First of all, hello everyone, I'm new in these forums, hopefully I'll have a good time.
Second, there probably are dozens of these threads but I wanted to explain my situation so please bear with me.
So I've been playing TF2 for 850 hours now, and it simply is my favourite FPS. While I still enjoy playing everyday, it isn't the same as it was before. I hit a skill plateau, I became the best a pub player can become. However I can still be very inconsistent: I can dominate half a team in a round and don't kill anyone in the next.
Something I always look for in online games is cooperation. Whenever I start a MMORPG, I try to find someone to side with through the whole game. I figured it is a much more pleasent experience to grow along side someone, to learn how to play with and for that companion.
And so I thought, why not do the same for TF2? Playing in pubs is fine, and one of the most enjoyable online gaming experiences I've had, but sometimes I just wished me and my team played as an actual team, and not as individuals, or individual groups.
I looked up TF2 competitive videos, and I was put in awe with what I saw (I don't need to describe as you guys probably know better than me). I wondered how the hay they got so good. But I just thought they could be exceptional cases. But then I found out there are entire competitions of players with similar skills. How can someone become that good?
At a friend's house, I tried TF2Lobby. I played a bunch of different ones: and I got completely destroyed. As an engineer, I didn't even get double digits in my score, after 3 rounds.
I just shrugged it off and thought to be bad luck, my inconsistency kicking in. Later at home I tried again; same result. This time I tried combat engineer: shotgun and gunslinger. I got to see up close what I was up against: airshotting soldiers and demos, scouts that meat-shot all the time, snipers headshotting everytime they pull the trigger...
I wondered if I accidently got in some higher skill scene that I wasn't prepared for, and looked for similar lobby systems, but for "competitive newbies". I found nothing.
I really want to play something more, to have fun as a team and not just by myself. However if there's no middleground, where do I begin? In pubs I'll go nowhere, in TF2Lobby I'll get destroyed before I can shoot twice. Any ideas?
Edit: I refrained myself from mentioning the ragers at my performance as such behaviour is commonly found in the internet