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Country Scotland
Signed Up August 8, 2016
Last Posted August 8, 2016 at 12:08 PM
Posts 2 (0 per day)
#31 Do pros consider scout op? in TF2 General Discussion

Pro scout sheepy dog's hand here, gonna get banned on this as well but before I do i'll post this. Excluding medic scout is the strongest class and that's why you now see top teams running a scout with the medic taking a good chunk of heals because a scout with heals is the best at focusing down single targets in pushes, protecting your medic and demo against bombing soldiers ect so this is why playing pocket scout gives you lovely logs if you play it well. It also gives the pocket the freedom to use gunboats and it helps your medic stay alive. So in my opinion it's good to give a balance of heals between the pocket, demo and 1 scout in the combo but every team is different.

Still someone needs to watch the flank and cap points (always me nowadays but I still wreck) and the roamer can do this but most roamers i've played with are just doing roamer things and i'm usually alone on the flank. In my opinion because of this having a good scout who can play with little heals and still do work with only buffs on the flank and making sure people don't get behind because your roamer is dead or by getting behind and being annoying is really tricky to do well and i've seen a lot of scouts who are used to playing the more pocket scout role struggle when needing to play like this, I think there are very few scouts in europe who can do this well and I think one of the reasons Reason (nameless) did and still do so well is because of the way they set up their scouts with haffi playing the pocket style role and stark playing the flank scout role so well and thats probably why Stark is the best scout in Europe for sure. sorex is amazing at it as well but from what i've seen LEGO do it a little differently so I can't really tell. I think i'm pretty solid at it as well and when I did play that role on Planet Express (where raptor got cut) I feel I played it really well on a very disjointed and miserable team.

posted about 8 years ago
#76 Official Full Tilt i58 Fundraiser in TF2 General Discussion

Hey sheepy here, since im banned i just made this alt to ask if I donate $40 instead of $20 will I be able to watch 2 instead of 1 hours of anime with Sil? I will still donate the $20 either way.

posted about 8 years ago