull off with its passionate group of volunteers, and the project leads (Doc, Soda and Arch) handled one stressful curveball after another. And some of the production guys didn't even leave their chairs for 2/3rd of LAN because they were just glued there handling stuff. Things didn't go picture perfect but the crew persevered and put on one heck of a show: server admins, production, casting, desk, content and social guys? Y'all are king champions, and I can't wait to see the next LAN that y'all will put together. A big thank you for showing me what a grassroots esports community can achieve even without developer support.

And the players and spectators! It's a bit surreal to me to finally meet people I have only seen/heard on twitter, twitch streams and TFTV forums. Everyone was legit so nice and friendly and I really regret being a shy bug during LAN because there were so many people I wanted to talk to, but I was just that awkward person hoovering in the background because of nerves (I should've started drinking earlier haha). It was lovely talking to everyone that I did manage to speak with, and it's real heartening to see that the community is still going so strong.

Thanks to everyone who signed the postcards + notebook. Y'all made my friends in Asia pretty happy to get those signatures!

Special shoutouts to:

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The Production leads again! Doc, Soda and Arch? Can't emphasise how thankful I am for the good job you guys did for i65. Y'all really looked out for the team's well being, and are wonderful project leads.
eepily, Robbie and Rahmed, you guys are super friendly people. Thanks for chatting with me throughout LAN, even when I was clamming up during the first two days.
eXtine, samiface, and ma3la: I deeply admire people who pursue their dreams and passions. I don't think I have the courage to do that myself, so it's inspiring and encouraging to see people making it work. Thanks guys.
Prograde and team, y'all gutsy as heck to wear FROYO shirts to this LAN haha. Thanks for making the effort to fly over, it really couldn't have been easy. It was also great to finally meet you face to face, Prograde. Promise I'll sign your jug if I ever make it to RGB LAN.

And finally, huge thank you to the Comp TF2 community for a great and memorable time. It was my first international LAN, my second after AFLAN, and what's a LAN without the organisers and the attendees? I had a rough idea of what i65 would be like but the actual experience itself was so much better than what I expected. Might be awhile before I show up to another LAN outside of Asia, but fingers crossed I'll get there someday. Thanks again friends.

posted about 5 years ago
#19 Insomnia 65 in LAN Discussion

Hello friends, I'm looking to resell my i65 early bird, weekend ticket (non-BYOC). I haven't put up my listing on seetickets' fan-to-fan resale site yet, but I'm looking to sell it for the original price of 65 pounds. Do let me know via DMs if anyone's interested. Thank you.

posted about 5 years ago
#27 Favorite Frag Videos? in Videos

A couple of medic frag movies:

The last two are surprisingly relaxing to watch.

posted about 7 years ago
#60 Positive outlook for Rewind 2 in TF2 General Discussion
JopperHiipFireJopperJarlowIf ESA announces early, Faint will go.
With our new and improved roster

Can Faint Gaming sponsor Asian team for Rewind? :D

I will handle the accommodation mainly for the team ;)

Just need sponsor for food and drinks (including alcohol)
whens teejay @ lan

Going to talk to xiao of possibility for ESA. When i can figure out more on my budget by next week i will talk to clover about it. (if your reading this clovis be ready to answer my questions)

I can help them with regards accommodation now just the food and drinks need to figure out and maybe (HOPEFULLY) (if xiao agrees) the community get their wish of seeing Teejay and his friends at LAN.

Will there be fund raising from the community? I would totally contribute to a fundraiser to see an Asian team at Rewind!!

posted about 7 years ago
#71 sickest airshot of all time? in TF2 General Discussion

posted about 7 years ago