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SteamID64 76561198067934227
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SteamID32 STEAM_0:1:53834249
Country New Zealand
Signed Up July 14, 2014
Last Posted August 7, 2018 at 8:12 AM
Posts 127 (0 per day)
Game Settings
In-game Sensitivity 1.25
Windows Sensitivity 6/11
Raw Input 1
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#63 Gabe Newell + Valve Employees AMA On Reddit in TF2 General Discussion
Tholewhy is it so hard for game devs to not fuck up horribly

even csgo, LoL, and overwatch devs are awful. the only times they added a new gun, champion, or hero, they were extremely overpowered and broken.

Because devs spend their time making the game, not playing it and so compared to top competitive players they're dogshit awful. That's why devs with atleast half a brain have a beta for their games to test new weapons/heroes/general balance changes and its working pretty well for Overwatch (I don't know shit about those other games tho xd). They also gather feedback from the community (generally the competitive community) on what needs to change.

These are all things the TF2 team does not do, or have done in the past and decided were not worth their time (balance changes in the beta, which ended when Valve shut the TF2 beta down).

posted about 8 years ago
#135 Global Whitelist Lists Post-Meeting in TF2 General Discussion

First iteration of global whitelist:
Admin Illuminate: "Guys we're going to unban the Jarate and Rescue Ranger (+others that aren't retarded)"
Comp TF2 Players: "Wow that's honestly so dumb here are paragraphs on why those unlocks are fucking disgusting"
Admin Illuminate: "Just give 'em a chance guys!!!!!"

Next iteration of global whitelist after several months:
Admin Illuminate: "o shit yeah those items were gimmicky and awful and not fun to play against at all we'll ban them"
Comp TF2 Players: "That's what we were saying all along we don't need testing to figure out those weapons are retarded but thank you for banning them <3"
Admin Illuminate: "Oh btw we're also going to unban the Quickfix and Sodapopper"
Comp TF2 Players: "Wow that's honestly so dumb here are paragraphs on why those unlocks are fucking disgusting"
Admin Illuminate: "Just give 'em a chance guys!!!!!"

Fucking hello? Its like we're dealing with Valve who think the Danger Shield is in a perfect state and Scout needs to be buffed except you guys actually play the fucking game and know better. FUCKING LOLHIGHLANDER PLAYERS FIGURED OUT THE SODAPOPPER IS AIDS WHY ARE WE MAKING THE SAME MISTAKES.

Why are we even unbanning shit after matchmaking was a royal fucking failure. Valve have barely touched it in months and the changes they have made are to how abandons are dealt with. They've clearly given up on matchmaking so why the fuck are we still pandering to them.

posted about 8 years ago
#40 240hz Asus Monitor in Hardware

240FPS on TF2 is probably unrealistic without some sort of optimisation, but I can hit 200FPS average on Overwatch with everything but shadows on the lowest settings (shadows on 'low', instead of 'off') with a 780Ti so I don't think 240FPS constant is out of the question with newer cards.

This monitor doesn't have the stupid elephant ears that the BenQ 240Hz monitor has for some stupid marketing reasons. Does anyone know if you can take those off the BenQ monitor because I use 2 monitors and my secondary monitor would be covered up by the BenQ monitor.

posted about 8 years ago
#8 dpi in Q/A Help

Having a higher DPI allows you to make smaller and more precise movements so technically 1600DPI 1 sens is better but going from 800DPI to 1600DPI isn't going to make a difference. This only really matters if you're going from like 100 to 200 or 200 to 400 for example, and that would be for a game like CS:GO where you're going for headshots at really long ranges with guns without scopes and shit and will probably make no practical difference in TF2 where you're aiming projectiles and shotgun style hitscan weapons. This video shows what I'm talking about and requires zooming in to even tell the difference.

ie: use whatever DPI gives you your preferred sensitivity in the desktop I guess.

posted about 8 years ago
#15 what introduced you to tf2? in TF2 General Discussion

Friend moved from Christchurch to Auckland after the 2011 quake. He talked about TF2 and got a bunch of my other friends playing so I got a laptop and started playing TF2 and the free copy of Portal 2 on Steam you get for buying the game on PS3. So I got into TF2 due to the Chirstchurch Earthquake.

posted about 8 years ago
#1 Valve Demo System Feedback in TF2 General Discussion

I tried out the demo system on its launch to give it a chance and Valve somehow managed to create a replacement for P-Rec that doesn't even support all the features P-Rec had so I went back to P-Rec and it turns out you can't even play casual with P-Rec installed so I figured I'd finally get around to making this thread. This thread is meant to discuss any shortfalls/missing features/bugs with the demo system and group them all into one place so if you have feedback that I haven't listed, speak up and I'll add it to the list. Also, if anyone knows how to contact Valve to give them this feedback that'd be cool.


