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Last Posted April 26, 2024 at 5:56 AM
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#26 Map Advantage After Upper Bracket in TF2 General Discussion
clckwrkSetsulThere's also a major difference between making a living off of playing competitive video games and not.
Weekdays are different than the weekend. Just because they are willing to dedicate some of their social life to TF2 doesn't mean they are willing to dedicate all of it. "Do they even like the game if they won't dedicate all their free time for a whole week to one match" is frankly insulting. Sure, you're going to do that if that's your job, but it's pointless to compare the two. "If other people do this while being paid then you should do at least this fraction of it for free" is never a good argument.
And no, the comparison with weekend tournaments doesn't work either. For those you invest just that weekend, for a whole league season you spend weeks of mostly weekdays. Then tacking on a weekend as well that some people can't play on is something completely different.

It worked with LAN because LAN was the social event, it didn't take away time from anything.

Are we talking about the same thing? I'm talking about a playoffs match being played on the weekend. And in the best case, all playoffs matches being played during this weekend. If for one weekend out of the season, they play the scrims they'd normally play during the week, then spend their weekend playing their playoffs games to determine who wins the season, how is that a huge time commitment? This post is so exaggerated it's making me question if I have 0 reading comprehension. ALL of their social lives (for one weekend playing a game they love to play)? That's insulting? It's insulting to think that for the good of the game I would heartlessly suggest that invite players spend one weekend or... a few weekend days... playing the game they've played for a decade... I'm completely fine with the idea of working on a weekend preventing this from happening as I've already said, but social lives? It's one week and TF2 IS A SOCIAL GAME. You're playing with your team, who you have spent the season or many season playing with, to try to cement yourself as the best team that season.

I think for those who don't suffer from debilitating extroversion, this would probably be okay. A lot of people spent an entire year not going to LANs, seeing friends, going to bars, whatever. And those things are still up in the air for the foreseeable future. I think one weekend 3 months from now where they have to *gasp* scrim the entire week like they normally would but then play some playoffs matches that weekend instead of the offclass pugs they'd play would be completely fine, work-permitting. Maybe I've completely missed the mark here though and I heavily underestimate their dedicated commitment to their social lives.

EDIT: I'd really like to apologize for insulting these players by assuming they had the option of curbing their busy social lives for this meaningless event. If it were LAN? Now that's a different story. But I now realize that I was overvaluing TF2 and undervaluing their social lives for these 1-2 weekends. I've now come to the conclusion that absolutely any social event (or any other video game) takes precedence over the invite TF2 playoffs. Please disregard anything suggested in this post. I realize that all those weekends I'd voluntarily play TF2 when I was in invite just exposes me as being a loser and for players with a friend, every other weekend is absolutely booked by [any social event] for these players to pay TF2 any attention.

Yeah, I'm not sure we are talking about the same thing.
The initial suggestion was to have the entire playoffs on a single weekend. I assume that's what everyone else was talking about.
You mentioned weekend-long qualifier tournaments, so I assumed you were talking about that, not scheduling a single playoff match on a Saturday or Sunday, and, if time allows and the teams are cool with it, possibly scheduling another match on the next day. Maybe even two if everyone is on board.

At least this wall of text let you get all that off your chest instead of simply asking to clarify before going on a rant.

EDIT: And yes, suggesting that, if scheduling TF2 matches doesn't take precedent over absolutely everything else no matter what, you don't like the game the game enough is insulting to those who kept playing this game for years.

posted about 2 years ago
#24 Map Advantage After Upper Bracket in TF2 General Discussion

I don't think a lower round timer would lead to more teams actually capping last. Last doesn't become easier to cap just because there's less time.

Best case it reduces the amount of dead time by causing round timer draws earlier, worst case it cuts off even more pushes that would've been successful and leads to even more dead time because some teams now wait for a free risk-free push where they don't have to worry about keeping their medic (or anyone) alive if it fails.

