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SteamID64 76561198064718307
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SteamID32 STEAM_0:1:52226289
Country United States
Signed Up October 31, 2015
Last Posted April 23, 2016 at 7:24 PM
Posts 26 (0 per day)
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Hardware Peripherals
Mouse Razer Naga Epic Chroma
Keyboard Razer Black Widow Chroma Mechanical
Mousepad Razer Firefly Hard Gaming Mousepad
Headphones Audio-Technica ATH-M50S
Monitor Asus Monitors (1x 1920x1080, 2x 1600x900)
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#377 b4nny v thalash in TF2 General Discussion

It's like we fell into middle school or something...

posted about 8 years ago
#2 TF2 Stream Screenshots in TF2 General Discussion

Pause the minute the video starts to play and LOOK at my stream title. *cringes*

posted about 8 years ago
#24 is mcdonalds sweet tea too sweet? in Off Topic

It's too watery, that's what it is. :P

posted about 8 years ago
#2 Keyboards questions in Hardware

This is on my wishlist and is the keyboard used by three of my kids, all competitive gamers:

posted about 8 years ago
#125 ESEA S21 Playoffs: froyotech vs. Street Hoops eSports in Matches
gecksI know some people may have been against the fact Buick and I acknowledged the person that caused all of this tonight, because in the end that's what they want, but the reasoning behind it was sound in my opinion.

At that point, everyone knew what was going on, and why it was happening. It could no longer be played off as simple internet issues. So, we thought it would be best to address it considering there were 2,000+ people watching. As I said on stream, I'm sure for many of those people it was their first time experiencing competitive TF2. I believe it was more important to let those people know that yes, some twat is ruining the match this evening, but it's not typical of TF2, and it really is a great game, here's how to get involved, etc etc.

Your reasoning is solid and I support it.

posted about 8 years ago
#102 tf2 guilty pleasures in TF2 General Discussion
Pertkilling friendlies

THIS. Also, my alt account saves my TF2 soul.

posted about 8 years ago
#61 I didn't know this about ESEA, did you? in TF2 General Discussion

This is a great reminder for everyone. I learned this one the hard way, with my kids.

ALWAYS check the details carefully when making online purchases. I've had the same thing happen purchasing other goods and services, too...things you would never guess would be recurring payments.

posted about 8 years ago
#142 mango playing tf2 in TF2 General Discussion

He was a lot of fun to watch! It's been pretty cool seeing some of the biggest streamers give TF2 a try; entertaining and good for the game.

posted about 8 years ago
#73 The Underbelly in Off Topic

Damn, you all have some scary stories! The closest I can come is this...

I woke up in the middle of the night, but didn't move or open my eyes. Lying there, I could smell really bad body odor and thought WTF? I mean, I knew it wasn't me or my then-husband, who was asleep beside me! I became more alert, trying to make sense of it, afraid to move, when I realized I could also sense outside air in the room. I stayed frozen for the longest time, but decided the best course of action was to just move a little in bed. If someone was in the house, they would know someone was awake?

Eventually, I sat up and saw that our front door was wide open. Nothing had been stolen.

posted about 8 years ago
#8 betting fake money on tf2 bots for prizes in TF2 General Discussion
joddSilkPennyTF2 bots playing matches? Fine. Betting on matches with virtual currency? Fine. Delivering non-human, quasi-gaming content on Twitch? Not okay with that.why's that?

Because I feel like Twitch is a platform for human gaming content. (Outside of Creative, of course.) The bot almost always takes one of the five spots on the TF2 launcher page and I think it doesn't represent Twitch or its TF2 community well. I'd rather see our best players or streamers featured there. If the idea is to bring more players into the game, having a bot stream featured constantly...well, I don't think it's luring more players to TF2. It's a passive stream, you know?

posted about 8 years ago
#5 betting fake money on tf2 bots for prizes in TF2 General Discussion

TF2 bots playing matches? Fine. Betting on matches with virtual currency? Fine. Delivering non-human, quasi-gaming content on Twitch? Not okay with that.

posted about 8 years ago
#48 College in Off Topic

Just popping in to send support and congratulations to all of you kids heading off to college. My five kids are in various stages of entering, currently attending or leaving college and I know it can be pretty stressful. Hang in there!

posted about 8 years ago
#1 Quick Chuckle From Ronin v. Froyotech Match in Videos

One of my cats couldn't decide with was more fascinating to her - the gameplay or the chat...

posted about 8 years ago
#985 stream highlights in Videos

Not sure if the channel is still maintained, but here are way too many, totally-not-frag highlights. :P

NSFW, none of them...

First time I tried jarate (aka apple juice on my channel):

First time I tried demoknight:

A "Bot or Not" test fail:

When our solly became a wall-mounted rocket sentry:

Slow Motion TF2:

Why, Yes, We ARE Pub Medics:

First-Time Spy: "I shouldn't be stabbing him THERE!"

posted about 8 years ago

Rejected for my Twitch channel as "being too much like you, Mom..."

Instead used:

Would've gone to A LOT more trouble if I'd known my face would end up being on sprays, memes and GIFs.

posted about 8 years ago
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