Well, I had a team... But I went away for a job out of town had crap internet, got good internet "hotel internet" and got put working nights.. Hurt myself on the job, so now I'm back home for the entire season and looking for a team.
I've played a few seasons of ESEA, IM once and open several times on Kuza's old team.
Strong points: Good coms, Solid DM, Good game sense/awareness.
Needs work: Getting out of position, getting baited, occasionally over aggressive when I shouldn't be.
Looking for a team with laid back people who plan to play a full season together without anyone quitting if we loose a game, rage etc. It would be really nice to find a team with a solid main caller, and a team that plays fairly aggressive, capable of doing well in Intermediate.
# HotlikeSauce on steam ty!