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Signed Up June 3, 2014
Last Posted December 6, 2017 at 8:01 AM
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#85 spotify year in review in Music, Movies, TV

mac daddy

posted about 7 years ago
#15 SUOMI 100 in World Events

posted about 7 years ago
#41 Lowpander i61 Fundraiser in TF2 General Discussion

uubers @lan sick phat pop

posted about 7 years ago
#33 Babdysky is over ? in The Dumpster

man stop fucking with adysky so he doesn't get sad and always remove me even tho i'm innocent :(

posted about 7 years ago
#14 Just watching the game 8) in Off Topic

Visited Latvia last year to witness every stores play matches featuring their TF2 gang of SDB, forsak3n etc. Was surprised!

posted about 7 years ago
#31 favorite old school tf2 videos in Videos

well I guess it's clear that Prem by CUBE is a must-post to every thread like this. It's also a must-watch for me on a monthly basis. Ameizing shit.

posted about 7 years ago
#21 New alle team in TF2 General Discussion

smzi and alle are like kevin durant and russell westbrook. really good, and the other one has his own share of haters. gl bois!

posted about 7 years ago
#44 DAMN. in Music, Movies, TV

While I agree that HUMBLE. especially seems like a song to please the masses, I think Kendrick is still experimenting. I think the album is a good 2nd place runner after Tupab, which still is one of the greatest rap/hip hop albums of all time. I spent all weekend repeating this album and going in-depth with the songs and I think that the amount of production and that so called depth made this album great. Absolutely love the background tunes like PRIDE's. Anyone notice this album has shit ton of references to religion? Maybe that denied its passage to the best Kendrick album yet Kappa

posted about 7 years ago
#6 Cookye returns in TF2 General Discussion

smzi baby is u bek?

posted about 7 years ago
#15 most viewed frag video in tf2 in TF2 General Discussion

Yes, PREM should be the most viewed frag movie.

e: so many great fragvids with such a little audience, for example V.I.E.R by dob is dope as f also.

posted about 8 years ago
#260 ohboy in TF2 General Discussion
martenSnapeI wanted to write an essay about the topic, but seems like a lot of people have already brought up the rational opinions that this issue has badly needed. There are a lot of trolls/stupid people in the forum, but if you keep an open mind, you can find the criticism you need to follow! I've had a long night behind me, so sorry if the comment is hard to follow, love yo' faces!

- snappe

You managed to misspell your own name :?

nah, it's snappe, evolution bro

posted about 8 years ago
#244 ohboy in TF2 General Discussion

I wanted to write an essay about the topic, but seems like a lot of people have already brought up the rational opinions that this issue has badly needed. There are a lot of trolls/stupid people in the forum, but if you keep an open mind, you can find the criticism you need to follow! I've had a long night behind me, so sorry if the comment is hard to follow, love yo' faces!

- snappe

posted about 8 years ago
#92 cookye makes a comeback in TF2 General Discussion

I highly doubt that he's back, seeing that he hasn't played any games for 2 years according to Of course it might be an "official only" thing but you really shouldn't go around downvoting people like phoenix who bring that up xd. Cookye and broder were a joy to watch, and as a finn I know cookye is the most respected member in our country among most of the generations. Hopefully we'll see him competing in ow/tf2/etc in the future, definetly a very pleasant gamer to spectate.

posted about 8 years ago
#93 Starkie retires from TF2, kaptain rejoins Se7en in News

Hyped for my boy puoskari, he's gonna slam.
Sad to see another legend move on, respect to you Stark! Hopefully we will see you compete in other games in the future like ipz said.

posted about 8 years ago
#8 ETF2L S26 W1: Arctic Foxes vs. nunya in Matches

cash rules everything around me
dolla dolla bill y'all

posted about 8 years ago
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