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Country Egypt
Signed Up February 16, 2018
Last Posted September 23, 2024 at 8:16 PM
Posts 1499 (0.6 per day)
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1 ⋅⋅ 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 ⋅⋅ 98
#2 UGC unveil new Ultiduo league for 2020 in News

would hate to see ugc die so im glad its still pushing stuff

posted about 5 years ago
#62 RGL Invite S1 Happenings/Discussion in TF2 General Discussion

hey guys

posted about 5 years ago
#3 Twitter BS in Off Topic

twitter is terrible

posted about 5 years ago
#39 Your Greatest Achievement? in Off Topic
ILLEGALELEPHANTGUNafter a hurricane this bar got fucked up so i went and took a bunch of kegs that were layin around outside and had a keg party and made $250

glad you admitted to looting like a giant dirtbag asshole

posted about 5 years ago
#145 vex is a stalker please ban him thank you in TF2 General Discussion
dishsoapOculismu made alts in my stream unprovokedi made 2 to quickly fuck with u and dipped, if i had a grudge i wouldve continued.

u did it to begin with and if ur denying the rest arent yours I bet you got your friends to do it

posted about 5 years ago
#140 vex is a stalker please ban him thank you in TF2 General Discussion
dishsoapthis mention of grudge i have against scratch is definitely untrue. if anyone appears to have a grudge here it would be scratch himself, as i do not care about anything he does, yet whenever he sees me he starts to ree at everything i do and say. just yesterday i was told about how in a pug with me playing against him that he, edin, and aiera were all just parrotting anything i typed in chat which heavily annoyed his teammates who told me that after the pug. also in no case have i made any attempt at virtue signalling against scratch, i merely have stated that if he wants to stop getting in trouble that he needs to disassociate bc people will continue to associate him with the circlejerk he hangs out with. i even offered him my condolences earlier. anytime i couldve possibly virtue signalled may have been in my lft where i called out dogo for being a shitter, or back in the steph thread where he was first called out for being a shitter. u keep throwing around these buzzwords, but you dont actually know the meaning behind them. or i guess you do, but dont know how to use the word correctly.

side question: whys ur main banned?

u made alts in my stream unprovoked

posted about 5 years ago
#131 vex is a stalker please ban him thank you in TF2 General Discussion
INTENTION does not fucking matter because at the end of the day he publically announced the lewds to thousands of people without create's consent and to top it all off allowed people access to it for albeit a short duration of time, spread it.

""""thousands of people"""" (1 person, aiera) took the time to type the URL in, and then tell me to censor it (its the 1st post) and then I did.


posted about 5 years ago
#100 vex is a stalker please ban him thank you in TF2 General Discussion
funhaver1998he posted the lewds on the forums and has been harrassing steph for like a year+ how many threads have u seen of the same shit alawys linked to him?

how comes when steph posts it no one cares but when he posts it everyones getting mad wtf

I haven't harassed stephanie directly or done anything to her since the first thread was made and I was very clearly punished
(if u count taunting someone as harassment u are fucking stupid)

I forgot to censor the video for about 10 minutes and the first person who mentioned that I should I then censored it immediately

Me and Stephanie have talked privately and she has forgiven me and we have moved on. As far as I know we dont really have any beef anymore.

lock thread pls (also dishsoap literally admitted to making alts on my stream so yes im 99% positive its him)

posted about 5 years ago
#17 what are you sad about lately in Off Topic

exact same shit u said

posted about 5 years ago
#88 vex is a stalker please ban him thank you in TF2 General Discussion
onesaucyboi_im getting followed by this dude named and i quote:
its probably vex lmao

its dishsoap he made like 10 alts to try and fuck with me lol

posted about 5 years ago
#1215 Post your setup in Off Topic

comfy little cubby after moving

posted about 5 years ago
#43 who is the shortest TF2 player? in Off Topic

juju is 5'2

posted about 5 years ago
#71 vex is a stalker please ban him thank you in TF2 General Discussion
josh POOPYr

using a fake number isnt hard dude i dont care about ur real number

posted about 5 years ago
#69 vex is a stalker please ban him thank you in TF2 General Discussion
joshSo.. I am Vex, and yes a lot of what Scratchh is saying here is true I was being annoying, but he has done a lot to me, him and his GXQ friends have been very annoying in game and other platforms but they're smart they deleted all the messages and they've blocked me so I cannot talk about that. In the 3rd photo he showed SOMEONE texted him. I can't really prove how that wasn't me but I can prove one of his friends have told me the text was from Indiana and I'm from Canada I know that you can say I have a vpn and that I'm from Indiana or what he's said that I have an app that changes the location of my number. Honestly I really cannot prove I live in Canada or that that wasn't me with the Indiana number, you guys just have to believe me on that. But I can show you timestamp and I can show you that one of his friends messaged me at 7:00 est exactly asking if that was me that texted him but he blocked me at 4:30 est and if you check the image he posted it says 11:25 (not sure what time zone) but even if he was in another time zone as me when he received the text I'm pretty sure he lives in America so I don't really think his time is 7 hours ahead of mine. And another thing the lewd video of Cre-8 was a MAN (at the time) taking his shirt of and if I go on Instagram I guarantee that I will for sure see a few teenage MALES with their shirts off.
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why would any of us care about you enough to fake the phone number thing

why the fuck would anybody text me that, You're right that it wasnt a 30 minute gap, but it was still in the same day and I STILL have no clue who texted me and none of my friends have my phone number,

Prove you didnt text me and I'll drop it. but I still think its pretty clear it was you or one of your dumb friends. Still doesnt change the fact that you've been following me and all my friends trying to annoy the shit out of us.

Im still going to assume you somehow found my number unless you have solid proof otherwise.

Also that cre-8 shit is disgusting whether or not he identifies as a girl or a boy its some underaged kid shirtless doing stuff I aint gonna describe that doesnt help ur case

posted about 5 years ago
#32 vex is a stalker please ban him thank you in TF2 General Discussion
dishsoapscratch gets called out for harassing someone then gets harassed.
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fr tho sorry this is happening to u but i cant help but laugh a little lol hopefully this gets sorted out and vex is banned

harass or be harassed

posted about 5 years ago
1 ⋅⋅ 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 ⋅⋅ 98