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Signed Up November 28, 2012
Last Posted September 17, 2021 at 9:06 PM
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#7 streaming - losing practically all my frames in Hardware

Twitch was having some problems yesterday. Try again today maybe.

posted about 12 years ago
#5 Working versions of these emulators? in Off Topic

Use the new site.

posted about 12 years ago
#22 P-REC broken after update? in TF2 General Discussion

I'm making one of these. Works on Windows so far, doing a Linux test in a bit.

Edit: Works on Linux.

posted about 12 years ago
#11 P-REC broken after update? in TF2 General Discussion
LeatherSockWell thanks for the temp fix <3 don't think running -insecure is too big of a deal

You won't be able to play on any vac secured servers (aka every server ever) though, so it's not very useful right now.

posted about 12 years ago
#9 P-REC broken after update? in TF2 General Discussion

I was not implying that Valve is responsible for it, I am saying that they are the only ones that can do anything about it since Orange is long gone.

I don't know what goes into getting a plugin signed or what is required by Valve. Maybe they compile the source for you, I don't know.

The only thing we have here is a patched binary which differs by 2 bytes. If they can do something with that, perfect. Otherwise, I guess we are out of luck.

Edit: This won't work anyways since the client interface for calling functions has changed.

posted about 12 years ago
#12 Where can I contact Orange (creator of PREC)? in TF2 General Discussion
atomic-penguinI wonder what is needed other than the hl2sdk-ob-valve sdk from alliedmodders to compile an extension?

All that's required is the hl2sdk, well just bits of it. For the bare minimum, you need just a few specific headers which is enough information to create the plugin object.

As for making a useful plugin, that requires much more work.

Edit: There is a sample plugin project for visual studio inside the sdk if you were wondering. Also, there is information on the Valve Developer Wiki on how to modify and compile it.

posted about 12 years ago
#7 P-REC broken after update? in TF2 General Discussion

My patch is the equivalent of a recompilation with the fix; I didn't need the source code to fix the plugin. So if all Valve needs is the binary, you can take the fame and send it to them:


posted about 12 years ago
#5 P-REC broken after update? in TF2 General Discussion

I was able to successfully patch and load the plugin binary, but that is only with -insecure in the launch options. Modifying the binary must have affected how the game sees it as a signed or unsigned plugin.

All I did to patch the plugin was hex edit "VFileSystem019" to "VFileSystem020" since the latest update changed the interface version number. It's up to Valve then to fix this one since Orange has pretty much stopped supporting this plugin by taking his site down.

posted about 12 years ago
#7 Where can I contact Orange (creator of PREC)? in TF2 General Discussion

I can whip up something simple... if you'll test it, that is.

posted about 12 years ago
#9 Overclocking Potential in Hardware
Geknaiir@sizzling: I read some guides on how to overclock and the potential for it. Would you think something around 3.4-3.6 would be fine, assuming that my computer never heats up anymore with my "aftermarket" fan.

I wouldn't set a goal right away, you should just get a feel for what you are doing then decide how fast you want it running.

Remember, with your chip, you have to increase a base clock which affects other components. This means that you need to lower the multipliers of your memory, HT bus, NB, and anything else that uses the base frequency in order to keep them close to default values while you increase the cpu frequency.

posted about 12 years ago
#3 Overclocking Potential in Hardware

It might be a bit tough for you if you haven't overclocked before. The chip you have has a locked cpu multiplier, so if you do overclock it, you will be doing so by incrementing a base frequency which also affects other components in your system.

Do some googling and read up about how the non black edition chips work with respect to overclocking. If you do learn enough to overclock your cpu, I'd say not to go too far above the recommended voltage for your chip, or keep it as a limit if you want to be safe. Wikipedia says the range for your chip is 0.975 - 1.425 V.

edit: low temperatures are good too. < 70 load i guess

posted about 12 years ago
#16 Strange lag!? in Hardware

This is the driver I tried originally

Those are pretty old. Did you give the most recent WHQL driver a try? 310.70

edit: those are beta, not whql, whoops. try them anyways i guess

posted about 12 years ago
#14 Strange lag!? in Hardware

What was the original driver version that you tried?

posted about 12 years ago
#17 Sizzling & Techno's new stat plugin in TF2 General Discussion
kaceWould it be possible to have a "Damage Taken" stat? I don't know if the source engine would even allow that but it would be cool to look at.

Yeah, that can be done.

posted about 12 years ago
#15 Sizzling & Techno's new stat plugin in TF2 General Discussion
cinqCan you also add !stats? All my commands and those from other PUG channels use the "!" character for the commands. I plan to include a similar MOTD stats system on my PUG / scrim servers, that would be neat if we can have a standard for getting the stats to show up.

I'd rather stick with the .command syntax to be sure that there will never be any command conflicts between our plugins, but we'll see.

posted about 12 years ago
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