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Last Posted January 18, 2016 at 1:57 PM
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#73 ETF2L Season 23 details emerge as signups open in News
sheepy_dogs_handNusemanI don't get why people think pcw results mean anything, sheepy it seems you're just trying to put us down however you can. Let's just let the playoffs do the talking, I look forward to playing them.
What I wasn't trying to put you down you are very mistaken mate. I think you are a solid team and could easily be prem. I just think that teams with good screenshots should get straight in and ones without should get playoffs. I dont see how that means I hate you.

I think it doesn't matter what you think, it's admins decision. Just skip the whole 'pcw-jpg-results' and make playoffs for every team that could and want to go to prem realistically speaking. Just because you practised and have a lot of screenshots doesn't mean you are the better team. Following your logic since you practised more you should easily beat the other teams who didn't have the time to practise right? Just win the 'formality' sheepy_dogs_hand :)

posted about 9 years ago
#40 Why do roamers sit in the backseat in TF2 General Discussion
PendjiBonafidePeople find different ways to play. And ETF2L used to have everything banned except equalizer and kritz if I remember correctly Yeah but I'm just saying. Even when they were allowed for a while nobody really used them. It's odd to see them be straight up default now. I personally love it, but guess it's been a few years really.

It is because of the changes to demo, he's more vulnerable now so needs more heals, which means that the pocket would be sitting around doing nothing. Gunboats alleviate this by giving the pocket some more mobility so he can help or do some small things on his own.

posted about 9 years ago
#62 Favourite aspect of competitive tf2? in TF2 General Discussion
PendjiAlso the fact it's entirely skill based but also made incredibly tactical by having an uber/kritz. Without it it'd just be a deathmatch fest. If you're out of grenades in CS, it barely matters if you're good at shooting stuff.

I think the CS remark there is a bit extreme (gamesense>utility>aim), but yes, utility is important.

The big plus I find that makes the game attractive is the classes system, you feel that you are playing a pivotal role in the whole 'machine' so to speak. I do have to say that I really truly hope that with the introduction of MM somewhere soon Valve Time (TM), the focus will shift more towards the competitive aspect. I think the TF2 crew has also noticed that the competitive aspect could play a big role and that showing off your e-peen (skins) is a big money machine. So best case scenario is an optimized (close to current league style) MM system which will attract new players and at the same time make them see what each class is capable of and how complex yet fun comp TF2 can be.

posted about 9 years ago
#33 How much of a disadvantage is 60hz vs 120hz? in TF2 General Discussion
sage78SiTeHBu0mbbTL;DR: Feels smoother, actual improvement most likely negligible and/or a placebo type effect.At 60Hz it will take 16 ms to get to the next frame where a 120 Hz it will be 8 ms
You could basically flick like a retard all the time without getting a headache

Yep, yet during the flick images are blurred meaning you might not spot enemies. Just saying it is a logical conclusion that higher Hz and fast movements go better together than low Hz and fast movements.

posted about 9 years ago
#9 Mouse Uncomfortable in Certain places in TF2 General Discussion

I think everyone has this at some angles, just re-center your mouse before engaging/peeking corners?
And often uncomfortable just means you aren't used to it. Practise these shit/off angles for a bit and you'll see
it gets better.

posted about 9 years ago
#30 How much of a disadvantage is 60hz vs 120hz? in TF2 General Discussion

You don't necessarily 'see' the extra Hz actively, you just get this 'wow everything is so smooth' feeling.
Having said that, More Hz mainly works for classes that look around themselves fast; the additional Hz reduces blurring so lets say you quickly swipe from checking left to right a scout pops up at the left edge of your vision, the image is still clear enough for you actually see this scout whereas 60Hz might be too blurry.

I've mainly started noticing this in when playing CSGO with friends, sometimes when they looked around I could see the enemy clearly where they claimed there was nothing.

TL;DR: Feels smoother, actual improvement most likely negligible and/or a placebo type effect.

posted about 9 years ago
#35 cp_gravelpit testing in Map Discussion

If A/D type maps would get into the comp rotation, it would be a good thing because you actually now have 3 different viable gametypes: 5cp, koth & A/D. As far as I know most comp games are focused (realistically) around 1 gamemode so this would make TF2 quite unique (again).

The few times I played gpit ages ago it was quite fun and different. I think the problem indeed lies in the difference (as discussed here earlier) because it requires teams to go over strats for both offense and defense. The symmetry element present in koth and 5cp is gone here so maybe that's why it feels bad/different.

If the concern is for the viewers..a simple addition to the HUD or a manual overlay stating red=defense, blue=offense would fix that. Alternatively, I don't see this as a strong argument against; Dota2 is quite a complex game for an outsider with many heroes and many items, yet they get a lot of viewers. I think it only comes naturally during an A/D map that when there is a stalemate casters will talk about the map and the do's and don'ts, so any confused viewer will get clarification.

So to come back to the viability of the map, it's (almost) off-season for 6v6 right? Why not set up a small cup in between seasons? It would give everyone the opportunity to play the map and when the mapvotes come up for next season people can vote after having had their own experience on it (rather than 'I don't like sideshow and he likes the map so Imma vote against')

posted about 9 years ago
#8 Playing at lower than native resolution - why? in Q/A Help

The fat scoot is easier to hit :)

posted about 9 years ago
#17 Sweden increase terrorist risk level - Dreamhack in TF2 General Discussion
DamnEasySiTeHBu0mbbI guess demoman cosplay at dreamhack is a bad idea now.
How does that make any sense

Demolition man, to demolish? No? ok :(

posted about 9 years ago
#13 Sweden increase terrorist risk level - Dreamhack in TF2 General Discussion

I guess demoman cosplay at dreamhack is a bad idea now.

posted about 9 years ago
#97 Hassassin_ cheat evidence. in TF2 General Discussion

Hacks are hacks. If I got to play against an ex-cheater or someone who cheats in pubs 'for teh lolz' would I trust this person to play clean? Of course not, he/she has shown that integrity/fair play or whatever you want to call it doesn't matter to him.

Leagues should have a list of 'trusted' ban-programs, meaning that if you get VAC banned, EAC banned, etc you're out. So far I only know of VAC being used in this way, why not expand it to other trusted sources that operate in a similar fashion?

posted about 9 years ago