nice dude mom should be proud
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SteamID64 | 76561197988169784 |
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Signed Up | April 6, 2013 |
Last Posted | February 19, 2014 at 5:15 PM |
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ill also backup if needed
my palms are always so sweaty after watching videos like this
yo guess im lft again, im willing to play any combat class but, you probably wont want me on scout.
i played in S14 as a multiclass backup and was recently playing for a team for next season as roamer.
PlatinumpotHoly shit wow. How does an almost 30 yr old not have the self control to keep themselves from screaming niggers across a hall?
25 is almost 30? like I said, that was right after I got a 5k to win the first map of Grandfinals, suffice it to say we were a little hyped up. it's not like I planned it to stand on a chair and scream at the top of my lungs. I'm sorry to whoever got offended, if you search for the members of it that are of colored descent, you will find none. They should be the only ones who were potentially offended.
im sorry what? since when did you have to be black or gay to be offended by someone yelling nigger or faggot at the top of their lungs? shittalking in a competitive environment is one thing, but acting as if everybody in the room should take it as lightly as you is just ignorant. Also, im pretty sure that if you played in real sports and yelled out nigger at the top of your lungs after a match there would be some pretty pissed people...
really positive attitude and cool, def worth a pickup
something id probably expect to hear in a frag video at around 3:05, not my type of genre doe
really old so quality isn't the greatest, i suggest at least listening to biggies verse at the end
got my power back
been without power for 2 days now, luckily my uncles house hasn't been affected.
i've been staring at a wall for 48 hours now.