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Country Finland
Signed Up March 29, 2014
Last Posted May 13, 2018 at 1:05 AM
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I remember when TF2 was almost at Dreamhack.

ty dunc u tried ;_;

posted about 10 years ago
#62 Overwatch (Blizzard Game) in Other Games

MNC was a fun DM game, but it was boring to kill neutral bots. And in SMNC, you had to kill neutral bots if you wanted any success in winning, which is probably why it failed even more than its predecessor.

posted about 10 years ago
#57 Favorite past teams? in TF2 General Discussion

Old Dignitas with appe and agron.

posted about 10 years ago
#19 TF2 update for 11/4/14 in TF2 General Discussion

Any code related to matchmaking leaked from this update?

posted about 10 years ago
#14 TF2 Update - 10/22/14 in TF2 General Discussion

Too bad gift hunting has like a 3 hour cooldown, it was literally the most fun thing to do in maps like Eyeduct ;_;

posted about 10 years ago
#3 ETF2L Division 1 Week 1: Animate eSports vs. The MIPC Organization in Events

hymzi demoman hype \o/

posted about 10 years ago
#3 ETF2L 6v6 Nations Cup #5 RO16: Russia vs. Finland in Events

0-5 0-5 russia

posted about 10 years ago
#33 WARs demoman blog. in TF2 General Discussion

"A final note with this hold as well is always be aware of players coming from behind you, make sure you have a soldier hanging around on balcony or near riverside to stop a scout rushing you from the flank."

The bane of this hold. Sometimes the soldier can't stop it in time and the scout will flank you nevertheless. The worst feeling :(

posted about 10 years ago
#21 the legend of darn in Videos
RyushiCloudmaker2Ryushiwhere did they get the Dignitas video blogs. i thought the youtube channel that had them on was deleted?
Ahh damm, while that is awesome that i hadnt seen these before i meant the channel with the original GPit starat video and the series of hey blogs from some swedish LAN

I think those were from Winter Assembly 2010 (A Finnish lan)

posted about 10 years ago
#1 Euro Demo looking for a NA team in Recruitment (looking for team)

Yo! I'm Setlet and I'm a div1-2 Demoman from Finland. I finished my school and I have nothing to do for 5 months. I can play at any given time. The high ping isn't a problem, at least from what I've seen in NA lobbies I can play just fine.

The skill level doesn't really matter, but I don't think it's fun for anybody that I would roll the weakest teams. I don't really maincall, but I think I'm capable of analyzing the aftermaths of any skirmishes.

Add me in Steam (Setlet) to contact me.

posted about 11 years ago
1 ⋅⋅ 14 15 16 17