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Signed Up December 5, 2012
Last Posted October 7, 2014 at 11:57 AM
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#103 TF2GAMES in The Dumpster
TF2GamesWe were hiding this project during the year, mainly because it was really hard job and it wasn't worth showing back then. We knew, that we would have to keep people waiting and waiting and keep saying "patience patience", and that wasn't something we wanted.

Isn't that exactly what's being done now? You revealed this project with nothing (that you're willing) to show at the moment and are telling everyone to wait.

posted about 10 years ago
#24 [SOLVED] Mumble Overlay Doesn't Show in TF2 General Discussion

I've been struggling with this for a while, and after trailing the internet for solutions, no good. I already tried everything that has been suggested here, and nothing will work :( And it won't just not show up for me, it crashes the game on the spot.

posted about 11 years ago
#18 Getting into competitive play in TF2 General Discussion
yuki"My vac ban was a douchebag friend" dunno if that's related to TF2 or not - OP will have to clarify.

A friend that used my computer was cheating and got banned on cs1.6. Back then I was a pretty causal player so I never looked much into it.

gj10133So if you want to find a team friend me gj10133 or send me a message and we can start a team cause I particulary think instead of waiting for months to find a team and the having to ajust to it a lot why don't you just make your own team so friend or message me gj10133 !!!!!!!!!!

Will do, not today though

Thanks alot to everyone for the input so far

posted about 12 years ago
#1 Getting into competitive play in TF2 General Discussion

First of all, hello everyone, I'm new in these forums, hopefully I'll have a good time.
Second, there probably are dozens of these threads but I wanted to explain my situation so please bear with me.

So I've been playing TF2 for 850 hours now, and it simply is my favourite FPS. While I still enjoy playing everyday, it isn't the same as it was before. I hit a skill plateau, I became the best a pub player can become. However I can still be very inconsistent: I can dominate half a team in a round and don't kill anyone in the next.

Something I always look for in online games is cooperation. Whenever I start a MMORPG, I try to find someone to side with through the whole game. I figured it is a much more pleasent experience to grow along side someone, to learn how to play with and for that companion.

And so I thought, why not do the same for TF2? Playing in pubs is fine, and one of the most enjoyable online gaming experiences I've had, but sometimes I just wished me and my team played as an actual team, and not as individuals, or individual groups.

I looked up TF2 competitive videos, and I was put in awe with what I saw (I don't need to describe as you guys probably know better than me). I wondered how the hay they got so good. But I just thought they could be exceptional cases. But then I found out there are entire competitions of players with similar skills. How can someone become that good?

At a friend's house, I tried TF2Lobby. I played a bunch of different ones: and I got completely destroyed. As an engineer, I didn't even get double digits in my score, after 3 rounds.

I just shrugged it off and thought to be bad luck, my inconsistency kicking in. Later at home I tried again; same result. This time I tried combat engineer: shotgun and gunslinger. I got to see up close what I was up against: airshotting soldiers and demos, scouts that meat-shot all the time, snipers headshotting everytime they pull the trigger...

I wondered if I accidently got in some higher skill scene that I wasn't prepared for, and looked for similar lobby systems, but for "competitive newbies". I found nothing.

I really want to play something more, to have fun as a team and not just by myself. However if there's no middleground, where do I begin? In pubs I'll go nowhere, in TF2Lobby I'll get destroyed before I can shoot twice. Any ideas?

Edit: I refrained myself from mentioning the ragers at my performance as such behaviour is commonly found in the internet

posted about 12 years ago