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Signed Up April 30, 2016
Last Posted April 1, 2017 at 10:13 PM
Posts 6 (0 per day)
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#626 Comanglia's Config / FPS Guide in Customization

After nitpicking with the config a bit I think I found that "mat_drawTitleSafe" is the command that shows those weird lines, setting it to 0 should get rid of them.

posted about 7 years ago
#624 Comanglia's Config / FPS Guide in Customization

Just started using Felik's config, and yeah noticed these red and yellow lines upon the main menu. Does anyone know what command affects this or how to fix it?

posted about 7 years ago
#1 Inaccurate Framerate/FPS in Q/A Help

Lately i've been having this issue with TF2 (and maybe Killing Floor) where I get inaccurate fps values. For Example, there are certain maps where I KNOW I can get 30-60 FPS on but TF2 would still show it as 12-20 FPS. (Tested with Net graph, cl_showfps, and Steam overlays' FPS counter)

Same goes with Killing Floor, most maps I can get 60 FPS on but it'll only show up as 20-30 FPS. (Tested with Steam Overlays' FPS counter)

Does anyone know how to fix this?
PS: I even tried switching DirectX levels and using different FPS configs but they show the same results.

posted about 8 years ago
#504 Comanglia's Config / FPS Guide in Customization

Since the Meet your match update was released, does anyone think this config needs to be updated at all?

posted about 8 years ago
#101 Overwatch HUD in Customization
nimtraindecencypls add an option to remove that fuckin overheal and hurt screen effect
literally right "fuckin" here, you dingus

EDIT: Reply to #99

You can disable the blur (the blur removes the crosshair and the map vote) by going to the folder named "dx8_overrides/resource/ui" and copying "winpanel.res" from that folder and putting that into the HUD's ui folder.

It will still have the black overlay, but it shouldn't be too bad now that without the blur you can see your weapon viewmodel and other elements. If you don't like this at all, then you can just delete winpanel.res from resource/ui.

EDIT 2: Reply to #100

I don't think I'll move the control point icons down, the HUD was made with competitive players in mind and I don't think any ESEA match would be played on Junction.

Where in the HUD files is "EventColor"? I can't find it anywhere.

I don't think I'll be creating a 4:3 version for the buff overlay, sorry. I have only met like, 6 people that use 4:3 resolution on a day-to-day basis. I also won't be animating individual health crosses. OW does this, but I'm not exactly sure how I could do that.

Right, thanks.

posted about 8 years ago
#99 Overwatch HUD in Customization

Is there an option to disable the end of the round screen?
I know it's intended to make it like OW, but it's kinda buggy.
1) You can't see your crosshair nor the map vote
2) It makes some cosmetics or your player disappear for weird reason
3) It's a bit too dark.

I'll get screenshots whenever I can.

posted about 8 years ago