  • ds_enable 3 (only record on tournament mode) works for pubs. I don't recall this being an issue on launch but I have dozens of demos from pub servers with this setting.
  • ds_enable 3 records upon entering a tournament mode enabled servers, not upon the start of the match ie: warmup is recorded.

Feature requests:

  • A demo naming format to change the names of our demos (eg: allow us to change the placement of date, time, map, teamnames etc in the filename).
    posted about 8 years ago
    #9 Sage's Linux FPS guide in TF2 General Discussion

    Might be slightly off-topic but has anyone figured out how to get the equivalent of 6/11 Windows sensitivity on Linux? Its the only thing stopping me from changing to Linux as a daily driver because I don't want to relearn my sensitivity for games that don't support raw input.

    posted about 8 years ago
    #2 Domination and Revenge Sounds in Q/A Help

    Go to Team Fortress 2 > tf > custom > sound > misc (similar to the folder you have your custom hitsound in (if you have one), except sound/misc instead of sound/UI), create a new plain text file and rename it to tf_domination, tf_revenge or tf_nemisis (names are self explanatory) and change the file extension to .wav. This should create a 0 byte .wav file with the name of the sound you want to disable. Tested in a private server and it worked, iunno about sv_pure 1/2 but it should be fine because I've used this same method for killstreak sounds and that works in sv_pure 2.

    posted about 8 years ago
    #17 FACEIT Tournament 11/18, Unofficial announcement in TF2 General Discussion

    I swear if you yanks waste this opportunity before it makes its way to EU and AU I'm gonna be very very sad so please sign up and stuff thank you :)

    posted about 8 years ago
    #20 Global Whitelist Meeting #2 in TF2 General Discussion
    GentlemanJonan Australian

    How dare you confuse my nationality for that of a nation of inferior rugby prowess.
    Edit: We lost to Ireland though so ???????

    posted about 8 years ago
    #17 Global Whitelist Meeting #2 in TF2 General Discussion

    Your desired candidate lost because more people have an opinion that differs to your's OK that's how democracy works now please keep your F- tier memes to yourself while we discuss important things like the next iteration of the Global Whitelist™

    posted about 8 years ago
    #2 Global Whitelist Meeting #2 in TF2 General Discussion

    Would probably be worthwhile gathering some info on what people deem to be "problem" weapons before the meeting so you can get down to business right away. Dunno where you'd do that because as you say this thread would turn to shit if we did it here.

    Public meeting sounds good though.

    posted about 8 years ago
    #16 Rosewill RK-9000V2 w/ mx blacks - $25 after rebate in Hardware

    Wowie $30 for a full size genuine Cherry Switch board is insanely good. There are decent boards around this place on aliexpress but they use (decent) Chinese knockoffs. If I had to guess why this board is so cheap it'd be because it doesn't have an autistic gamer aesthetic and no one wants it.

    BilbertThe Cherry MX Black switches are somewhat stiffer than the keys on the Apple Keyboard A1048 that I was using before.

    Yeah MX Blacks have a 60g actuation force whereas most Cherry switches are 45-50g, which is also normal for most membrane boards.

    BilbertOne thing I didn't expect is that the keys make a small twang sound when released. Is this normal for Cherry switches?

    This is completely normal for Cherry switches (unfortunately) due to how mechanical keyswitches work. As far as I know there are a few mods you can do to fix it if you care that much, but its definitely not a defect or anything.

    posted about 8 years ago
    #2 3v3 mge in TF2 General Discussion


    posted about 8 years ago
    #2 And The Contracts?? in TF2 General Discussion

    Sunday my dude.

    posted about 8 years ago
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