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Signed Up June 3, 2014
Last Posted December 6, 2017 at 8:01 AM
Posts 72 (0 per day)
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#407 PugChamp in Projects

Can you implement a / fix the feature which automatically pre-readies you when you add up? I heard this was already in place but bugs with it have appeared or smth.

posted about 8 years ago
#16 Terrorist attack (IS claims attack) in Nice, France in World Events

Shitposters really should think twice before trying to gain attention.....

Best wishes for the victims and their families, i'll spend a silent night.

posted about 8 years ago
#8 How To Watch Competitive TF2: A WIP in Videos
GazI appreciate the effort you put into this but people either enjoy watching competitive or they dont. Imo you should focus on other things. If you think explaining the format helps new people with their viewing experience you are dead wrong because viewers who are not invested balls deep in the scene won't care about uber and player advantage, they are interested in what happens on screen. Explaining the format won't stop new players from giving up on watching after experiencing a 25 minute stalemate.

I do know a lot of people who are interested in spectating the game but not playing it at all. So I see this video as a great effort and timesaver atleast for me :D Instead of explaining all the basics they can just watch this tl;dr video

posted about 8 years ago
#2 How To Watch Competitive TF2: A WIP in Videos

Maybe introduce briefly the main classes and the offclasses?

posted about 8 years ago
#78 in Off Topic


posted about 8 years ago
#36 Kindest people you have played against/with in TF2 General Discussion

SteveyJJ and HYS used to be very helpful guys in-side and outside the game few years back ++

posted about 8 years ago
#28 Most Toxic people you ever played against/with? in The Dumpster

average ow matchmaking players

posted about 8 years ago
#165 GoT season 6 in Music, Movies, TV

^ in the final scene boats with tyrell and martell sigils were spotted. My theory is that some time had passed between the dorne-scene and the final scene. Thus giving time for varys n' friends to get back to dany and sail to westeros. Iirc GRRM has said in an interview that the chapters of his book can be a pov spanning from 2 hours to 2 months or something like that.

E: reddit delivers I guess :D. Also Martell sigils* not dornish.

E2: Rip bae Margaery ;CCC. Killed by Darth Cersei

posted about 8 years ago
#278 what are you listening to right now? in Music, Movies, TV

posted about 8 years ago
#163 Rest In Peace Britian in World Events

E: when the vote came as close as 52-48 I think it's quite a shame the #leave -side of the table got some crucial extra percentages throught hate politics and racism. Not claiming that #leavevoters are racist, in fact I think most of them are in for the #wearetheengland #letusmakeourlaws #anddealwithppl, it's just that a lot of people seem to think voting against EU "helps against the f**king turks and polaks who steal our jobs!!!"

posted about 8 years ago
#97 NBA Playoffs in Off Topic

Raptors 4-3 Cavs. They somehow make it happen xd okc vs warriors is ought to be epic tho

posted about 8 years ago
#1 spudd joins nameLess in News

not expected Kappa

posted about 8 years ago
#5 Dreamhack Summer Qualifier 1 Groups in Events


posted about 8 years ago
#540 Giving out matchmaking passes in TF2 General Discussion

I got a few just add me

posted about 9 years ago
#174 i55 in TF2 General Discussion

big kane to take it all

posted about 9 years ago
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