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SteamID64 76561198016939095
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Country United Kingdom
Signed Up August 28, 2016
Last Posted August 14, 2018 at 4:28 PM
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#2 i63 extra PC? in LAN Discussion

Hijacking this cause I'm in the same boat :(

I live abroad and only decided to go last minute, if anyone has a PC I could borrow until the Sunday I would be very thankful! Happy to pay something in money or drinks if anyone has anything to lend that's better than my bad laptop.

posted about 6 years ago
#620 Fantasy TF2: Let’s do this! in Projects

The first Week 3 game is in an hour and more transfers aren't given for another 12 hours.

Is it just set to always reset transfers at a certain time per week, or should there always be new transfers before a new week of games starts?

posted about 7 years ago