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SteamID64 76561197963035456
SteamID3 [U:1:2769728]
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Country United States
Signed Up November 11, 2013
Last Posted January 20, 2014 at 1:30 AM
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#3 Stream Request: New Jersey in Requests

Set up, thanks for the quick work guys, I'll be throwing down tomorrow for the pre-season and hope to have a good intro for the game.

posted about 10 years ago
#1 Stream Request: New Jersey in Requests

Been streaming for a year and three months. Did the Round Robin finals with Kip. Been casting live every monday with UGC matches. Thanks to school and work I can only stream on Mondays and the occasional holiday when I can do a cast on a demo.


SteamID: The Entire State of New Jersey
Channel: (Old Username)
Casting Experience: Company of Heroes, Supreme Commander, StarCraft 2, Team Fortress 2, Street Fighter, MVC3.
Casters: Just me, though people say I could use a co-caster.

Age: 25 (And damn it sucks)
Stream Times: Monday Night (9:30 Est or whenever the damn game starts)
Casting Style: Explosive, but with analysis
Trademark: Witty explanations and catchy terms coined usually every cast.

I always get consent from both teams before casting a match and I cast any league though prefer Highlander (It's just more entertaining for me.) and any division (If you say it's a Steel match and you're going to jump the medic with a frying pan, I'm holding you to it.)

Hopefully this goes through before the season actually begins this monday, but no rush if it doesn't.

posted about 10 years ago