There's also a major difference between making a living off of playing competitive video games and not.
Weekdays are different than the weekend. Just because they are willing to dedicate some of their social life to TF2 doesn't mean they are willing to dedicate all of it. "Do they even like the game if they won't dedicate all their free time for a whole week to one match" is frankly insulting. Sure, you're going to do that if that's your job, but it's pointless to compare the two. "If other people do this while being paid then you should do at least this fraction of it for free" is never a good argument.
And no, the comparison with weekend tournaments doesn't work either. For those you invest just that weekend, for a whole league season you spend weeks of mostly weekdays. Then tacking on a weekend as well that some people can't play on is something completely different.

It worked with LAN because LAN was the social event, it didn't take away time from anything.

posted about 2 years ago
#16 Map Advantage After Upper Bracket in TF2 General Discussion

Yes, it is the ruleset everyone uses for everything, not just EU, including NA for everything except officials. NA officials are to sole bastion of the "NA ruleset", which isn't used half the time in NA, while the "EU ruleset" is used everywhere that isn't NA, not just EU, and in NA as long as it's not an official.

posted about 2 years ago
#12 Map Advantage After Upper Bracket in TF2 General Discussion

Have you considered that you've simply played most tf2 matches under the NA ruleset, period?
Because the greatest comebacks I've seen and the best matches I've played were under the "rest of the world" ruleset. Which is not all that surprising, considering literally everyone uses it with only one exception.

Please no "real sports do it this way" arguments.

There was literally a tactical pause in the game that caused this thread.

The entire world (except NA) plays Bo2 (or more for playoffs). But yes, let's hope a team makes a comeback after we give them 5 minutes and a different colour. That seems much more likely to help than giving them a chance on a different map.
You have a regular season match on literally the one single map they're better than you? Don't curse luck of the draw, don't consider how much better this match would've gone for you if there were two maps, just use the halftime break to reset and change your pace and mentality, I'm sure that'll fix everything.

EDIT: Calling timelimit 30, windifference 5 "purely time limit based" right after a match played with the NA system where the only 5cp map went to time limit draws in both halves is pretty interesting.

posted about 2 years ago
#10 Map Advantage After Upper Bracket in TF2 General Discussion

It's amazing how almost the entire world uses a system that works, yet NA goes "wow this sucks, but apparently this problem is unsolvable".

Using halves for symmetric maps because CS has to for asymmetric maps is some major stockholm syndrome from playing in a CS league.

Guys, ESEA can't hurt you anymore. If you think 1 hour per map sucks then do something about it.

posted about 2 years ago
#5 TF2 Bot Theory in Off Topic
MightyI have returned from years of slumber to propose a conspiracy theory:
The TF2 bots have been funded by Blizzard as Overwatch numbers have started to dwindle, so TF2 players will be forced to play Overwatch to have a real match.
That is all.

I'll do you one better: The bots are being run using unused Overwatch server capacity. The less people play Overwatch, the more TF2 bots are being run to push people into playing Overwatch. The bots will only disappear when all Overwatch servers are at full capacity.

posted about 2 years ago
#16 Why isn't b4nny in the olympics? in TF2 General Discussion
pajaroLast I checked, the Olympics isn't an RGL-sanctioned event.

Now I want sigafoo and Thomas Bach to swap jobs for a year and watch the chaos unfold.

posted about 2 years ago
#72 included middle ban in TF2 General Discussion
albaI don't understand why etf2l needs to ban people for throwing in officials? Not everyone plays this game to win every game and be professional. Sure if there were a bunch of money involved I would get it but some people just wanna play for fun. Also where would you draw the line? Let the teams handle this by themselves instead. Also the fact that it's 3 months is pretty fucked up, but honestly its more fucked up that it's even a ban at all.

That's what the rules already are.

Somehow someone decided to ban included_middle anyway.

