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Last Posted December 14, 2024 at 1:20 PM
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#1 Shine [community fragmovie] in Videos


I've spent the last couple months working on this fragmovie, hope you all enjoy it! :)

Special thanks to ikpure for giving me permission to use these demos, also shoutouts to Deer and pyxelize for helping me get caught up with new editing tools and features.

Much love to you all,

posted about 7 years ago
#125 Mapchamp by in TF2 General Discussion

Would like to see some cp_hoto mapchamp tbh, promising map

posted about 7 years ago
#31 inspirational quote bot in Off Topic WutFace relevant to the whole CNN thing

posted about 7 years ago
#13 Mixchamp died? in TF2 General Discussion
REM_TF2Please excuse me for hijacking this thread a little bit but this is sort of relevant to the original topic.

I've just come back to the game after a long break from TF2 and as a result, I'm even worse than I was before (played mid-ETF2L 6s and High in Highlander) and a lot of people won't even know me.

I was saddened to see that, my regular haunt, TF2Pickup is dead for now and mixchamp EU doesn't have any games running at all. As far as I know (please correct me if I'm wrong because I'd like to play vidya games), the only EU sites where you can play 6v6 games that aren't either dead or dying are Pugchamp EU and TF2center.

Pugchamp EU is a great site but the issue is it's a captain picking system. I sympathise completely with the captains on that site but it is depressing when you don't get picked for several games in a row and this does happen quite often. TF2center is aids, I don't think I really have to explain why.

My point is though is that I feel that it's difficult to get into some proper games of TF2 if you're a newer player or a player who is old/inexperienced like me and that is never good for a gaming scene as small as ours.

We wanna be doing everything we can to encourage new players into our community. I'd love to see another site that is all about providing a more realistic 6s (or HL) experience for people who are bored of the same old nonsense on TF2center but aren't good enough or well known enough to be picked on Pugchamp. This is what TF2Pickup used to do and now that it's not there, I really miss it.

Do you know about FACEiT's TF2 system?

posted about 7 years ago
#18 Heart of the Oak (5cp) in Map Discussion

I jumped around on b6 for a bit.

General feedback:
-I could be wrong, but this map seems longer than any map currently in the competitive rotation. There's probably a reason for comp 6s maps being generally around a certain length, but I couldn't tell you why. I speculate that it has to do with how fast respawning players can get back to an ongoing fight.

-If you want this map to make it into the competitive rotation, comparing it to cp_granary might be helpful, since I think this map is somewhat similar. A lot of people hate cp_granary for various reasons, with "too many tight choke points" being a major one, since it makes stalemates more common. For that reason, I might look into widening the entrance and/or removing the ceiling of 1 or 2 flank routes in total between last-2nd and 2nd-mid to allow for more fluid play/make sacrifice plays easier for both teams. The transition between 2nd-last seems especially chokey, since it's just the dropdown and 2 tiny doorways.

-I keep hitting my head on the ceiling arches on last and 2nd when jumping around; this might just be because I'm not used to having curved ceilings when jumping around comp tf2 maps and need to git gud. I would say keep them for now, but be sensitive to feedback.

-The cap area on the 2nd point is pretty big, bigger than most I've seen. Would need to see this in some sort of competitive play to give any judgement on whether that's good or bad though.

Edit: Made my formatting much easier to read

posted about 7 years ago
#5370 Frag Clips Thread in Videos

I don't see this edit posted here yet so

posted about 7 years ago
#41 gnomercy @ i61 in TF2 General Discussion
TwistedSin_eSportsAlso, side thought, I used to run some tournament organizing companies (even built a few communities around them). If you guys really want this to survive and be an amazing place and you're willing to crowd fund, should check into finding companies that will host tournaments regularly.

I mean, it seems like we already have those companies in place, although I guess it depends on what you mean by "regularly." As far as I know TF2's been a part of the i-series for quite a while now, for which we crowdfund top teams once a year. Recently we also held an event of similar caliber in California with the ESA Rewind LAN, about which Wade, one of the main organizers, has said:

WadeESAI'm sure I'm forgetting so many people but I just want to say how much I truly enjoyed making this event a possibility. I would love to have a Rewind 2.0 and don't see a reason why it wouldnt happen!

So I guess we're doing okay?

That makes potentially two international LANs per year. We're a very generous community, but without external financial support I don't think we can feasibly fund top teams to fly between continents more than twice a year.

On a much smaller scale, shoutout to FACEiT for setting up their small biweekly online tournaments in both NA and EU.

posted about 7 years ago
#20 Highlight: Kaptain vs. LEGO in Videos
aurahhow did you achieve the smooth panning shots with the freecam, plugin? Also, sick edits.

Check out this thread, should tell you what you need to know :D

posted about 7 years ago
#13 Looking for Some Good Games to Play in Off Topic

If you get PUBG, definitely make sure your specs are up to par. My PC is just barely able to run it, meaning I tend to lose straight-on fights as I get between 6 and 20fps. Even with those limitations, I'm really enjoying this game. It's great if you love outsmarting other players on the fly.

Life is Strange is available for $5, definitely play that if you haven't yet. I'm not exaggerating when I say that that game has the best story I've ever seen in a video game.

posted about 7 years ago
#18 Legalize Ranch picked up by new org? in TF2 General Discussion
GetawhaleShamoo, Jarrett - NOW it's time to fundraise and go to England

On that note, I'm really hoping that at some point all these orgs can start providing some financial support for teams to go to LANs like i61, would be big for the scene

posted about 7 years ago
#7 AFC 11 Division 1 Grand Final: Burger Apocalypse vs. bb tommy in Events

posted about 7 years ago
#27 mashups thread in Off Topic

Run DMC x Undertale

posted about 7 years ago
#71 TF2 Blog: "Balance Changes" in TF2 General Discussion

I gotta say, I'm really impressed with Valve for nerfing the xbow in an intelligent way, god knows how many pages of heated discussion we had about the weapon on this site just a couple months ago, and as far as I know everyone's happy with this change.

posted about 7 years ago
#8 i61 5-a-side Sesh in Off Topic

Goalies or nah?

posted about 7 years ago
#12 Highlight: Kaptain vs. LEGO in Videos

Why do you have ingame sound (/weapon sound effects) on some frags but not others?

I love your style of visual editing, but the lack of attention to sound in this clip is really holding you back from greatness IMO.

posted about 7 years ago
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