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Signed Up July 18, 2012
Last Posted June 29, 2021 at 9:07 AM
Posts 326 (0.1 per day)
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#5 habib interview (coachs corner) in TF2 General Discussion

who does the best shawarma in toronto

posted about 4 years ago
#44 RGL Main S5 Happenings/Discussion in TF2 General Discussion
footsockswhile the thread is still hot why was redd's team bumped down to main

we were getting 15 min 5-0ed every scrim against adv teams

posted about 4 years ago
#11278 stream highlights in Videos

reminder that reaction vids/clips fall under fair use

posted about 4 years ago
#11055 stream highlights in Videos

posted about 4 years ago
#1 RGL S3 Div 1 GF: Mofu March vs. Destructive Criticism in Matches

go coo coo cachoo!

posted about 4 years ago
#10691 stream highlights in Videos

posted about 4 years ago
#58 yomps Family Fundraiser announced in News
jediflamasterWell I hope they're on board with this.

Thing is I don't know their particular situation. That'd be pretty useful info. I also personally knew a sniper main who suicided and a soldier main who attempted to, both from poor families. Nobody ran charities for anyone then. I guess celebrities are just better than everyone else.

What the hell kind of dogshit comment is this.

Obviously I'm sorry for your friends. It sucks when anyone you know takes their life. I understand you might feel resentful that you/their families/etc had to deal with those deaths without community support.

But the "I guess celebrities are just better than everyone else." is just so tone deaf I just can't imagine how you can honestly think that. If you're going to consider yomps a 'celebrity' (if that exists in tf2?), you have to think about what that means in the context of the community. He was exposed to FAR more people than your average player. Think about how many people in the yomps thread had personally interacted with him. He's also one of the VERY few people in TF2 that seemed to have exclusively positive interactions with people. So if you meet a lot of people, and everyone you meet remembers and liked your interaction, it follows that all of those people are going to care in a tragic situation such as this.

Maybe you should have stepped up and run a charity for your friends if it was something you cared about that much. Or you could just make a bitter post on a forum when someone else gets an outpouring of love from a community that he contributed so much to.

posted about 4 years ago
#44 SEXIEST TF2 PLAYERS in TF2 General Discussion

posted about 4 years ago
#30 SEXIEST TF2 PLAYERS in TF2 General Discussion

posted about 4 years ago
#59 rgl promod survey in TF2 General Discussion

Obviously med speed removal won't take us straight back to i52 chad pocket era but if it gave the pocket role any more relevance I'd be so excited. Not only was it the most fun version of TF2 I'd played, but it also really felt like it required far more thought than after med buff.

The thing I miss most was the prevalence of low uber ad pushes. You could see when a top team absolutely knew they had like 8% ad and made the push work. Idk if I'm just not watching the right games but I never see that anymore, and I feel that's almost certainly to do with the ability of the med to evade the uber for an extra couple of seconds.

Definitely feel like dry pushing was more common in the pre-zoomer days too, where you could push and take ground and even potentially catch their med out of position (and if they're keeping their med too far away for you to catch they're probably giving up free ground). Now it seems there's almost no benefit because even if you do go for a dry push it's far more difficult to catch their med out of position, and if you try you're almost definitely overextending for the pick.

I guess I just don't see any skill-based benefit to med speed buff, for any class. Without speedy meds your meds 100% have to have good positioning, balance that line between giving good heals and putting yourself in a shitty spot. Your scouts have to rely on movement and just take less damage, as they can't run at anything with beam constantly on them. Pocket class gets reintroduced into the game. Doubt we'll see the mike/lansky/yuki solo ubers again but it'll definitely be more viable to have a pocket jump when their med can't literally just run away. Just feel like it's taken a lot of thought away from med/scout, and opportunities away from pocket (and roamer).

All that said I'm definitely I'd definitely agree with a preseason cup not so much for testing (as it was played for years), but to refresh everyone's memory/get everyone used to it before a season.
Also I guess I'm pretty bummed that RGL didn't even consider it for this season. RGL admins/sigafoo don't like trad 6es meta, this would be a huge shakeup (that most players here seem to agree would be for the better) and could even make other offclasses more viable? Scout ubers being less viable makes pyro stronger, meds not zooming around makes it easier for spies to stab them. Engy stays about the same though so maybe that's why.

posted about 4 years ago
#32 what is the your most satisfying thing in tf2? in TF2 General Discussion

fat surfs

posted about 4 years ago
#54 Favorite 'scene' in a Frag Vid? in Videos
ShearsEasily one of the most creative and interesting intros to a frag vid out there:

seems to be an ozf specialty, this is probs my fav intro:
(the flrl poop feast meter at 2:50 is a good bit too)

posted about 5 years ago
#28 Favorite 'scene' in a Frag Vid? in Videos

Most hyped I've ever been for a spy frag ^

the badlands rollout and subsequent sheep clip set to a live version of phantom pt 2 is probably my #1
(1:33 onwards)

posted about 5 years ago
#74 frag videos that inspired you to play competitive in Videos

this was the first TF2 frag vid I'd ever seen, and probably was the reason I picked up demo

posted about 5 years ago
#7 ozfortress Season 25 announced in News

Prizepool pog plus probs my fav ozf logo of all time

posted about 5 years ago
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