Trying to expand the matchfixing/betting rules to cover "throwing" to justify banning a player from a dropped team is the wrong hill to die on.

That's why the ban has already been reversed.

posted about 2 years ago
#66 included middle ban in TF2 General Discussion

Sodium >>>>>> Sigafoo

posted about 2 years ago
#61 included middle ban in TF2 General Discussion
BloodisSetsulThe team "Papa's special" should get a Minor Warning under Rule 1.6 for not submitting the Golden Cap screenshot.

For reference:
3.2. Status & Scoreboard screenshots required

If any map screenshots are missing after the match result deadline and its result has not yet been verified by the teams, both will receive a Minor Warning. Missing console status screenshots will be punished with a Minor Warning even if the teams verify the result.

As far as I'm concerned, you don't need to upload any scoreboard screenshots if the team that sends the results has ensured that they are correct and enemy team verifies them accordingly. Of course it is better to upload the screenshots anyways to avoid further complications and to further ensure that your own team won't get any warnings at all even if the small ones can be removed afterwards.
And admins are the ones that will know if the teams have both verified the results together, so I will assume that it is the case here because otherwise the minor warning is required to be put in place if the enemy team did not verify the match results, but an admin did so for them.

Status screenshots though, are always mandatory with no exceptions.

Well yes, but I was talking about rule 1.6, not 3.2. If 1.7 can be used to ban people for throwing, even though it's not mentioned at all, then 1.6 should at least be enough for a minor warning in this case.

1.6 is very exploitable by the way.

1.7. Committing or supporting fraud is strictly forbidden

1.6. Warnings may lead to point deduction and/or removal from a competition
Major Warnings:
Any attempts of fraud
Since included_middle was apparently banned based on rule 1.7, I conclude that his team also should've received a major warning.

posted about 2 years ago
#54 included middle ban in TF2 General Discussion

The team "Papa's special" should get a Minor Warning under Rule 1.6 for not submitting the Golden Cap screenshot.

For reference:

posted about 2 years ago
#53 included middle ban in TF2 General Discussion

For anyone actually interested: Throwing for shits and giggles is not actually against ETF2L's rules.

Throwing for any kind of incentive is forbidden under rules 1.7 and 1.9.

The traditional stance is that banning throwing is unnecessary, since if you do it only to screw over your team they will simply lynch you at the next LAN, and if you manage to actually affect other teams (e.g. playoff seeds) then you will be banned for match fixing anyway.

In this case Sodium simple hasn't mastered being an ETF2L admin yet. This is clearly a case of rule 7.3: Admin discretion.
aka Rules of the Internet #9: There are no real rules about moderation either — enjoy your ban.

posted about 2 years ago
#50 included middle ban in TF2 General Discussion
glass44 posts and no setsul?? hmm..

Germans no longer run this league.

I think I've made my stance on leagues run by engie mains clear.

posted about 2 years ago
#39 Why is Badlands not in any big league map pools? in TF2 General Discussion
Dr_SpamomanI feel like badlands rewards gamesense more than most other maps. For lower div players i think badlands is a better map to improve than many other maps.

Yeah, for example you can't have your combo sit on choke and keep an eye on the flank at the same time. Your flank needs to actually communicate!

posted about 2 years ago
#34 Why is Badlands not in any big league map pools? in TF2 General Discussion

It's true though, I do like badlands.
Maybe the joke went over your head.
I guess I'll explain it: Maps being a steamroll one way or the other where half the time just ends up padding the score without being very enjoyable to watch is bad. Close maps where you don't know how it'll end until the last second, maybe even going to golden cap, is good, that's fun to watch. Maps that both teams are good at are good.

I'm not here to be useful. The original question was:

If you were to give a few reasons why badlands/prolands is a bad map or why it shouldn't be played in any leagues for 6v6, what would they be?

I can't see any reason why it shouldn't be played. At least compared to some other maps in the pools.

posted about 2 years ago
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