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Country Macedonia
Signed Up July 9, 2015
Last Posted June 23, 2018 at 5:04 PM
Posts 750 (0.2 per day)
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#5 Unplayable lag on wifi in Q/A Help
wafflebpowerline adapter

I have this one -

works great

Since im a jew i was thinking more along the lines of a 15m ethernet cable

posted about 9 years ago
#3 Unplayable lag on wifi in Q/A Help
deetrI got something similar to this except that it would show the disconnect message in the top right for like 1 second when I lagged and the issue ended up being my network card overheating

I added a video. Can you tell me if it's similar to your problem?

e: i love how there's someone randomly -fragging you just for the fuck of it

posted about 9 years ago
#1 Unplayable lag on wifi in Q/A Help

EDIT: Added a video. Excuse the crappy quality, it's the first time ive ever used xsplit and my laptop isnt exactly handling it that well lol.

Basically i've got annoying as hell freezes every few seconds. My ping spikes to whatever huge number for a fraction of a second (doesnt show on the scoreboard, only shows it to like 160 on net graph 1, but the peaks are in the thousands on net graph 4) and my POV freezes for a second. This occurs every few seconds, it sometimes goes away on its own, sometimes it happens once every few minutes, other times literally every few seconds making the game unplayable. What's even weirder is, no one else notices it, i dont visibly freeze or teleport or glitch out on the server, it's just my POV that freezes. Even on recorded POV demos it's slightly different (in my live POV it just freezes, and on the demo it shows me as freezing and slightly moving my crosshair to some random direction). This has been going on ever since i got this laptop 2.5 years ago, regardless of the router, distance to the router - doesnt matter if im right next to it or on the other side of whichever house im testing this in, ISP or anything else. Ive tested it in 3-4 different locations all using a different ISP, different router, different everything. And in all of those locations, no one else had this issue.

This only happens while im on wifi, my connection is fine while playing wired. However, due to my IRL situation changing i can no longer play wired and im forced to play on wifi. Any help would be appreciated.

Here's a demo of me playing mge with a friend you can see the lag there. If you would like a live recording with net graph on the screen tell me and i'll provide it.

posted about 9 years ago
#80 Pros vs. YouTubers in Events
sombrezwhy are they doing it so late

also how long is it

Probably so everyone can watch. It's 6am for me, 7-8 am for eastern europe, something like 2-3 pm for the aussies. So pretty watchable for everyone, its not at 3-4 am for anyone

posted about 9 years ago
#77 Pros vs. YouTubers in Events
fatswimdudeetherThis guy should be playing:
the first guy hasnt made a video in 8 months and daedalus has been inactive for years (rip to the legend)

only person i was really surprised not to see is Strife, but the lineup is still a pretty nice representation

Ping related probably. Plus he's more of a twitch guy nowadays.

Muselk is there with 900 ping because he's famous enough to justify being invited with 900 ping.

posted about 9 years ago
#34 Pros vs. YouTubers in Events
fatswimdudeMuselk you've probably heard of. TF2's most popular youtuberfatswimdudeTF2's most popular youtuber

posted about 9 years ago
#23 Pros vs. YouTubers in Events
GetawhaleSentinelSo anyone with a YouTube account and 500 views is a "youtuber"?
Good one

Actually Retro has over 4,500, I couldn't find anything about Jimmie, but the rest of these guys have anywhere from 30,000+ subs to 383,000+ subs.

Good one though.

Obviously, I wasn't referring to Muselk (or Arrayseven / Uncle Dane) they're pretty noteworthy. Jimmie has 165, Retro has 4k and all the others have around 30k. Not trying to be disrespectful towards the effort these people probably put into their channels, I was just saying that they aren't the famous "mainstream" youtubers you think of when someone says "tf2 youtubers". Hell, i watch a lot of crap on youtube and i haven't even heard of half of them. My point was, that these guys are the equivalent of getting b4nny + 5 random IM players as the "pros" team. Sure, it's technically a "pro" team since they'd all be comp players but its not the pro team that first comes to mind (the top etf2l or esea teams). Damn, explaining jokes sure kills them.

Anyway imma stop right here before i start sounding like an annoying cunt that cant appreciate a community event.

posted about 9 years ago
#56 Sudden rise of hackers in pubs? in TF2 General Discussion

I did some googling and the average Lithuanian yearly salary is around 9250 usd. So even if his channel made the lowest estimate on socialblade ($34000 yearly), its still 4 times as much as the average salary there. So can you really blame him? Any of you would do what he does if you could.

posted about 9 years ago
#16 Pros vs. YouTubers in Events

So anyone with a YouTube account and 500 views is a "youtuber"?

posted about 9 years ago
#8 Question about locked threads in Site Discussion
omnificflameim more of a 255 255 50 255 kind of guy myself when it comes to yellow huesI've never understood the idea of yellow crosshairs, they seem like they'd blend into the terrain on maps like gullywash or badlands. I've always used neon green, it stands out really well

Neon green here as well, but it's still a bit annoying on maps like sunshine or while looking up at baloo. Those maps are so white, they cant even dance.

posted about 9 years ago
#34 Epsilong Time No See in News
kosshocky and stark scares the shit out of me not gonna lie

dont you mean

posted about 9 years ago
#5 Fps Issue in Q/A Help

Honestly, the only way you could run tf2 with that hardware is if you turn it into an 8bit 2D side scroller.

Now, for some actual productive input - the fps max should be set to something that you can maintain constantly. No point in capping it at 132 or 60 or whatever when you can't even achieve those numbers, let alone maintain them constantly. Just leave it uncapped.

posted about 9 years ago
#28 Epsilong Time No See in News
retrogradeSentinelh0b5t3rOverwatch will probably end up being just like a tf2 rip off moba with a extremely toxic community
How is it a tf2 ripoff? It has payload and a class that has a heal beam, but from what ive seen the actual gameplay is nothing like tf2. It's like calling cod a counter strike ripoff because they both have guns and a knife.

classes that are a lot like tf2's and fill similar roles + very similar objective based gameplay with similar (read: the same) objectives.

Sure the objectives and classes might be like tf2 but the actual gameplay is nothing like it, in my eyes at least

posted about 9 years ago
#24 Epsilong Time No See in News
h0b5t3rOverwatch will probably end up being just like a tf2 rip off moba with a extremely toxic community

How is it a tf2 ripoff? It has payload and a class that has a heal beam, but from what ive seen the actual gameplay is nothing like tf2. It's like calling cod a counter strike ripoff because they both have guns and a knife.

posted about 9 years ago
#139 ETF2L-P S22 Happenings/Predictions in TF2 General Discussion


posted about 9 years ago
1 ⋅⋅ 44 45 46 47 48 49 50