I felt the earthquake he predicted ama
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SteamID64 | 76561197998832956 |
SteamID3 | [U:1:38567228] |
SteamID32 | STEAM_0:0:19283614 |
Country | New Zealand |
Signed Up | August 4, 2012 |
Last Posted | October 24, 2021 at 5:39 AM |
Posts | 643 (0.1 per day) |
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I felt the earthquake he predicted ama
couple a pics of my dog
peak internet comedy in this thread, keep the laughs coming fellas
DreamboatNerf the projectile speed of the crossbow. Makes it harder to hit long range arrows on a player actively in an engagement, but keeps it super easy to hit someone out of a fight.
I don't think that really fixes the main issue with the crossbow. Losing a fight because someone gets healed 150 across the map is annoying, yeah, and I think at the very least the heal should be nerfed to a flat 75 at all ranges. But the biggest issue is the medic can heal the team up immediately after any engagement. It used to be you could actually push off damage, and health advantage was a big thing. Now it's pretty much irrelevant and stalemate holds have devolved into the attacking team throwing a player/offclass at the other team until they get an important pick.
So basically, ban crossbow.
momma didn't raise no quitter
I think the cow mangler being allowed is a bad decision. It's basically a complete upgrade to stock so a) if the original is your preference then you're just at a straight disadvantage and b) if you prefer stock rl you are at a disadvantage unless you use this weapon which is a complete eyesore to gameplay. Also iirc the projectiles are a lot more difficult to see which is another needless advantage. The charged shots are fun to use, yeah, but other than that what does it add to gameplay? This "we need to whitelist as many weapons as possible just to the point the game is almost but not quite broken" mindset is so pointless. I sure am glad I don't play in esea! :)
I don't know if it's related but I think I've been hearing of people getting issues with snd_mixahead lately. What's your value? Try setting it to the default (0.1).
GrapeJuiceIIIsometimes i drink orange juice
Really doing a disservice to your username there
SherwoodfanTW3 ruined all RPG games for me, save perhaps for Skyrim.
you might not have had very high standards for role playing game games in the first place
DoomsdayexeI don't get why it's so hard for the '''''''premiere'''''' talent our game has to offer to not act like edgy 13 year olds for 5 minutes.
grinding mge doesn't leave a lot of time for grinding social skills
what if I discriminate against all kinds of different people equally?
Comanglia the reason this matters is that the higher off the surface your mouse is on the lower the DPI/sensitivity will feel.
this doesn't make any sense to me, can you explain why?
eye bags are caused by burst blood vessels, so rub them a lot
holofernesShiftawhere do you live?uh Nelson. I'm not active in the ozf/oceania scene, played a bit years ago but now I'm just a lurker.
if you were in wellington we could hang out :~)
holofernesI've had huge social issues and fluctuating bad depression for years. Often feel like an uninteresting, unlovable loser and that there's no one I can connect with/be understood by. Haven't really made any progress socially since I've been at uni. I know it's partly my fault since I don't exactly advertise myself as a friendly happy-go-lucky guy but I really don't want to have to be putting on a facade all the time.
Probably not unique problems among the gaming community.
where do you live?